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Last active October 9, 2016 21:31
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  • Save xioustic/b467bfe9b9e166ed4e87c51859657975 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xioustic/b467bfe9b9e166ed4e87c51859657975 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
boxstarter profile

How to Make This Work

START iexplore<link to this raw file>

This works because MD headers are comments in PowerShell

Install Windows Updates

Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula

OS Configuration

Standard Stuff

Disable-GameBarTips Disable-BingSearch

Windows Explorer Options

Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar -EnableExpandToOpenFolder -DisableOpenFileExplorerToQuickAccess Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -DisableShowRecentFilesInQuickAccess -DisableShowFrequentFoldersInQuickAccess

Taskbar Options

Set-TaskbarOptions -Lock -Dock Bottom -Combine Full

TODO: Detect Screen Height and use that to Decide Taskbar Size

Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small

Server Stuff

Disable-InternetExplorerESC Enable-RemoteDesktop


Common App Dependencies

cinst javaruntime dotnet4.5 vcredist2015 vcredist2013 vcredist2010 vcredist2008


cinst googlechrome firefox adobereader

File Utilities

cinst 7zip vlc libreoffice tor-browser spotify mpc-hc gimp youtube-dl

Security / Admin Apps

cinst malwarebytes windirstat lockhunter openvpn veracrypt procexp



cinst microsoft-build-tools cinst git -params "'/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath'"


cinst heidisql putty conemu winscp winmerge


cinst vim sublimetext3 visualstudiocode


cinst mingw ghc golang cinst jdk8 android-sdk cinst nodejs python ruby lua cinst php strawberryperl cinst erlang elixir

Install Windows Updates One More Time, Just in Case

Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula

TODO: Write chocolatey ShutUp10 Package, apply from cmd line

TODO: Modify Firefox for Privacy:


Fix checksum errors either by ignoring them or installing latest chocolatey first and foremost, then supply our own checksums if they're not available.

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