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Created July 9, 2020 11:59
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PE x64 emulation with Triton
#!/usr/bin/env python
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from triton import TritonContext, ARCH, CPUSIZE, MemoryAccess, OPCODE, Instruction
import os
import sys
import string
Triton = TritonContext()
def getMemoryString(addr):
s = str()
index = 0
while Triton.getConcreteMemoryValue(addr+index):
c = chr(Triton.getConcreteMemoryValue(addr+index))
if c not in string.printable: c = ""
s += c
index += 1
return s
def getFormatString(addr):
return getMemoryString(addr) \
.replace("%s", "{}").replace("%d", "{:d}").replace("%#02x", "{:#02x}") \
.replace("%#x", "{:#x}").replace("%x", "{:x}").replace("%02X", "{:02x}") \
.replace("%c", "{:c}").replace("%02x", "{:02x}").replace("%ld", "{:d}") \
.replace("%*s", "").replace("%lX", "{:x}").replace("%08x", "{:08x}") \
.replace("%u", "{:d}") \
# Simulate the strlen() function
def strlenHandler():
print('[+] Strlen hooked')
# Get arguments
arg1 = getMemoryString(Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rdi))
# Return value
return len(arg1)
def putsHandler():
print('[+] puts hooked')
# Get arguments
arg1 = getMemoryString(Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rcx))
return 1
# Simulate the printf() function
def printfHandler():
print('[+] printf hooked')
# Get arguments
arg1 = getFormatString(Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rdi))
arg2 = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rsi)
arg3 = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rdx)
arg4 = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rcx)
arg5 = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.r8)
arg6 = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.r9)
nbArgs = arg1.count("{")
args = [arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6][:nbArgs]
s = arg1.format(*args)
# Return value
return len(s)
hookTable = [
('msvcrt.dll::strlen', strlenHandler),
('msvcrt.dll::printf', printfHandler),
('msvcrt.dll::puts', putsHandler),
importTableBaseAddr = 0x10000000
importTable = [
haltFct = [
def hookingHandler():
pc = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(
for entry in importTable:
if entry[1] == pc:
print('[*] call %s' % entry[0])
if entry[0] in haltFct:
print('[*] byebye!')
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(, 0)
# default set EAX to 0 in case no hook are process
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rax, 0)
for hk in hookTable:
if hk[0] == entry[0]:
# Emulate the routine and the return value
ret_value = hk[1]()
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rax, ret_value)
# Get the return address
ret_addr = Triton.getConcreteMemoryValue(MemoryAccess(Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rsp), CPUSIZE.QWORD))
# Hijack RIP to skip the call
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(, ret_addr)
# Restore RSP (simulate the ret)
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rsp, Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rsp)+CPUSIZE.QWORD)
# Emulate the CheckSolution() function.
def emulate(pc):
print('[+] Starting emulation.')
i= 0
while pc:
# Fetch opcode
opcode = Triton.getConcreteMemoryAreaValue(pc, 16)
# Create the Triton instruction
instruction = Instruction()
# Process
if not Triton.processing(instruction):
print('[*] failed to process instruction, skipping it')
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(, instruction.getNextAddress())
if instruction.getType() == OPCODE.X86.HLT:
# Simulate routines
# Next
pc = Triton.getConcreteRegisterValue(
i += 1
if i == 1000: break
print('[+] Emulation done.')
def loadBinary(path):
import lief
binary = lief.parse(path)
baddr = binary.optional_header.imagebase
for s in binary.sections:
vaddr = baddr + s.virtual_address
size = s.virtual_size
print('[+] Loading %s 0x%06x - 0x%06x' %(, vaddr, vaddr + size))
Triton.setConcreteMemoryAreaValue(vaddr, s.content)
return binary
def makeImport(binary):
# Perform our own import resolving
baddr = binary.optional_header.imagebase
cur_addr = importTableBaseAddr
for imp in binary.imports:
for fct in imp.entries:
name = '%s::%s' % (,
Triton.setConcreteMemoryValue(MemoryAccess(baddr + fct.iat_address, CPUSIZE.QWORD), cur_addr)
print('[+] Import %s 0x%08x -> 0x%08x' % ( name,
baddr + fct.iat_address, cur_addr))
importTable.append([name, cur_addr])
cur_addr += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set the architecture
# Load the binary
binary = loadBinary(sys.argv[1])
# Perform our own relocations
# Define a fake stack
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rbp, 0x7fffffff)
Triton.setConcreteRegisterValue(Triton.registers.rsp, 0x6fffffff)
# Let's emulate the binary from the entry point
[+] Loading .text 0x401000 - 0x402b88
[+] Loading .data 0x403000 - 0x4030c0
[+] Loading .rdata 0x404000 - 0x404880
[+] Loading .pdata 0x405000 - 0x405270
[+] Loading .xdata 0x406000 - 0x4061f0
[+] Loading .bss 0x407000 - 0x407980
[+] Loading .idata 0x408000 - 0x40876c
[+] Loading .CRT 0x409000 - 0x409068
[+] Loading .tls 0x40a000 - 0x40a010
[+] Loading /4 0x40b000 - 0x40b480
[+] Loading /19 0x40c000 - 0x44f18b
[+] Loading /31 0x450000 - 0x452967
[+] Loading /45 0x453000 - 0x456476
[+] Loading /57 0x457000 - 0x457a68
[+] Loading /70 0x458000 - 0x45880e
[+] Loading /81 0x459000 - 0x45bfb9
[+] Loading /92 0x45c000 - 0x45c4d0
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::DeleteCriticalSection 0x004081d4 -> 0x10000000
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::EnterCriticalSection 0x004081dc -> 0x10000001
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetCurrentProcess 0x004081e4 -> 0x10000002
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetCurrentProcessId 0x004081ec -> 0x10000003
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetCurrentThreadId 0x004081f4 -> 0x10000004
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetLastError 0x004081fc -> 0x10000005
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetStartupInfoA 0x00408204 -> 0x10000006
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0040820c -> 0x10000007
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::GetTickCount 0x00408214 -> 0x10000008
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::InitializeCriticalSection 0x0040821c -> 0x10000009
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::LeaveCriticalSection 0x00408224 -> 0x1000000a
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0040822c -> 0x1000000b
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::RtlAddFunctionTable 0x00408234 -> 0x1000000c
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::RtlCaptureContext 0x0040823c -> 0x1000000d
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::RtlLookupFunctionEntry 0x00408244 -> 0x1000000e
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::RtlVirtualUnwind 0x0040824c -> 0x1000000f
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x00408254 -> 0x10000010
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::Sleep 0x0040825c -> 0x10000011
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::TerminateProcess 0x00408264 -> 0x10000012
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::TlsGetValue 0x0040826c -> 0x10000013
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x00408274 -> 0x10000014
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::VirtualProtect 0x0040827c -> 0x10000015
[+] Import KERNEL32.dll::VirtualQuery 0x00408284 -> 0x10000016
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__C_specific_handler 0x00408294 -> 0x10000017
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__getmainargs 0x0040829c -> 0x10000018
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__initenv 0x004082a4 -> 0x10000019
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__iob_func 0x004082ac -> 0x1000001a
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__lconv_init 0x004082b4 -> 0x1000001b
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__set_app_type 0x004082bc -> 0x1000001c
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::__setusermatherr 0x004082c4 -> 0x1000001d
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::_acmdln 0x004082cc -> 0x1000001e
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::_amsg_exit 0x004082d4 -> 0x1000001f
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::_cexit 0x004082dc -> 0x10000020
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::_fmode 0x004082e4 -> 0x10000021
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::_initterm 0x004082ec -> 0x10000022
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::_onexit 0x004082f4 -> 0x10000023
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::abort 0x004082fc -> 0x10000024
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::calloc 0x00408304 -> 0x10000025
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::exit 0x0040830c -> 0x10000026
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::fprintf 0x00408314 -> 0x10000027
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::free 0x0040831c -> 0x10000028
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::fwrite 0x00408324 -> 0x10000029
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::malloc 0x0040832c -> 0x1000002a
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::memcpy 0x00408334 -> 0x1000002b
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::puts 0x0040833c -> 0x1000002c
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::signal 0x00408344 -> 0x1000002d
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::strlen 0x0040834c -> 0x1000002e
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::strncmp 0x00408354 -> 0x1000002f
[+] Import msvcrt.dll::vfprintf 0x0040835c -> 0x10000030
[+] Starting emulation.
0x4014a0: sub rsp, 0x28
0x4014a4: mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x2fe5]
0x4014ab: mov dword ptr [rax], 0
0x4014b1: call 0x401620
0x401620: push r12
0x401622: push rbp
0x401623: push rdi
0x401624: push rsi
0x401625: push rbx
0x401626: sub rsp, 0x30
0x40162a: mov rbx, qword ptr [rip + 0x1a6f]
0x401631: movabs rax, 0x2b992ddfa232
0x40163b: mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x20], 0
0x401644: cmp rbx, rax
0x401647: je 0x40165e
0x40165e: lea rcx, [rsp + 0x20]
0x401663: call qword ptr [rip + 0x6ba3]
[*] call KERNEL32.dll::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
0x401669: mov rsi, qword ptr [rsp + 0x20]
0x40166e: call qword ptr [rip + 0x6b78]
[*] call KERNEL32.dll::GetCurrentProcessId
0x401674: mov ebp, eax
0x401676: call qword ptr [rip + 0x6b78]
[*] call KERNEL32.dll::GetCurrentThreadId
0x40167c: mov edi, eax
0x40167e: call qword ptr [rip + 0x6b90]
[*] call KERNEL32.dll::GetTickCount
0x401684: lea rcx, [rsp + 0x28]
0x401689: mov r12d, eax
0x40168c: call qword ptr [rip + 0x6b9a]
[*] call KERNEL32.dll::QueryPerformanceCounter
0x401692: xor rsi, qword ptr [rsp + 0x28]
0x401697: mov eax, ebp
0x401699: movabs rdx, 0xffffffffffff
0x4016a3: xor rax, rsi
0x4016a6: mov esi, edi
0x4016a8: xor rsi, rax
0x4016ab: mov eax, r12d
0x4016ae: xor rax, rsi
0x4016b1: and rax, rdx
0x4016b4: cmp rax, rbx
0x4016b7: je 0x4016d8
0x4016b9: mov rdx, rax
0x4016bc: not rdx
0x4016bf: mov qword ptr [rip + 0x19da], rax
0x4016c6: mov qword ptr [rip + 0x19e3], rdx
0x4016cd: add rsp, 0x30
0x4016d1: pop rbx
0x4016d2: pop rsi
0x4016d3: pop rdi
0x4016d4: pop rbp
0x4016d5: pop r12
0x4016d7: ret
0x4014b6: call 0x401170
0x401170: push r13
0x401172: push r12
0x401174: push rbp
0x401175: push rdi
0x401176: push rsi
0x401177: push rbx
0x401178: sub rsp, 0x98
0x40117f: mov ecx, 0xd
0x401184: xor eax, eax
0x401186: lea r8, [rsp + 0x20]
0x40118b: mov rdi, r8
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x40118e: rep stosq qword ptr [rdi], rax
0x401191: mov rdi, qword ptr [rip + 0x32f8]
0x401198: mov r9d, dword ptr [rdi]
0x40119b: test r9d, r9d
0x40119e: jne 0x40141b
0x4011a4: mov rax, qword ptr gs:[0x30]
0x4011ad: mov rbx, qword ptr [rip + 0x322c]
0x4011b4: mov rsi, qword ptr [rax + 8]
0x4011b8: xor ebp, ebp
0x4011ba: mov r12, qword ptr [rip + 0x709b]
0x4011c1: jmp 0x4011d4
0x4011d4: mov rax, rbp
0x4011d7: lock cmpxchg qword ptr [rbx], rsi
0x4011dc: test rax, rax
0x4011df: jne 0x4011c3
0x4011e1: mov rsi, qword ptr [rip + 0x3208]
0x4011e8: xor ebp, ebp
0x4011ea: mov eax, dword ptr [rsi]
0x4011ec: cmp eax, 1
0x4011ef: je 0x4013db
0x4011f5: mov eax, dword ptr [rsi]
0x4011f7: test eax, eax
0x4011f9: je 0x401444
0x401444: mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x2fe5]
0x40144b: mov rcx, qword ptr [rip + 0x2fce]
0x401452: mov dword ptr [rsi], 1
0x401458: call 0x4029e0
0x4029e0: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5906]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::_initterm
0x40145d: jmp 0x401209
0x401209: mov eax, dword ptr [rsi]
0x40120b: cmp eax, 1
0x40120e: je 0x4013f0
0x4013f0: mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x3019]
0x4013f7: mov rcx, qword ptr [rip + 0x3002]
0x4013fe: call 0x4029e0
0x4029e0: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5906]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::_initterm
0x401403: mov dword ptr [rsi], 2
0x401409: test ebp, ebp
0x40140b: jne 0x40121c
0x401411: xor eax, eax
0x401413: xchg qword ptr [rbx], rax
0x401416: jmp 0x40121c
0x40121c: mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x315d]
0x401223: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]
0x401226: test rax, rax
0x401229: je 0x401237
0x40122b: xor r8d, r8d
0x40122e: mov edx, 2
0x401233: xor ecx, ecx
0x401235: call rax
0x401820: push rsi
0x401821: push rbx
0x401822: sub rsp, 0x28
0x401826: mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x2b03]
0x40182d: cmp dword ptr [rax], 2
0x401830: je 0x401838
0x401838: cmp edx, 2
0x40183b: je 0x40184e
0x40184e: lea rbx, [rip + 0x780b]
0x401855: lea rsi, [rip + 0x7804]
0x40185c: cmp rsi, rbx
0x40185f: je 0x401842
0x401842: mov eax, 1
0x401847: add rsp, 0x28
0x40184b: pop rbx
0x40184c: pop rsi
0x40184d: ret
0x401237: call 0x401c80
0x401c80: push rbp
0x401c81: push r15
0x401c83: push r14
0x401c85: push r13
0x401c87: push r12
0x401c89: push rdi
0x401c8a: push rsi
0x401c8b: push rbx
0x401c8c: sub rsp, 0x38
0x401c90: lea rbp, [rsp + 0x80]
0x401c98: mov esi, dword ptr [rip + 0x5982]
0x401c9e: test esi, esi
0x401ca0: je 0x401cb3
0x401cb3: mov dword ptr [rip + 0x5963], 1
0x401cbd: call 0x402720
0x402720: sub rsp, 0x28
0x402724: mov rcx, qword ptr [rip + 0x1c65]
0x40272b: xor eax, eax
0x40272d: cmp word ptr [rcx], 0x5a4d
0x402732: jne 0x402746
0x402746: add rsp, 0x28
0x40274a: ret
0x401cc2: cdqe
0x401cc4: lea rax, [rax + rax*4]
0x401cc8: lea rax, [rax*8 + 0xf]
0x401cd0: and rax, 0xfffffffffffffff0
0x401cd4: call 0x402930
0x402930: push rcx
0x402931: push rax
0x402932: cmp rax, 0x1000
0x402938: lea rcx, [rsp + 0x18]
0x40293d: jb 0x402958
0x402958: sub rcx, rax
0x40295b: or qword ptr [rcx], 0
0x40295f: pop rax
0x402960: pop rcx
0x402961: ret
0x401cd9: mov r12, qword ptr [rip + 0x2680]
0x401ce0: mov rbx, qword ptr [rip + 0x2689]
0x401ce7: mov dword ptr [rip + 0x5933], 0
0x401cf1: sub rsp, rax
0x401cf4: lea rax, [rsp + 0x20]
0x401cf9: mov qword ptr [rip + 0x5928], rax
0x401d00: mov rax, r12
0x401d03: sub rax, rbx
0x401d06: cmp rax, 7
0x401d0a: jle 0x401ca2
0x401ca2: lea rsp, [rbp - 0x48]
0x401ca6: pop rbx
0x401ca7: pop rsi
0x401ca8: pop rdi
0x401ca9: pop r12
0x401cab: pop r13
0x401cad: pop r14
0x401caf: pop r15
0x401cb1: pop rbp
0x401cb2: ret
0x40123c: lea rcx, [rip + 0xf6d]
0x401243: call qword ptr [rip + 0x700b]
[*] call KERNEL32.dll::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
0x401249: mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x3180]
0x401250: mov qword ptr [rdx], rax
0x401253: call 0x4020c0
0x4020c0: push r12
0x4020c2: push rbp
0x4020c3: push rdi
0x4020c4: push rsi
0x4020c5: push rbx
0x4020c6: sub rsp, 0x20
0x4020ca: call 0x4027c0
0x4027c0: sub rsp, 0x28
0x4027c4: mov rcx, qword ptr [rip + 0x1bc5]
0x4027cb: xor r8d, r8d
0x4027ce: cmp word ptr [rcx], 0x5a4d
0x4027d3: jne 0x4027e0
0x4027e0: mov rax, r8
0x4027e3: add rsp, 0x28
0x4027e7: ret
0x4020cf: mov rsi, rax
0x4020d2: mov eax, dword ptr [rip + 0x5570]
0x4020d8: test eax, eax
0x4020da: jne 0x402101
0x4020dc: test rsi, rsi
0x4020df: je 0x402101
0x402101: add rsp, 0x20
0x402105: pop rbx
0x402106: pop rsi
0x402107: pop rdi
0x402108: pop rbp
0x402109: pop r12
0x40210b: ret
0x401258: lea rcx, [rip - 0x25f]
0x40125f: call 0x402a50
0x402a50: mov rax, rcx
0x402a53: xchg qword ptr [rip + 0x4ef6], rax
0x402a5a: ret
0x401264: call 0x4019f0
[*] failed to process instruction, skipping it
0x4019f0: fninit
0x4019f2: ret
0x401269: mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x3120]
0x401270: mov qword ptr [rip + 0x66f1], rax
0x401277: call 0x402a60
0x402a60: mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x1949]
0x402a67: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]
0x402a6a: ret
0x40127c: xor ecx, ecx
0x40127e: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]
0x401281: test rax, rax
0x401284: jne 0x40129a
0x401286: jmp 0x4012ce
0x4012ce: mov r8d, dword ptr [rdi]
0x4012d1: test r8d, r8d
0x4012d4: je 0x4012ec
0x4012ec: mov ebx, dword ptr [rip + 0x5d36]
0x4012f2: lea r12d, [rbx + 1]
0x4012f6: movsxd r12, r12d
0x4012f9: shl r12, 3
0x4012fd: mov rcx, r12
0x401300: call 0x4029a0
0x4029a0: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5986]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::malloc
0x401305: mov r13, qword ptr [rip + 0x5d14]
0x40130c: mov rdi, rax
0x40130f: test ebx, ebx
0x401311: jle 0x401353
0x401353: mov qword ptr [rax], 0
0x40135a: mov qword ptr [rip + 0x5cbf], rdi
0x401361: call 0x4015e0
0x4015e0: mov eax, dword ptr [rip + 0x5a4a]
0x4015e6: test eax, eax
0x4015e8: je 0x4015eb
0x4015eb: mov dword ptr [rip + 0x5a3b], 1
0x4015f5: jmp 0x401580
0x401580: push rsi
0x401581: push rbx
0x401582: sub rsp, 0x28
0x401586: mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x2dc3]
0x40158d: mov rax, qword ptr [rdx]
0x401590: mov ecx, eax
0x401592: cmp eax, -1
0x401595: je 0x4015c9
0x4015c9: xor eax, eax
0x4015cb: lea r8d, [rax + 1]
0x4015cf: mov ecx, eax
0x4015d1: cmp qword ptr [rdx + r8*8], 0
0x4015d6: mov rax, r8
0x4015d9: jne 0x4015cb
0x4015cb: lea r8d, [rax + 1]
0x4015cf: mov ecx, eax
0x4015d1: cmp qword ptr [rdx + r8*8], 0
0x4015d6: mov rax, r8
0x4015d9: jne 0x4015cb
0x4015db: jmp 0x401597
0x401597: test ecx, ecx
0x401599: je 0x4015b7
0x40159b: mov eax, ecx
0x40159d: sub ecx, 1
0x4015a0: lea rbx, [rdx + rax*8]
0x4015a4: sub rax, rcx
0x4015a7: lea rsi, [rdx + rax*8 - 8]
0x4015ac: call qword ptr [rbx]
0x402b50: jmp 0x4014f0
0x4014f0: lea rcx, [rip + 9]
0x4014f7: jmp 0x4014d0
0x4014d0: sub rsp, 0x28
0x4014d4: call 0x4029d8
0x4029d8: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5916]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::_onexit
0x4014d9: test rax, rax
0x4014dc: sete al
0x4014df: movzx eax, al
0x4014e2: neg eax
0x4014e4: add rsp, 0x28
0x4014e8: ret
0x4015ae: sub rbx, 8
0x4015b2: cmp rbx, rsi
0x4015b5: jne 0x4015ac
0x4015b7: lea rcx, [rip - 0x7e]
0x4015be: add rsp, 0x28
0x4015c2: pop rbx
0x4015c3: pop rsi
0x4015c4: jmp 0x4014d0
0x4014d0: sub rsp, 0x28
0x4014d4: call 0x4029d8
0x4029d8: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5916]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::_onexit
0x4014d9: test rax, rax
0x4014dc: sete al
0x4014df: movzx eax, al
0x4014e2: neg eax
0x4014e4: add rsp, 0x28
0x4014e8: ret
0x401366: mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x3033]
0x40136d: mov r8, qword ptr [rip + 0x5ca4]
0x401374: mov ecx, dword ptr [rip + 0x5cae]
0x40137a: mov rax, qword ptr [rax]
0x40137d: mov qword ptr [rax], r8
0x401380: mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x5c99]
0x401387: call 0x401510
0x401510: push rbp
0x401511: mov rbp, rsp
0x401514: sub rsp, 0x20
0x401518: mov dword ptr [rbp + 0x10], ecx
0x40151b: mov qword ptr [rbp + 0x18], rdx
0x40151f: call 0x4015e0
0x4015e0: mov eax, dword ptr [rip + 0x5a4a]
0x4015e6: test eax, eax
0x4015e8: je 0x4015eb
0x4015ea: ret
0x401524: lea rcx, [rip + 0x2ad5]
0x40152b: call 0x402990
0x402990: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x59a6]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::puts
[+] puts hooked
Hello World!
0x401530: mov eax, 0
0x401535: add rsp, 0x20
0x401539: pop rbp
0x40153a: ret
0x40138c: mov ecx, dword ptr [rip + 0x5c7a]
0x401392: mov dword ptr [rip + 0x5c78], eax
0x401398: test ecx, ecx
0x40139a: je 0x401462
0x401462: mov ecx, eax
0x401464: call 0x4029c0
0x4029c0: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5946]
[*] call msvcrt.dll::exit
[*] byebye!
[+] Emulation done.
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