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Forked from yagays/agqr.rb
Last active December 13, 2023 08:04
save AGQR radio programs.



AGQR の放送を保存するスクリプト.

fork 元との違いは

yagays / agqr.rb には

  • 31日まである月に翌日の指定が失敗する



適当なフォルダに agqr.rb を配置して crontab で

29,59 * * * sleep 55; ruby agqr.rb


すると, agqr.rb を配置した一つ上のディレクトリに data ディレクトリを作り,

  • data/flv.flv ファイル
  • data/mp3 にエンコード済み .mp3 ファイル

を生成する.rtmpdump/ffmpeg の path は適当に書き換えてもらいたい.


  • Ruby 1.9.x or 2.x
  • rtmpdump
  • ffmpeg
  • cron

config.yaml について

録音したい番組をここで指定する.そのうち 26:00 のような表記に対応したい.


注意 title 要素にスペース,アンパサンド,クオート,括弧などを挟むと破滅する.


  • fork 先では config.yamlmovie : true を指定しているが,ココロハルカスのように告知なく動画配信を行うラジオがあるため,自分は採用を見送った.
  • 比較的こまめに見なおしているが,コメントが英語日本語混ざっていて良くない.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# record AGQR
# usage: use with crontab
# 29,59 * * * sleep 55; ruby agqr.rb
# requirements
# crontab, ruby >~ 1.9, ffmpeg, rtmpdump
require 'yaml'
rtmpdump = '/usr/local/bin/rtmpdump'
ffmpeg = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'
agqr_stream_url = 'rtmp://'
current = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
save_dir = "#{current}/../data/"
Dir.mkdir(save_dir) if !File.exist?(save_dir)
%w(mp3 flv).each do |dir|
path = save_dir + 'dir'
Dir.mkdir(path) if !File.exist?(path)
schedule_yaml = "#{current}/schedule.yaml"
if !File.exist?(schedule_yaml)
puts "Config file (#{schedule_yaml}) is not found!"
puts "Please make #{schedule_yaml}."
exit 1
today =
# ruby 1.9.x でも動くために汚いけど書き換える
# WDAY = %w(日 月 火 水 木 金 土).zip((0..6).to_a).to_h
tmp = { }
%w(日 月 火 水 木 金 土).each_with_index do |v, i|
tmp[v] = i
WDAY = tmp
schedule = YAML.load_file(schedule_yaml)
schedule.each do |program|
program_wday = WDAY[program['wday']]
is_next_day_program = false
# appropriate wday
h, m = program['time'].split(':').map(&:to_i)
if &&
# check next day's wday
# if today.wday is 6 (Sat), next_wday is 0 (Sun)
next_wday = (today.wday + 1).modulo(7)
is_appropriate_wday = program_wday == next_wday
is_next_day_program = true
# check today's wday
is_appropriate_wday = program_wday == today.wday
# appropriate time
if is_next_day_program
# 日付を跨ぐので録音開始の日付が1日ずれる
next_day = today + 60 * 60 * 24
# + 1 してたら 31 を超えるとTimeがエラー吐く
program_start =, next_day.month,, h, m, 0)
program_start =, today.month,, h, m, 0)
is_appropriate_time = (program_start - today).abs < 120
length = program['length'] * 60 + 10
if is_appropriate_wday && is_appropriate_time
title = (program['title'].to_s + '_' + today.strftime('%Y%m%d')).gsub(' ','')
flv_path = "#{save_dir}/flv/#{title}.flv"
# record stream
rec_command = "#{rtmpdump} -r #{agqr_stream_url} --live -B #{length} -o #{flv_path} >/dev/null 2>&1"
system rec_command
# encode flv -> m4a
m4a_path = "#{save_dir}/mp3/#{title}.m4a"
m4a_encode_command = "#{ffmpeg} -y -i #{flv_path} -vn -acodec copy #{m4a_path} >/dev/null 2>&1"
system m4a_encode_command
# encode m4a -> mp3
mp3_path = "#{save_dir}/mp3/#{title}.mp3"
mp3_encode_command = "#{ffmpeg} -i #{m4a_path} #{mp3_path} >/dev/null 2>&1"
system mp3_encode_command
# delete m4a
system "rm -rf #{m4a_path}"
- title: mu_n
wday: 月
time: '22:00'
length: 60
- title: fgo
wday: 火
time: '21:00'
length: 60
- title: free_style
wday: 土
time: '19:30'
length: 30
- title: suzakinishi
wday: 水
time: '1:00'
length: 30
- title: kokoro
wday: 日
time: '0:00'
length: 30
- title: alamode
wday: 日
time: '21:30'
length: 30
- title: igaitai
wday: 金
time: '1:30'
length: 30
- title: at_room
wday: 月
time: '21:30'
length: 30
- title: ageage
wday: 水
time: '19:30'
length: 30
- title: dotai
wday: 日
time: '3:00'
length: 30
- title: tryangle
wday: 火
time: '19:30'
length: 30
- title: hitokana
wday: 木
time: '23:00'
length: 30
- title: asumin
wday: 月
time: '23:00'
length: 60
- title: okaeri
wday: 木
time: '22:00'
length: 60
- title: ayahi
wday: 木
time: '2:00'
length: 30
- title: adlib
wday: 日
time: '1:00'
length: 30
- title: uchiasa
time: '21:30'
wday: 金
length: 30
- title: 375
wday: 日
time: '0:30'
length: 30
- title: note
wday: 金
time: '2:30'
length: 30
- title: stay_gold
wday: 木
time: '2:30'
length: 30
- title: doudemo_ii
wday: 金
time: '19:30'
length: 30
- title: five_stars_mon
wday: 月
time: '20:00'
length: 60
- title: five_stars_tue
wday: 火
time: '20:00'
length: 60
- title: five_stars_wed
wday: 水
time: '20:00'
length: 60
- title: five_stars_thu
wday: 木
time: '20:00'
length: 60
- title: five_stars_fri
wday: 金
time: '20:00'
length: 60
- title: sachika
wday: 金
time: '2:00'
length: 30
- title: ozanari
wday: 土
time: '19:00'
length: 30
- title: a_rie
wday: 火
time: '23:00'
length: 30
- title: agson
wday: 土
time: '21:00'
length: 120
- title: homerun
wday: 金
time: '22:00'
length: 60
- title: ohanashi
wday: 土
time: '20:30'
length: 30
- title: animage
wday: 水
time: '2:30'
length: 30
- title: delicate_zone
wday: 火
time: '1:00'
length: 30
- title: ss_ch
wday: 水
time: '1:30'
length: 30
- title: pit_inn
wday: 土
time: '18:30'
length: 30
- title: himitsu_kichi
wday: 日
time: '1:30'
length: 30
- title: kuroshiro
wday: 月
time: '19:30'
length: 30
- title: toshitai
wday: 火
time: '23:30'
length: 30
- title: torima
wday: 月
time: '19:00'
length: 30
- title: it_kakumei
wday: 月
time: '21:00'
length: 30
- title: ayaradi
wday: 火
time: '19:00'
length: 30
- title: chika
wday: 金
time: '21:00'
length: 30
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ybenjo commented Apr 27, 2016

ご指摘ありがとうございます. File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) でいかがでしょうか?

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goriggg commented Mar 8, 2017

/root/radio/agqr.rb:65:in initialize': wrong number of arguments (6 for 0) (ArgumentError) from /root/radio/agqr.rb:65:in new'
from /root/radio/agqr.rb:65
from /root/radio/agqr.rb:39:in `each'
from /root/radio/agqr.rb:39

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ybenjo commented Apr 2, 2017

program_start =, next_day.month,, h, m, 0) でエラーが出ているということで確認します.

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