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pytest exceptiongroups helpers
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from ._compat import BaseExceptionGroup
E = TypeVar("E", bound=BaseException)
ExceptionMatch = Union[
Tuple[Type[E], ...],
Callable[[E], bool],
def flattened_exceptions(group: BaseExceptionGroup) -> List[Exception]:
exceptions = []
for e in group.exceptions:
if isinstance(e, BaseExceptionGroup):
exceptions += flattened_exceptions(e)
return exceptions
def _flattened_exceptions_if_not_none(
group: Optional[BaseExceptionGroup],
) -> Optional[List[Exception]]:
if group is not None:
return flattened_exceptions(group)
return None
def filtered_flattened_exceptions(
exception_match: ExceptionMatch,
group: BaseExceptionGroup,
) -> Tuple[Optional[List[Exception]], Optional[List[Exception]]]:
matched, others = group.split(exception_match)
return (_flattened_exceptions_if_not_none(matched), _flattened_exceptions_if_not_none(others))
"""WARNING: This module is experimental.
Only import this from within a test suite! This is not meant to be used at runtime.
Filtering exception groups for certain exceptions while maintaining expected behavior
from pytest.raises which fails a test if either:
- the expected exception is not thrown
- a different kind is thrown
- `raises_in_group` takes this one step further and fails the test
if the group contains an exception that was not expected
cattrs is using the exceptiongroup backport package from PyPI
This is also further inconvenient because:
- PEP-654 (exception groups) includes language features in CPython >= 3.11
- We aim to support Python 3.6
- The backport package's `except*` implementation tries its best but isn't all that great
- Python 3.11 is in its pre-release stages and exceptiongroup adoption among libraries is limited
- Pytest currently has no ongoing work or discussions for this
- Even the `unittest` module in the current 3.11 pre-release does not offer any additional support
It relies on internal pytest APIs which are succeptible to change at any time.
Where needed, we pass `_ispytest=True` to suppress warnings.
import warnings
from inspect import getfullargspec
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Optional, Type, cast
from _pytest._code import ExceptionInfo
from pytest import fail
from ._compat import BaseExceptionGroup, ExceptionGroup
from .exceptiongroups import ExceptionMatch, flattened_exceptions
BYPASS_PYTEST_INTERNAL_WARNING = "_ispytest" in getfullargspec(ExceptionInfo.__init__).kwonlyargs
class PytestInternalAPIChangedError(Exception):
class RaisesExceptionGroupContext(object):
"""Captures the only (or first of, if allow_multiple=True) exception in a group.
This is based on _pytest.python_api.RaisesExceptionContext.
def __init__(
self, exception_match: ExceptionMatch, match_expr: str = None, allow_multiple=False
self.exception_match = exception_match
self.match_expr = match_expr
self.allow_multiple = allow_multiple
self.excinfo: Optional[ExceptionInfo] = None
def __enter__(self):
self.excinfo = ExceptionInfo.for_later()
return self.excinfo
def __exit__(
exc_type: Type[BaseException] = None,
exc_value: BaseException = None,
traceback: TracebackType = None,
assert self.excinfo
if exc_type is None:
if not issubclass(exc_type, BaseExceptionGroup):
fail(f"NAKED EXCEPTION WAS RAISED: {repr(exc_value)}")
exc_group = cast(BaseExceptionGroup, exc_value)
(matched_exc, others) = exc_group.split(self.exception_match)
if matched_exc is None:
fail(f"DID NOT RAISE {self.exception_match} IN EXCEPTION GROUP")
if others is not None:
warnings.warn(f"Unexpected exceptions: {others!r}", stacklevel=2)
raise ExceptionGroup(
"Thrown group contained unexpected exceptions", others.exceptions
) from exc_value
exceptions = flattened_exceptions(matched_exc)
if len(exceptions) > 1 and not self.allow_multiple:
fail(f"GROUP CONTAINED MORE THAN ONE {self.exception_match}")
exc = exceptions[0]
exc_info = (type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__)
self.excinfo.__init__(exc_info, _ispytest=True) # type: ignore
self.excinfo.__init__(exc_info) # type: ignore
except BaseException as e:
msg = (
"Failed to populate exception info, please open an issue over at "
"Make sure to mention your Python and Pytest versions!"
raise PytestInternalAPIChangedError(msg) from e
if self.match_expr is not None:
return True # suppress exception
def raises_in_group(exception_match: ExceptionMatch, match_expr: str = None, allow_multiple=False):
"""Captures the only (or first of, if allow_multiple=True) exception in a group.
Fails the test in the following order:
- No exceptions are thrown
- Thrown exception is not an exception group
- Thrown group does not contain expected exception
- Thrown group contained unexpected exceptions
- (if allow_multiple=False): Thrown group contains more than one of the expected exception
- (if matched_expr is not None): First matched exception does not match the passed regex
exception_match: Same as ExceptionGroup.subgroup
match_expr: Same as pytest.raises. If set, will only check against the first found exception.
If you need to capture multiple exceptions from a group, you should instead
use `pytest.raises(BaseExceptionGroup)` and consider
using `typecats.exceptiongroups.filter_flattened_exceptions`, though you will
need to account for any other unmatched exceptions on your own.
return RaisesExceptionGroupContext(exception_match, match_expr, allow_multiple)
from functools import partial
import pytest
from housecats._compat import ExceptionGroup
from housecats.exceptiongroups import filtered_flattened_exceptions, flattened_exceptions
def sample_group():
raise ExceptionGroup(
"Sample Error",
"Sample Error 2",
"Sample Error 3",
"Sample Error 2.1",
except ExceptionGroup as e:
return e
def sample_flat():
"""Manually flattened sample_group, in lexical (or line-by-line) order from top to bottom"""
return [
def test_flattened_exceptions(sample_group, sample_flat):
for i, exc in enumerate(flattened_exceptions(sample_group)):
assert isinstance(exc, type(sample_flat[i]))
assert exc.args == sample_flat[i].args
get_value_errors = partial(filtered_flattened_exceptions, ValueError)
get_type_errors = partial(filtered_flattened_exceptions, TypeError)
def test_filtered_flattened_exceptions(sample_group):
value_errors, non_value_errors = get_value_errors(sample_group)
assert value_errors
assert len(value_errors) == 3
type_errors, _others = get_type_errors(sample_group)
assert type_errors
assert len(type_errors) == 2
def test_filtered_flattened_exceptions_tuple(sample_group):
expected = [
matched, others = filtered_flattened_exceptions((ValueError, TypeError), sample_group)
assert matched
assert others
for i, exc in enumerate(matched):
assert isinstance(exc, type(expected[i]))
assert exc.args == expected[i].args
assert len(others) == 1
assert isinstance(others[0], NameError)
assert others[0].args == ("a",)
def test_filtered_flattened_exceptions_predicate(sample_group):
def _is_value_under_3(exc: Exception):
return int(exc.args[0]) < 3
except ValueError:
return False
get_errors_under_3 = partial(filtered_flattened_exceptions, _is_value_under_3)
expected_matched = [
expected_others = [
matched, others = get_errors_under_3(sample_group)
assert matched
assert others
for i, exc in enumerate(matched):
assert isinstance(exc, type(expected_matched[i]))
assert exc.args == expected_matched[i].args
for i, exc in enumerate(others):
assert isinstance(exc, type(expected_others[i]))
assert exc.args == expected_others[i].args
def test_filtered_flattened_exceptions_match_all_others_return_none(sample_group, sample_flat):
matched, others = filtered_flattened_exceptions(lambda _: True, sample_group)
assert others is None
assert matched
for i, exc in enumerate(matched):
assert isinstance(exc, type(sample_flat[i]))
assert exc.args == sample_flat[i].args
def test_filtered_flattened_exceptions_match_none(sample_group, sample_flat):
matched, others = filtered_flattened_exceptions(lambda _: False, sample_group)
assert matched is None
assert others
for i, exc in enumerate(others):
assert isinstance(exc, type(sample_flat[i]))
assert exc.args == sample_flat[i].args
import warnings
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import pytest
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
from housecats._compat import ExceptionGroup
import housecats.pytest_utils as pytest_utils
from housecats.pytest_utils import PytestInternalAPIChangedError, raises_in_group
class UnitTestFailure(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
super().__init__(self, *args)
def _throw_instead_of_fail(*args):
raise UnitTestFailure(*args)
def mocked_fail(mocker: MockerFixture):
mocked_fail = mocker.patch.object(pytest_utils, "fail")
mocked_fail.side_effect = _throw_instead_of_fail
return mocked_fail
def test_fails_if_nothing_raised(mocked_fail):
with pytest.raises(UnitTestFailure, match="NO EXCEPTIONS RAISED"):
with raises_in_group(TypeError):
def test_fails_if_naked_exception_raised(mocked_fail):
with pytest.raises(UnitTestFailure, match="NAKED EXCEPTION WAS RAISED"):
with raises_in_group(TypeError):
raise TypeError("This is not encapsulated in a group")
def test_fails_if_group_does_not_contain_type(mocked_fail):
with pytest.raises(UnitTestFailure, match="DID NOT RAISE <class 'TypeError'>"):
with raises_in_group(TypeError):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [ValueError()])
with pytest.raises(
UnitTestFailure, match=r"DID NOT RAISE \(<class 'TypeError'>, <class 'NameError'>\)"
with raises_in_group((TypeError, NameError)):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [ValueError()])
with pytest.raises(UnitTestFailure, match=r"DID NOT RAISE <function"):
def match_nothing(x: BaseException):
return x.args == ("a", "b")
with raises_in_group(match_nothing):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [ValueError()])
def test_fails_if_group_has_more_than_one(mocked_fail: MagicMock):
with pytest.raises(UnitTestFailure, match="GROUP CONTAINED MORE THAN ONE <class 'TypeError'>"):
with raises_in_group(TypeError):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError(), TypeError()])
with raises_in_group(TypeError, allow_multiple=True):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError(), TypeError()])
def test_fails_if_group_has_unexpected_error():
with pytest.raises(ExceptionGroup, match="unexpected exceptions"):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
with raises_in_group(ValueError):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError(), ValueError()])
assert len(w) == 1
warning = w[0]
assert "Unexpected exceptions" in warning
assert "ExceptionGroup('', [TypeError()])" in warning
def test_throws_pytest_api_changed_error(mocker: MockerFixture):
with pytest.raises(PytestInternalAPIChangedError, match=""):
with raises_in_group(TypeError) as e:
mocked_init = mocker.patch.object(e, "__init__")
mocked_init.side_effect = RuntimeError("Pytest api changed")
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError()])
def test_correctly_populates_forward_exception_reference(mocked_fail):
with raises_in_group(TypeError) as e:
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError(1)])
assert isinstance(e.value, TypeError)
assert e.value.args[0] == 1
def test_correctly_populates_reference_with_first_instance_in_group(mocked_fail):
with raises_in_group(TypeError, allow_multiple=True) as e:
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError(1), TypeError(2), ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError(3)])])
assert isinstance(e.value, TypeError)
assert e.value.args[0] == 1
def test_match_expr(mocked_fail):
with raises_in_group(TypeError, "something happened!"):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError("something happened!")])
with raises_in_group(TypeError, "something happened!", allow_multiple=True):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError("something happened!"), TypeError(2)])
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
with raises_in_group(TypeError, "something happened!", allow_multiple=True):
raise ExceptionGroup("", [TypeError("something else happened!"), TypeError(2)])
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