using System.Collections.Generic; | |
using System.Reflection; | |
using UnityEditor; | |
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; | |
using UnityEditorInternal; | |
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; | |
public static class EditorCollapseAll | |
{ | |
private const BindingFlags INSTANCE_FLAGS = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; | |
private const BindingFlags STATIC_FLAGS = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static; | |
[MenuItem( "Assets/Collapse All", priority = 1000 )] | |
private static void CollapseFolders() | |
{ | |
EditorWindow projectWindow = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.ProjectBrowser" ).GetField( "s_LastInteractedProjectBrowser", STATIC_FLAGS ).GetValue( null ) as EditorWindow; | |
if( projectWindow ) | |
{ | |
object assetTree = projectWindow.GetType().GetField( "m_AssetTree", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( projectWindow ); | |
if( assetTree != null ) | |
CollapseTreeViewController( projectWindow, assetTree, (TreeViewState) projectWindow.GetType().GetField( "m_AssetTreeState", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( projectWindow ) ); | |
object folderTree = projectWindow.GetType().GetField( "m_FolderTree", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( projectWindow ); | |
if( folderTree != null ) | |
{ | |
object treeViewDataSource = folderTree.GetType().GetProperty( "data", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( folderTree, null ); | |
int searchFiltersRootInstanceID = (int) typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.SavedSearchFilters" ).GetMethod( "GetRootInstanceID", STATIC_FLAGS ).Invoke( null, null ); | |
bool isSearchFilterRootExpanded = (bool) treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetMethod( "IsExpanded", INSTANCE_FLAGS, null, new System.Type[] { typeof( int ) }, null ).Invoke( treeViewDataSource, new object[] { searchFiltersRootInstanceID } ); | |
CollapseTreeViewController( projectWindow, folderTree, (TreeViewState) projectWindow.GetType().GetField( "m_FolderTreeState", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( projectWindow ), isSearchFilterRootExpanded ? new int[1] { searchFiltersRootInstanceID } : null ); | |
// Preserve Assets and Packages folders' expanded states because they aren't automatically preserved inside ProjectBrowserColumnOneTreeViewDataSource.SetExpandedIDs | |
// | |
InternalEditorUtility.expandedProjectWindowItems = (int[]) treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetMethod( "GetExpandedIDs", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).Invoke( treeViewDataSource, null ); | |
TreeViewItem rootItem = (TreeViewItem) treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetField( "m_RootItem", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( treeViewDataSource ); | |
if( rootItem.hasChildren ) | |
{ | |
foreach( TreeViewItem item in rootItem.children ) | |
EditorPrefs.SetBool( "ProjectBrowser" + item.displayName, (bool) treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetMethod( "IsExpanded", INSTANCE_FLAGS, null, new System.Type[] { typeof( int ) }, null ).Invoke( treeViewDataSource, new object[] { } ) ); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
[MenuItem( "GameObject/Collapse All", priority = 40 )] | |
private static void CollapseGameObjects( MenuCommand command ) | |
{ | |
// This happens when this button is clicked while multiple Objects were selected. In this case, | |
// this function will be called once for each selected Object. We don't want that, we want | |
// the function to be called only once | |
if( command.context ) | |
{ | |
EditorApplication.update -= CallCollapseGameObjectsOnce; | |
EditorApplication.update += CallCollapseGameObjectsOnce; | |
return; | |
} | |
EditorWindow hierarchyWindow = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.SceneHierarchyWindow" ).GetField( "s_LastInteractedHierarchy", STATIC_FLAGS ).GetValue( null ) as EditorWindow; | |
if( hierarchyWindow ) | |
{ | |
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER | |
object hierarchyTreeOwner = hierarchyWindow.GetType().GetField( "m_SceneHierarchy", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( hierarchyWindow ); | |
#else | |
object hierarchyTreeOwner = hierarchyWindow; | |
#endif | |
object hierarchyTree = hierarchyTreeOwner.GetType().GetField( "m_TreeView", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( hierarchyTreeOwner ); | |
if( hierarchyTree != null ) | |
{ | |
List<int> expandedSceneIDs = new List<int>( 4 ); | |
foreach( string expandedSceneName in (IEnumerable<string>) hierarchyTreeOwner.GetType().GetMethod( "GetExpandedSceneNames", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).Invoke( hierarchyTreeOwner, null ) ) | |
{ | |
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByName( expandedSceneName ); | |
if( scene.IsValid() ) | |
expandedSceneIDs.Add( scene.GetHashCode() ); // GetHashCode returns m_Handle which in turn is used as the Scene's instanceID by SceneHierarchyWindow | |
} | |
CollapseTreeViewController( hierarchyWindow, hierarchyTree, (TreeViewState) hierarchyTreeOwner.GetType().GetField( "m_TreeViewState", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( hierarchyTreeOwner ), expandedSceneIDs ); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
private static void CallCollapseGameObjectsOnce() | |
{ | |
EditorApplication.update -= CallCollapseGameObjectsOnce; | |
CollapseGameObjects( new MenuCommand( null ) ); | |
} | |
private static void CollapseTreeViewController( EditorWindow editorWindow, object treeViewController, TreeViewState treeViewState, IList<int> additionalInstanceIDsToExpand = null ) | |
{ | |
object treeViewDataSource = treeViewController.GetType().GetProperty( "data", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).GetValue( treeViewController, null ); | |
List<int> treeViewSelectedIDs = new List<int>( treeViewState.selectedIDs ); | |
int[] additionalInstanceIDsToExpandArray; | |
if( additionalInstanceIDsToExpand != null && additionalInstanceIDsToExpand.Count > 0 ) | |
{ | |
treeViewSelectedIDs.AddRange( additionalInstanceIDsToExpand ); | |
additionalInstanceIDsToExpandArray = new int[additionalInstanceIDsToExpand.Count]; | |
additionalInstanceIDsToExpand.CopyTo( additionalInstanceIDsToExpandArray, 0 ); | |
} | |
else | |
additionalInstanceIDsToExpandArray = new int[0]; | |
treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetMethod( "SetExpandedIDs", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).Invoke( treeViewDataSource, new object[] { additionalInstanceIDsToExpandArray } ); | |
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER | |
treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetMethod( "RevealItems", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).Invoke( treeViewDataSource, new object[] { treeViewSelectedIDs.ToArray() } ); | |
#else | |
foreach( int treeViewSelectedID in treeViewSelectedIDs ) | |
treeViewDataSource.GetType().GetMethod( "RevealItem", INSTANCE_FLAGS ).Invoke( treeViewDataSource, new object[] { treeViewSelectedID } ); | |
#endif | |
editorWindow.Repaint(); | |
} | |
[MenuItem( "CONTEXT/Component/Collapse All", priority = 1400 )] | |
private static void CollapseComponents( MenuCommand command ) | |
{ | |
// Credit: | |
ActiveEditorTracker tracker = ActiveEditorTracker.sharedTracker; | |
for( int i = 0, length = tracker.activeEditors.Length; i < length; i++ ) | |
tracker.SetVisible( i, 0 ); | |
EditorWindow.focusedWindow.Repaint(); | |
} | |
} |
Doesn't work anymore, just switches focus to Packages folder. But Unity does seem to have this function natively now, using Alt + click on the Assets folder.
@milox On which Unity version did it not work as intended?
@milox On which Unity version did it not work as intended?
2020.3.33 and 2021.3.0
@milox I haven't tried it in Two Column Layout before, you're right. I've now fixed the issue. It also works much smoother now ^^
@yasirkula Nice, thanks
Hey, thank you, very useful. I will try to adjust this to do what I long wished for, a "collapse all but one" functionality for components.
@WildRikku You can modify CollapseComponents to achieve that. The right clicked component is stored in command.context
great script! got my star ❤️
is there any way to implement such option for when exporting a unity package?
it is very annoying when exporting something, unity selects all the assets imported automatically and unselecting them one by one is a nuisance.
@hegworks Thanks! In the export window, deselecting "Include dependencies" should do the trick.
thank you