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Last active October 11, 2018 10:14
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Purescript implementation of a dependent typed language.
module Godel.Core where
import Control.Monad (bind, pure)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (log)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Eq (class Eq, (==))
import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, lookup)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Show (class Show, show)
import Prelude (otherwise, negate, (+), (-), (>=), ($), (<>))
data Expr = Star | Var String Int | Lambda String Expr Expr | Pi String Expr Expr | App Expr Expr
data Ctx = Ctx Int (Map Int Judgement)
data Err = Err
data Judgement = Typed Expr Expr
derive instance eqExpr :: Eq Expr
instance showExpr :: Show Expr where
show Star = "*"
show (Var name _) = name
show (Lambda pname ptype body) = "λ (" <> pname <> ": " <> (show ptype) <> "), " <> (show body)
show (Pi pname ptype body) = "∀ (" <> pname <> ": " <> (show ptype) <> "), " <> (show body)
show (App fn arg) = "(" <> (show fn) <> " " <> (show arg) <> ")"
instance showErr :: Show Err where
show Err = "err"
instance showJudgement :: Show Judgement where
show (Typed value typ) = (show value) <> ": " <> (show typ)
at :: Ctx -> Int -> Either Err Judgement
at (Ctx _ subs) index = case lookup index subs of
(Just (Typed value typ)) -> Right $ Typed (shift 0 index value) (shift 0 index typ)
Nothing -> Left Err
add :: Judgement -> Ctx -> Ctx
add judgement (Ctx depth subs) = Ctx (depth + 1) (insert depth judgement subs)
shift :: Int -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
shift _ _ Star = Star
shift n k (Var name index) | index >= n = Var name (index + k)
| otherwise = Var name index
shift n k (Lambda pname ptype body) = Lambda pname (shift n k ptype) (shift (n + 1) k body)
shift n k (Pi pname ptype body) = Pi pname (shift n k ptype) (shift (n + 1) k body)
shift n k (App fn arg) = App (shift n k fn) (shift n k arg)
unshift :: Int -> Expr -> Expr
unshift n = shift (negate n) 0
apply :: Ctx -> Judgement -> Judgement -> Either Err Judgement
apply ctx (Typed (Lambda _ _ body) (Pi _ ptype _)) (Typed argval argtype)
| ptype == argtype = do
(Typed bval btype) <- eval (add (Typed (shift 0 1 argval) (shift 0 1 argtype)) ctx) body
eval ctx (unshift 1 bval)
apply ctx (Typed fn (Pi pname ptype btype)) (Typed argval argtype)
| ptype == argtype = do
(Typed btval bttype) <- eval (add (Typed (shift 0 1 argval) (shift 0 1 argtype)) ctx) btype
pure $ Typed (App fn argval) (Pi pname ptype (unshift 1 btval))
apply _ _ _ = Left Err
eval :: Ctx -> Expr -> Either Err Judgement
eval ctx Star = Right $ Typed Star Star
eval ctx (Var name index) = at ctx index
eval ctx (Lambda pname ptype body) = do
(Typed ptvalue _) <- eval ctx ptype
(Typed bvalue btype) <- eval (add (Typed (Var pname 0) ptvalue) ctx) body
pure $ Typed (Lambda pname ptvalue bvalue) (Pi pname ptvalue btype)
eval ctx (Pi pname ptype body) = do
(Typed ptvalue _) <- eval ctx ptype
(Typed bvalue _) <- eval (add (Typed (Var pname 0) ptvalue) ctx) body
pure $ Typed (Pi pname ptvalue bvalue) Star
eval ctx (App fn arg) = do
fntyped <- eval ctx fn
argtyped <- eval ctx arg
apply ctx fntyped argtyped
main = log $ show $ eval (Ctx 0 empty) (Lambda "x" Star (App (Lambda "x" Star (Var "x" 0)) (Var "x" 0)))
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