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Created June 8, 2022 21:04
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PHP dasturlash tilida Snake Xenzia o'yini

o'yinni ishga tushirish uchun buyruqlar satrida

$: php snakeGame.php
class Snake {
public $width = 0;
public $height = 0;
public $positionX = 0;
public $positionY = 0;
public $appleX = 15;
public $appleY = 15;
public $movementX = 0;
public $movementY = 0;
public $trail = [];
public $tail = 5;
public $speed = 100000;
public function __construct( $width, $height ){
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
$this->positionX = rand( 0, $width - 1 );
$this->positionY = rand( 0, $height - 1 );
$appleX = rand( 0, $width - 1 );
$appleY = rand( 0, $height - 1 );
while ( array_search( [ $appleX, $appleY ], $this->trail ) !== FALSE ) {
$appleX = rand( 0, $width - 1 );
$appleY = rand( 0, $height - 1 );
$this->appleX = $appleX;
$this->appleY = $appleY;
function renderGame( $snake ) {
$output = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $snake->width; $i++ ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $snake->height; $j++ ) {
$cell = ( $snake->appleX == $i && $snake->appleY == $j ) ? '0' : '.';
foreach ( $snake->trail as $trail ) {
if ( $trail[0] == $i && $trail[1] == $j ) $cell = 'X';
$output .= $cell;
$output .= PHP_EOL;
$output .= PHP_EOL;
return $output;
function translateKeypress( $string ) {
switch ($string) {
// Yuqoriga harakatlantirish tugmasi
case "\033[A":
return "UP";
// Pastga harakatlantirish tugmasi
case "\033[B":
return "DOWN";
// O'ngga harakatlantirish tugmasi
case "\033[C":
return "RIGHT";
// Chapga harakatlantirish tugmasi
case "\033[D":
return "LEFT";
// ENTER (kiritish) tugmasi
case "\n":
return "ENTER";
// Bo'sh joy tugmasi
case " ":
return "SPACE";
// Satrdan belgini o'chirish tugmasi
case "\010":
case "\177":
return "BACKSPACE";
// Tabulator tugmasi
case "\t":
return "TAB";
// Bekor qilish tugmasi
case "\e":
return "ESC";
return $string;
function direction( $stdin, $snake ) {
$key = fgets( $stdin );
if ( $key ) {
$key = translateKeypress( $key );
switch ( $key ) {
case "UP":
$snake->movementX = -1;
$snake->movementY = 0;
case "DOWN":
$snake->movementX = 1;
$snake->movementY = 0;
case "RIGHT":
$snake->movementX = 0;
$snake->movementY = 1;
case "LEFT":
$snake->movementX = 0;
$snake->movementY = -1;
function move( $snake ) {
// Ilonni harakatlantirish.
$snake->positionX += $snake->movementX;
$snake->positionY += $snake->movementY;
// Ilonni o'yin taxtasi chegarasi bo'ylab saqlash.
if ( $snake->positionX < 0 ) $snake->positionX = $snake->width - 1;
if ( $snake->positionX > $snake->width - 1 ) $snake->positionX = 0;
if ( $snake->positionY < 0 ) $snake->positionY = $snake->height - 1;
if ( $snake->positionY > $snake->height - 1 ) $snake->positionY = 0;
// Ilon izi old qismiga bitta element qo'shish
array_unshift( $snake->trail, [ $snake->positionX, $snake->positionY ] );
// Aniq uzunlikni saqlagan holda ilondan bitta belgini olib tashlash.
if ( count( $snake->trail ) > $snake->tail ) array_pop($snake->trail);
if ( $snake->appleX == $snake->positionX && $snake->appleY == $snake->positionY ) {
// Ilon olma pozitsiyasiga teng kelishi
if ($snake->speed > 2000) {
// O'yin tezligini ma'lum chegaragacha oshirish
$snake->speed = $snake->speed - ( $snake->tail * ( $snake->width / $snake->height + 10 ) );
// Olma pozitsiyasini almashtirish.
$appleX = rand( 0, $snake->width - 1 );
$appleY = rand( 0, $snake->height - 1 );
while ( array_search( [ $appleX, $appleY ], $snake->trail ) !== FALSE ) {
$appleX = rand( 0, $snake->width - 1 );
$appleY = rand( 0, $snake->height - 1 );
$snake->appleX = $appleX;
$snake->appleY = $appleY;
function gameOver( $snake ) {
if ( $snake->tail > 5 ) {
// Agar iz 5 dan katta bo'lsa, oxirgi holatni tekshirish.
for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $snake->trail ); $i++ ) {
if ( $snake->trail[ $i ][ 0 ] == $snake->positionX && $snake->trail[ $i ][ 1 ] == $snake->positionY ) {
exit('O\'yin tugadi, ilon o\'ldi');
system('stty cbreak -echo');
$stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
stream_set_blocking($stdin, 0);
$snake = new Snake( 20, 30 ); // kenglik. balandlik
while ( 1 ) {
system('clear'); // Satrni tozalab borish
echo 'Olmalar: ' . $snake->tail . PHP_EOL;
direction( $stdin, $snake ); // Ilon yo'nalishini belgilash
move( $snake ); // Ilon harakatini boshqarish
echo renderGame( $snake ); // O'yin taxtasini chop etish
gameOver( $snake ); // Ilon o'limi holatini nazorat qilish
usleep( $snake->speed ); // O'yin tezligini belgilash
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