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Last active April 26, 2022 22:12
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object Integration {
def integrate(fn: Double => Double,
interval: (Double, Double),
precision: Double = 0.0001): Double = {
def areaBetween(start: Double, end: Double): Double = (fn(end) + fn(start)) / 2 * (end - start)
def doIntegrate(start: Double, end: Double, area: Double): Double = {
val mid = (start + end)/2
val left = areaBetween(start, mid)
val right = areaBetween(mid, end)
if(left + right - area < precision) left + right
else doIntegrate(start, mid, left) + doIntegrate(mid, end, right)
doIntegrate(interval._1, interval._2, areaBetween(interval._1, interval._2))
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val unitCircle = {x: Double => math.sqrt(1 - x * x)}
val pi = integrate(unitCircle, (0, 1)) * 4
object IntegrationNDimensional {
// R^k
trait Euclidean[T] {
def split(start: T, end: T): List[(T, T)]
def measure(start: T, end: T): Double
def euclidean[T](s: (T, T) => List[(T, T)])(m: (T, T) => Double) = new Euclidean[T] {
override def split(start: T, end: T): List[(T, T)] = s(start, end)
override def measure(start: T, end: T): Double = m(start, end)
implicit val realLine: Euclidean[Double] = euclidean[Double]{
(start, end) => val mid = (start + end) / 2; List((start, mid), (mid, end))
(start, end) => math.abs(end - start)
implicit def moreDimension[T, K](implicit tE: Euclidean[T], kE: Euclidean[K]): Euclidean[(T, K)] = euclidean[(T, K)] { (start, end) =>
for {
(lS, lE) <- tE.split(start._1, end._1)
(rS, rE) <- kE.split(start._2, end._2)
} yield ((lS, rS), (lE, rE))
}{(start, end) => tE.measure(start._1, end._1) * kE.measure(start._2, end._2)}
def integrate[D, R](fn: D => Double,
interval: (D, D),
delta: Double = 0.0001)(implicit dE: Euclidean[D]): Double = {
def sumIn(start: D, end: D): Double =
(fn(start) + fn(end))/2 * dE.measure(start, end)
def doIntegrate(start: D, end: D, prev: Double): Double = {
val splits = dE.split(start, end)
.map{ case (s, e) => (s, e) -> sumIn(s, e) }
val total =
if(math.abs(total - prev) < delta) total
else {
case ((s, e), sum) => doIntegrate(s, e, sum)
doIntegrate(interval._1, interval._2, sumIn(interval._1, interval._2))
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val unitCircle: Double => Double = {x: Double => math.sqrt(1 - x * x)}
val unitSphere: ((Double, Double)) => Double = {case (x: Double, y: Double) => if(1 - x * x - y * y > 0) math.sqrt(1 - x * x - y * y) else 0}
val pi = integrate(unitCircle, (0.0, 1.0), 0.00001) * 4
val piFromSphere = integrate(unitSphere, ((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)), 0.0000001) * 6
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How can we do this for improper Reimann integrals ? How about Lebesgue integrals?

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