Python Sessions by Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch | The Python Quants GmbH
Online, 25. & 26. August 2018
You find the introduction slides under
You find the materials about OOP under
If you have either Miniconda or Anaconda already installed, there is no need to install anything new.
The code that follows uses Python 3.6. For example, download and install Miniconda 3.6 from if you do not have conda
already installed.
In any case, for Linux/Mac you should execute the following lines on the shell to create a new environment with the needed packages:
conda create -n epat python=3.6
source activate epat
conda install numpy pandas matplotlib statsmodels
pip install plotly==2.4.0 cufflinks
conda install ipython jupyter
jupyter notebook
On Windows, execute the following lines on the command prompt:
conda create -n epat python=3.6
activate epat
conda install numpy pandas matplotlib statsmodels
pip install plotly==2.4.0 cufflinks
pip install win-unicode-console
conda install ipython jupyter
jupyter notebook
Read more about the management of environments under
To install Docker see
To run a Ubuntu-based Docker container, execute on the shell the following:
docker run -ti -p 9000:9000 -h epat -v /Users/yves/Temp/:/root/tmp ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
Make sure to adjust the folder to be mounted accordingly.
The major resource for the ZeroMQ
distributed messaging package based on sockets is
Use this link to get a 10 USD bonus on DigitalOcean when signing up for a new account.
An overview of the Python Data Model is found under: Python Data Model
Good book about everything important in Python data analysis: Python Data Science Handbook, O'Reilly
Good book covering object-oriented programming in Python: Fluent Python, O'Reilly