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Last active March 16, 2023 07:57
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Unity URP Custom Lit ShaderGraph - BlinnPhong (Wire in the inputs, then add Diffuse + Specular)
/* IN(5): SpecColor(4), Smoothness(1), WPos(3), WNormal(3), WView(3) */
/* OUT(2): Diffuse(3), Specular(3) NdotL(1) for toon ramp: point fltr +clamp mode */
void CalculateLights_half(half4 SpecColor, half Smoothness, half3 WPos, half3 WNormal, half3 WView,
out half3 Diffuse, out half3 Specular, out half NdotL)
Diffuse = 0;
Specular = 0;
NdotL = 0;
Smoothness = exp2(10 * Smoothness + 1); // WNormal = normalize(WNormal); WView = SafeNormalize(WView);
Light light = GetMainLight(); // Main Pixel Light
half3 attenCol = light.color * light.distanceAttenuation * light.shadowAttenuation;
Diffuse = LightingLambert(attenCol, light.direction, WNormal); /* LAMBERT */
Specular = LightingSpecular(attenCol, light.direction, WNormal, WView, SpecColor, Smoothness); /*Blinn-Phong*/
NdotL = dot(light.direction, WNormal) * 0.5 + 0.5; // NdotL [-1..1] normalized [0..1] for toon ramp
int pixelLightCount = GetAdditionalLightsCount();
for (int i = 0; i < pixelLightCount; ++i)
light = GetAdditionalLight(i, WPos);
attenCol = light.color * light.distanceAttenuation * light.shadowAttenuation;
Diffuse += LightingLambert(attenCol, light.direction, WNormal);
Specular += LightingSpecular(attenCol, light.direction, WNormal, WView, SpecColor, Smoothness);
float4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(WPos);
float shadowAtten = SampleShadowmap(shadowCoord, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_MainLightShadowmapTexture, sampler_MainLightShadowmapTexture),
GetMainLightShadowSamplingData(), GetMainLightShadowStrength(), false);
// ShaderLibrary Lambert and Phong lighting functions : in Lighting.hlsl //
// Lighting Functions + PBL //
half3 LightingLambert(half3 lightColor, half3 lightDir, half3 normal)
half NdotL = saturate(dot(normal, lightDir));
return lightColor * NdotL;
half3 LightingSpecular(half3 lightColor, half3 lightDir, half3 normal, half3 viewDir, half4 specular, half smoothness)
float3 halfVec = SafeNormalize(float3(lightDir)+float3(viewDir));
half NdotH = saturate(dot(normal, halfVec));
half modifier = pow(NdotH, smoothness);
half3 specularReflection = specular.rgb * modifier;
return lightColor * specularReflection;
half3 LightingPhysicallyBased(BRDFData brdfData, Light light, half3 normalWS, half3 viewDirectionWS)
half NdotL = saturate(dot(normalWS, light.direction));
half3 radiance = lightColor * (lightAttenuation * NdotL);
half3 brdf = brdfData.diffuse;
return brdf * radiance;
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xCyborg commented Feb 5, 2021

Pure RAMPS!!! Toon + Stepped

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xCyborg commented Feb 5, 2021

And here are the [Files...] 54kb .shadergraph as .gif

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