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Created March 23, 2013 22:28
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use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008;
sub main {
my $server_path = "/home/vagrant/git/jubatus/build/src/server/jubaclassifier";
my $conf_dir = "/home/vagrant/eval/conf";
my $client_path = "/home/vagrant/eval/bin/eval_svmdata";
my @data_result_array = (
["/home/vagrant/eval/data/news20.scale", "/home/vagrant/eval/cv/news20"],
["/home/vagrant/eval/data/usps", "/home/vagrant/eval/cv/usps"],
["/home/vagrant/eval/data/letter.scale", "/home/vagrant/eval/cv/letter"],
["/home/vagrant/eval/data/ijcnn1", "/home/vagrant/eval/cv/ijcnn1"],
["/home/vagrant/eval/data/w7a", "/home/vagrant/eval/cv/w7a"],
["/home/vagrant/eval/data/mnist.scale", "/home/vagrant/eval/cv/mnist"],
opendir(my $cdh, $conf_dir);
my @conf_array = grep {$_ =~ /\.json$/} sort readdir $cdh;
#splice @conf_array, 2 if @conf_array > 2;
my $fold_num = 5;
foreach my $d_r (@data_result_array) {
my $data = $d_r->[0];
my $result_dir = $d_r->[1];
system("mkdir -p $result_dir") unless -d $result_dir;
split_for_cv($data, $result_dir, $fold_num);
foreach my $conf (@conf_array) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid < 0) {
die "fork fail!";
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
exec("$server_path -f $conf_dir/$conf");
} else {
my $result_num = 0;
while ($result_num < $fold_num) {
system("rm -f $result_dir/result_$conf");
foreach my $i (0..$fold_num-1) {
my $cmd = "$client_path $result_dir/train-$i $result_dir/test-$i >> $result_dir/result_$conf";
print "$cmd\n";
$result_num = `wc -l $result_dir/result_$conf | cut -d " " -f 1`;
chomp $result_num;
kill(15, $pid);
system("rm -f $result_dir/train-* $result_dir/test-*");
sub split_for_cv {
my ($data_f, $out_dir, $fold_num) = @_;
open(my $ifh, '<', $data_f) or die $!;
my @trfh_array;
my @tefh_array;
foreach my $i (0..$fold_num-1) {
open(my $trfh, '>', "$out_dir/train-$i") or die $!;
open(my $tefh, '>', "$out_dir/test-$i") or die $!;
push @trfh_array, $trfh;
push @tefh_array, $tefh;
while (my $line = <$ifh>) {
my $i = int(rand($fold_num));
print {$tefh_array[$i]} $line;
foreach my $j (0..$fold_num-1) {
print {$trfh_array[$j]} $line unless $j == $i;
close($_) foreach @trfh_array;
close($_) foreach @tefh_array;
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