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Coding for Fun

Deshi Xiao xiaods

Coding for Fun
View GitHub Profile
def triangle(a, b, c)
raise TriangleError if [a,b,c].min <= 0
x, y, z = [a,b,c].sort
raise TriangleError if x + y <= z
[:equilateral,:isosceles,:scalene].fetch([a,b,c].uniq.size - 1)
def triangle(a, b, c)
if a == 0 || b == 0 || c == 0
raise TriangleError
if((a+b < c) || (a+c < b) || (b+c < a))
raise TriangleError
if a == b && b == c # && a == c
elsif a == b || b == c || c == a
xiaods /
Last active January 2, 2019 17:06
Google reader have gone, Setting Up Your Free Private Feed Reader.使用OpenShift的免费空间,配合Tiny-Tiny-Rss直接部署一个在线版的Rss Reader,经试用,支持中文挺好的。
  1. 下载tiny-tiny-rss source code
cd ~/src/git 
clone git://
  1. 创建openshift空间
xiaods / gist:952663
Created May 3, 2011 01:19 — forked from anonymous/gist:887026
reverse proxy for tumblr,reference
upstream tumblr {
server {
listen 80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/jyorr.access.log;
xiaods / gist:924997
Created April 18, 2011 08:34 — forked from thokra/gist:660949
batik highcharts imager convertor
class SvgController < ApplicationController
require 'active_support/secure_random'
def create
# create an SVG image
# based on Highcharts index.php
batik_path = Rails.root.to_s() + '/vendor/batik/batik-rasterizer.jar'
svg = params[:svg]
filename = params[:filename].blank? ? "chart" : params[:filename]
user app;
worker_processes 2;
error_log /home/app/logs/nginx.error.log info;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
xiaods / gist:420453
Created June 1, 2010 01:31 — forked from wayneeseguin/gist:296055
rvm and rails3 setup follow
This example shows how to setup an environment running Rails 3 beta 3 under 1.9.2-head with a 'rails3' gem set.
∴ rvm update --head
# ((Open a new shell)) or do 'rvm reload'
# If you do not already have the ruby interpreter installed, install it:
∴ rvm install 1.9.2-head
# Switch to 1.9.2-head and gemset rails3, create if it doesn't exist.
∴ rvm --create use 1.9.2-head@rails3
xiaods / gist:337218
Created March 19, 2010 04:06 — forked from gerhard/etc_default_php-fastcgi
REE + nginx + Passenger + MySQL + mysql gem + git on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic
# inspiration
# sudo this sudo that bollocks
sudo -i
# system-related stuff
apt-get install htop strace sysstat
dpkg-reconfigure sysstat
apt-get install ntp
xiaods / testhelpers.rb
Created February 27, 2010 15:53
test single ruby helper
require "rubygems"
require "test/unit"
require "stringio"
module Test::Unit
# Used to fix a minor minitest/unit incompatibility in flexmock
# AssertionFailedError =
class TestCase