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REM nvim --headless --listen localhost:7777
@ECHO off
FOR /F %%I IN ('wsl.exe wslpath -a -u %1') DO @SET "FILE_PATH=%%I"
C:\Python310\Scripts\nvr.exe --nostart --servername localhost:7777 -p "file://%FILE_PATH%"
y0ug / BootstrapWin.ps1
Last active December 3, 2022 00:14
Bootstrap windows 10 machine
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(""))
$kmsserver = ""
$gvlk = "W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX" #windows10/11 pro
Set-TimeZone -Name "Romance Standard Time"
$features = @(
import sys
import os
import shutil
import datetime
import json
import base64
import argparse
import logging
import requests
import random
y0ug /
Created December 23, 2021 09:58
function to write/read from windows reg export
import sys
import zlib
import io
import re
from configparser import ConfigParser
import binascii
import argparse
import struct
import socket
from datetime import datetime
y0ug /
Last active December 29, 2021 03:10
Using Qiling to resolve obfuscated import on windows
# Emulate sample to resolv obfuscated import with qiling
# Just one way to do it, this method is kind of slow.
# You need to have all the required DLL in the 'rootfs'
# Classic getprocaddress by hash we hook after the call
# read EAX and resolv the name from ql.loader.import_symbols
# compute the address of the mov operand
# generate the idapython code
# python3 sample.exe | tee
# idapython is in at the end
y0ug /
Created July 9, 2020 11:59
PE x64 emulation with Triton
#!/usr/bin/env python
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from triton import TritonContext, ARCH, CPUSIZE, MemoryAccess, OPCODE, Instruction
import os
import sys
import string
Triton = TritonContext()

Android Emulator


brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
brew cask install android-sdk
brew cask install intel-haxm


y0ug /
Last active December 22, 2015 00:28
import rrdtool
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import time
import datetime
class GraphPing(object):
def __init__(self, target, reset=False):
y0ug / -
Created March 8, 2015 01:23
" Color
"colo evening
" Enable syntax
syntax on
" Enable smarttab
filetype plugin indent on
" Tab settings
y0ug / -
Created November 15, 2014 16:55
y0ug@h4ze /tmp % python out_gdata.txt
expected_results = {
'': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)',
'': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus) (Engine A)',
'': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)',
'eicar_lha.bin': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)',
'eicar_gz.bin': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)',
'eicarhqx_binhex.bin': 'Virus: Trojan.Script.135850 (Engine A)',
'eicar_mime.bin': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)',
'eicar_cab.bin': 'Virus: EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)',