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Created July 26, 2018 04:03
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import spidev
# credits to
# modified by Ramzi Sabra
class MCP3002:
def __init__(self, device=0):
self.conn = spidev.SpiDev(0, device)
self.conn.max_speed_hz = 1200000 # 1.2 MHz
def bitstring(n):
s = bin(n)[2:]
return '0'*(8-len(s)) + s
def read(self, channel=0):
cmd = 128
if channel:
cmd += 32
reply_bytes = self.conn.xfer2([cmd, 0])
reply_bitstring = ''.join(MCP3002.bitstring(n) for n in reply_bytes)
reply = reply_bitstring[5:15]
return int(reply, 2) / 2**10
import time
import mcp3002
adc = mcp3002.MCP3002(device=0)
while True:
read_value =
real_value = 1 - read_value
percentage_value = real_value * 100
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