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Created June 8, 2022 22:22
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PHP dasturlash tilida otishma o'yini

o'yinni ishga tushirish uchun buyruqlar satrida

$: php shooterGame.php
class Entity {
public $positionX = 0;
public $positionY = 0;
public function __construct( $x, $y ) {
$this->positionX = $x;
$this->positionY = $y;
class Spaceship extends Entity {
public $movementX = 0;
public $movementY = 0;
public $fire = FALSE;
class Enemy extends Entity {}
class Bullet extends Entity {}
class Scene {
public $height;
public $width;
public $ship;
public $enemies = [];
public $bullets = [];
public $score = 0;
public function __construct( $width, $height ) {
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
$this->ship = new Spaceship( 2, round( $this->height / 2 ) );
public function moveShip() {
$this->ship->positionX += $this->ship->movementX;
$this->ship->positionY += $this->ship->movementY;
$this->ship->movementX = 0;
$this->ship->movementY = 0;
if ( $this->ship->positionX < 0 ) {
$this->ship->positionX = 0;
if ( $this->ship->positionX >= $this->height ) {
$this->ship->positionX = $this->height - 1;
if ( $this->ship->positionY < 0 ) {
$this->ship->positionY = 0;
if ( $this->ship->positionY > $this->width / 4 ) {
$this->ship->positionY = $this->width / 4;
public function shoot() {
if ( $this->ship->fire == TRUE ) {
$this->bullets[] = new Bullet( $this->ship->positionX, $this->ship->positionY + 1 );
$this->ship->fire = FALSE;
public function action( $stdin ) {
$key = fgets( $stdin );
if ( $key ) {
$key = $this->translateKeypress( $key );
switch ( $key ) {
case "UP":
$this->ship->movementX = -1;
$this->ship->movementY = 0;
case "DOWN":
$this->ship->movementX = 1;
$this->ship->movementY = 0;
case "RIGHT":
$this->ship->movementX = 0;
$this->ship->movementY = 1;
case "LEFT":
$this->ship->movementX = 0;
$this->ship->movementY = -1;
case "ENTER":
case "SPACE":
$this->ship->fire = TRUE;
case "ESC":
private function translateKeypress( $string ) {
switch ( $string ) {
case "\033[A":
return "UP";
case "\033[B":
return "DOWN";
case "\033[C":
return "RIGHT";
case "\033[D":
return "LEFT";
case "\n":
return "ENTER";
case " ":
return "SPACE";
case "\e":
return "ESC";
return $string;
public function moveBullets() {
foreach ( $this->bullets as $bullet ) {
public function spawnEnemies() {
if ( count( $this->enemies ) < 15) {
$y = rand( $this->width, $this->width * 2 );
$x = rand( 0, $this->height - 1 );
$this->enemies[] = new Enemy( $x, $y );
public function moveEnemies() {
foreach ( $this->enemies as $enemyId => $enemy ) {
if ( $enemy->positionY == 0 ) {
// Dushman sahnaning chap tomoniga taqalgan bo'lsa uni hech qanday hodisasiz olib tashlash lozim.
unset( $this->enemies[ $enemyId ] );
foreach ( $this->bullets as $bulletId => $bullet ) {
if ( $bullet->positionX == $enemy->positionX && ( $bullet->positionY == $enemy->positionY || $bullet->positionY == $enemy->positionY - 1 ) ) {
unset( $this->enemies[ $enemyId ] );
unset( $this->bullets[ $bulletId ] );
public function gameOver() {
foreach ( $this->enemies as $enemy ) {
if ( $this->ship->positionX == $enemy->positionX && $this->ship->positionY == $enemy->positionY ) {
exit('O\'yin tugadi, dushman kemasi sizni mag\'lub qildi');
public function renderGame() {
$output = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->height; $i++ ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->width; $j++ ) {
$cell = ( $this->ship->positionX == $i && $this->ship->positionY == $j ) ? '>' : ' ';
foreach( $this->enemies as $enemy ) {
if ( $enemy->positionX == $i && $enemy->positionY == $j ) $cell = 'X';
foreach( $this->bullets as $bullet ) {
if ( $bullet->positionX == $i && $bullet->positionY == $j ) $cell = '-';
$output .= $cell;
$output .= PHP_EOL;
$output .= PHP_EOL. 'Ochkolar: ' . $this->score . PHP_EOL;
return $output;
$scene = new Scene( 50, 10 ); // kenglik, balandlik
system( 'stty cbreak -echo' ); // strdan alohida belgilarni o'qishni belgilash
$stdin = fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' ); // kiritish oqimini ochish
stream_set_blocking( $stdin, 0 ); // oqimni to'xtovsiz o'qish uchun kiritish satriga to'siq o'rnatish
while ( 1 ) {
system( 'clear' ); // satrni tozalash
$scene->action( $stdin ); // Kema uchun harakatlarni belgilash
$scene->moveShip(); // Kemani harakatga keltirish
$scene->shoot(); // Otish
$scene->moveEnemies(); // Dushmanlarni harakatlantirish
$scene->moveBullets(); // O'qlarni harakatlantirish
echo $scene->renderGame(); // O'yin sahnasini chop etish
$scene->gameOver(); // O'yindagi kema holatini kuzatish (O'yinni tugatish jarayoni)
$scene->spawnEnemies(); // Dushmanlarni generatsiya qilib borish
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