- Blog post draft
- Blog post prod (offline for now)
- Google Analytics
- Dmitry Google Doc
- Twitter thread composer
- Twitter thread preview
Launch date: monday 1st August 2022 Timezone: Paris/CEST
- 6:00: npm release, deploy 2.0 version doc + GitHub release + changelog
- 7:00: publish blog post
- 7:30: send reminders for newsletters: Bytes, TLDR, Sidebar
- 8:30: share blog post everywhere: Twitter, Reddit, HN, Discord, Slack, communities, friends...
- 9:00: Twitter thread
- 9:00: ProductHunt launch (00:01 PST)
- 9:30: My own newsletters (10k subs)
- 10:00-12:00: Sidebar newsletter (40k subs)
- 18:00-19:00: Bytes newsletter (100k subs)
- 10:00-23:00: pitch JS/doc influencers and other newsletter authors
- Blog post content
- Blog post social card
- Blog post fancy illustrations (optional)
- Resize blog post images
- Website homepage changes
- ProductHunt badges on website
- ProductHunt launch text
- ProductHunt launch first comment (gist)
- ProductHunt launch images/gifs
- ProductHunt launch video (
⚠️ could be better + video is the first media on ProductHunt) - ProductHunt first comment (gist + preview)
- Pitch Bytes newsletter (gist)
- Pitch TLDR newsletter (gist)
- Connect Twitter account to FeedHive
- Draft Twitter thread (edit + preview)
- Draft Sebastien newsletters
- Release Docusaurus 2.0 - publish blog post
- Update ProductHunt link to product
- Post on Meta for Developers blog
- Record podcast (with Sebastien and/or Yangshun?)
- Send swag to contributors
- Translate blog post (optional)
- Launch date: 1st August
- Launch post: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/docusaurus-2-0
- Launch post edit: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/docusaurus-2-0/edit
- Product hub: https://www.producthunt.com/products/docusaurus
- Tagline: Build great docs websites, focus on your content - by Meta
- Tags: productivity, open-source, dev tools
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3S8GyFIXjo
- Dashboard: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/docusaurus-2-0/launch-day?utm_campaign=email-notification&utm_medium=email&utm_source=product_launch_scheduled
Docusaurus helps you ship a top-notch documentation site in no time!
Focus on your content: just write Markdown files!
Put your site online in 5 minutes, then customize it.
Full-featured: plugins, themes, search, blog, versioning, i18n, React...
- 🇫🇷 Christophe Chaudier
- 🇫🇷 @yOyO38
- @rachelnabors
- @documentwrites
- @Divya_Mohan02
- @swyx
- @MishManners
- Indie hackers
- Read the docs
- Product Hunt
- Dev.to
- Daily.dev
- Hashnode
- Medium
- Hacker News
- Lobsters
- Blogging for devs
- bestofjs.org
- designernews.co
- 🇫🇷 journalduhacker.net
- 🇫🇷 Human Coders
- This Week In React: 7k subs (my English newsletter)
- React Hebdo: 4k subs (my French newsletter)
- React Newsletter: 16k subs, tyler@ui.dev
- Bytes.dev: 100k subs, tyler@ui.dev
- JavaScript Weekly: 180k subs, jsw@peterc.org
- Node Weekly: 60 subs, node@cooperpress.com
- React Status: 54k subs, react@cooperpress.com
- JAMstacked: 3.5k subs, jam@cooperpress.com
- Web Tools Weekly, 12k subs, @WebToolsWeekly https://webtoolsweekly.com/submit
- Awesome React Weekly, 18k subs, https://react.libhunt.com/contribute
- Awesome JavaScript Weekly, 18k subs, https://js.libhunt.com/contribute
- JavaScript Kicks, https://javascriptkicks.com/write
- React Digest, 9k subs, https://reactdigest.net/ jakub@reactdigest.net
- Stefan Judis, 2.5k, https://www.stefanjudis.com/newsletter/
- Matteo Collina, 2k, https://nodeland.dev/
Why? Because Docusaurus is used on React-Native, Reanimated, React-Navigation and many other RN doc sites...
- React-Native newsletter: 12k subs, hello@infinite.red https://reactnativenewsletter.com/submit
- React-Native Now: 2.5k subs, https://reactnativenow.com/submit
- Stackoverflow newsletter, cassidy@cassidoo.co or @RThorDonovan
- Cassidy Williams newsletter, cassidy@cassidoo.co
- Sidebar, 40k subs, https://sidebar.io/submit
- WebDesigner News, https://www.webdesignernews.com/
- web-design-weekly, 19k, https://web-design-weekly.com/contact/
- TLDR, 200k subs, dan@tldr.tech
- SitePoint, dianne.pena@sitepoint.com
- Pointer, 21k subs, suraj@pointer.io share@pointer.io
- X-Team, 100k subs, contact@x-team.com josh@x-team.com
- Changelog weekly: 17k subs, weekly@changelog.com https://changelog.com/news/submit
- writethedocs
- Smashing magazine: 190k subs, newsletter@smashingmagazine.com https://www.smashingmagazine.com/contact/
- GitHub newsletter, @MishManners
- LabNotes, https://labnotes.org/ @assaf
- freeCodeCamp Quincy's newsletter, 4 million subscribers, friday, quincy@freecodecamp.org
- Ponyfoo, https://ponyfoo.com/weekly/submissions
- TheNewStack, tns@thenewstack.io
- wdrl.info, 20k subs, mail@wdrl.info
- news.design.systems @jina
- developeravocados.net, https://developeravocados.net/contribute/ mail@developeravocados.net
- 🇫🇷 BlueHats gazette: french gov opensource newsletter: send 2 paragraphs before end of july, published middle of August https://communs.numerique.gouv.fr/gazette/
- 🇫🇷 lecourrierduhacker @carl_chenet
- 🇫🇷 Doctolib Tech Life