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microserver % ls -las mruby
1674 -rwxr-xr-x 1 hiroki wheel 1622340 Jun 17 10:31 mruby
microserver % file mruby
mruby: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-III version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamicall
y linked, interpreter /libexec/, FreeBSD-style, for FreeBSD 11.0 (110
0116), stripped
yamori813 / kernel.txt
Last active July 17, 2016 04:56
RedBoot Op
[Boot]: c
'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit
boot device : tffs:0 ae1
processor number : 0
host name :
file name : /fl/APIMG1 redboot220.img
inet on ethernet (e) :
inet on backplane (b):
Now booting linux kernel:
Base address 0x80080000 Entry 0x80050100
Cmdline :
CPU platform: Atheros AR5312 rev 2
CPU Frequency=220 MHz
CPU DDR Frequency=0 MHz
CPU AHB Frequency=55 MHz
platform frequency: 220000000
a0 = 00000002
Now booting linux kernel:
Base address 0x80030000 Entry 0x80050100
Cmdline :
CPU platform: Atheros AR2315 rev 0
CPU Frequency=184 MHz
CPU DDR Frequency=0 MHz
CPU AHB Frequency=92 MHz
platform frequency: 184000000
a0 = 00000002
memory test ... ok
flinstall OK
boot version: 1.0.1
CPU "Atheros/AR7240"
Revision c.2 CLOCK 340.0 MHz
U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jun 27 2016 - 09:39:48)
AP91 (ar7240) U-boot
#### TAP VALUE 1 = 8, 2 = 9
32 MB
Top of RAM usable for U-Boot at: 82000000
Reserving 256k for U-Boot at: 81fbc000
Reserving 192k for malloc() at: 81f8c000
U-Boot 1.1.3 (Nov 29 2009 - 20:59:38)
Board: Fonera
relocate_code Pointer at: 81fac000
spi_wait_nsec: 3e
spi deice id: c2 20 17 c2 20 (2017c220)
find flash: mx25l6405d
raspi_read: from:41030000 len:1000
Using default environment
Starting kernel ...
CPU platform: Atheros AR7161 rev 2
CPU Frequency=680 MHz
CPU DDR Frequency=340 MHz
CPU AHB Frequency=170 MHz
platform frequency: 680 MHz
CPU reference clock: 40 MHz
CPU MDIO clock: 40 MHz
yamori813 / gist:d793ef826e994253b6ba72b9e98f3554
Last active September 14, 2016 01:15
BCM5354 with BHND
>>> boot -raw -z -addr=0x80001000 -max=0x3a0000 flash0.os:
Loader:raw Filesys:raw Dev:flash0.os File: Options:(null)
Loading: ........... 3626284 bytes read
Entry at 0x80001000
Closing network.
Starting program at 0x80001000
entry: mips_init()
Cache info:
picache_stride = 4096
picache_loopcount = 4
yamori813 / AMD64.txt
Last active June 14, 2018 06:46
iperf3 on AP91
hiroki@amd64:~/iperf/src % ./iperf3 -c
Connecting to host, port 5201
[ 4] local port 46018 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Retr Cwnd
[ 4] 0.00-1.00 sec 37.6 MBytes 315 Mbits/sec 2 366 MBytes
[ 4] 1.00-2.00 sec 36.5 MBytes 306 Mbits/sec 25 162 MBytes
[ 4] 2.00-3.00 sec 36.6 MBytes 306 Mbits/sec 25 180 MBytes
[ 4] 3.00-4.00 sec 36.4 MBytes 306 Mbits/sec 25 78.0 MBytes
[ 4] 4.00-5.00 sec 36.5 MBytes 305 Mbits/sec 25 1.46 GBytes
[ 4] 5.00-6.00 sec 36.4 MBytes 306 Mbits/sec 25 1.24 GBytes