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Created January 12, 2017 23:11
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/* wsHook.js
* Reference:
var wsHook = {};
(function() {
// Mutable MessageEvent.
// Subclasses MessageEvent and makes data, origin and other MessageEvent properites mutatble.
function MutableMessageEvent(o) {
this.bubbles = o.bubbles || false;
this.cancelBubble = o.cancelBubble || false;
this.cancelable = o.cancelable || false;
this.currentTarget = o.currentTarget || null; = || null;
this.defaultPrevented = o.defaultPrevented || false;
this.eventPhase = o.eventPhase || 0;
this.lastEventId = o.lastEventId || "";
this.origin = o.origin || "";
this.path = o.path || new Array(0);
this.ports = || new Array(0);
this.returnValue = o.returnValue || true;
this.source = o.source || null;
this.srcElement = o.srcElement || null; = || null;
this.timeStamp = o.timeStamp || null;
this.type = o.type || "message";
this.__proto__ = o.__proto__ || MessageEvent.__proto__;
var before = wsHook.before = function(data, url) {
return data;
var after = wsHook.after = function(e, url) {
return e;
wsHook.resetHooks = function() {
wsHook.before = before;
wsHook.after = after;
var _WS = WebSocket;
WebSocket = function(url, protocols) {
var WSObject;
this.url = url;
this.protocols = protocols;
if (!this.protocols)
WSObject = new _WS(url);
WSObject = new _WS(url, protocols);
var _send = WSObject.send;
var _wsobject = this;
WSObject.send = function(data) {
data = wsHook.before(data, WSObject.url) || data;
_send.apply(this, arguments);
// Events needs to be proxied and bubbled down.
var onmessageFunction;
WSObject.__defineSetter__('onmessage', function(func) {
onmessageFunction = func;
WSObject.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
e = new wsHook.after(new MutableMessageEvent(e), this.url) || e;
e = new MessageEvent(e.type, e);
onmessageFunction.apply(this, [e])
return WSObject;
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