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Created March 29, 2012 09:29
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Vim Scripts
" auto reload nginx & apache
function! Reload()
let output = system(&ft == 'nginx' ? 'service nginx configtest && service nginx reload' : 'service apache2 reload')
if v:shell_error
echohl WarningMsg | echo output
autocmd! BufWritePost */nginx*conf,*/apache*conf call Reload()
function! PathConvert(path)
let path = a:path
let path = has('win32unix') ? substitute(path, '^\(\a\):', '/cygdrive/\1', '') : substitute(path, '^/cygdrive/\(\a\)', '\1:', '')
return path
" auto save when lost focus
function! s:autosave()
if &modified
echo "Autosaved file while you were absent"
autocmd FocusLost * call s:autosave()
" Autocreateing no-existent directories
autocmd BufNewFile * call EnsureDirExists()
function! EnsureDirExists()
let required_dir = expand("%:h")
if !isdirectory(required_dir)
if confirm("Directory '". required_dir ."' doesn't exist.", "&Quit?\n&Create it?") == 2
call mkdir(required_dir, 'p')
" vim: ft=vim
" Summary: Beautify statusline
" Description:
" This script is based on the light2011 colorscheme. Thanks for xiaohuyee <>
" to give us such a pretty gift. He did most of the work. I just
" stood on his shoulders.
" I am looking for a beautiful vim statusline for a long time but found nothing
" until I met the light2011.
" Last night I spent several hours to beautify my statusline, it looks good.
" And now I give it to you.
" Screenshot:
" Maintainer: Tian Huixiong: <>
" I'm very glad to receive your feedback.
" Licence: This script is released under the Vim License.
" Version: 1.0
" Update: 2011-09-07
" Install:
" Put this file in ~/.vim/plugin on *nix.
" Or put it in $vim/vimfiles/plugin on Windows.
" Tutorial:
" Just use it, and change it.
" When you edit it, do not erase trailing-blanks.
set laststatus=2
set statusline=
set statusline+=%1*%-52F\
set statusline+=%2*\ %{&ff=='unix'?'\\n':(&ff=='mac'?'\\r':'\\r\\n')}\
set statusline+=%3*\ %{&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc}\
set statusline+=%1*\ %Y\
set statusline+=%4*\ %04l/%03c\
set statusline+=%2*\ 0x%04.4B\
set statusline+=%1*\ %-16{strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M\")}\
set statusline+=%5*\ %-3m\
hi User1 guifg=#112605 guibg=#aefe7B gui=italic
hi User2 guifg=#391100 guibg=#d3905c gui=italic
hi User3 guifg=#292b00 guibg=#f4f597 gui=italic
hi User4 guifg=#051d00 guibg=#7dcc7d gui=italic
hi User5 guifg=#002600 guibg=#67ab6e gui=italic
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