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yomimono yomimono
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I figured out some of the wiring for this script to clear out and add firewall rules. Change `ocamldev` to the dev VM you'll launch, and `fetchmotron` to the VM which is a client of the firewall under test if necessary (you should only need to do this in update-firewall).
In dom0:
make a file in /etc/qubes-rpc called yomimono.updateFirewall:
sudo bash
yomimono / 3.1.0-announce.txt
Created June 21, 2018 16:45
draft annoucement for mirageos 3.1.0
Hello all,
We are happy to announce the release of version 3.1.0 of MirageOS. Full release notes are available at Thanks to hannes for handling this release, and to mato for documentation updates!
3.1.0 is compatible with the recently-released version 0.3.0 of the solo5 execution environment. solo5 (and, in 3.1.0, therefore MirageOS) now includes experimental support for several new environments:
* the Muen Separation Kernel[1] (with `mirage configure -t muen`)
* FreeBSD vmm (with `mirage configure -t ukvm`)
* OpenBSD vmm (with `mirage configure -t ukvm`)
* ARM64 hosts[2] (with `mirage configure -t ukvm`)
user@whale:~/minim$ cat Dockerfile
FROM ocaml/opam:alpine-3.5_ocaml-4.04.0 as ocaml
FROM scratch
COPY --from=ocaml /bin/sh /
CMD ["/sh"]
user@whale:~/minim$ docker build -t minim .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 53.76kB
Step 1/4 : FROM ocaml/opam:alpine-3.5_ocaml-4.04.0 as ocaml
yomimono /
Last active May 16, 2017 07:11
mirageos/unikernels update from docker internal systems summit, 20 april 2017

MirageOS/Unikernels (but secretly something else)

  • speaking now: @mindypreston (@yomimono on github)

Very Quick MirageOS Update

  • we released version 3.0 in February
  • tl;dr: supports KVM via the solo5 project
    • better errors
  • better logs
yomimono / gist:e6c90105ac8f3f80cecd01761dd644d9
Last active January 24, 2017 22:07
MirageOS 3 description of changes.
Less Code, Less Magic, More Results
## Major Changes
* The solo5 targets `ukvm` and `virtio` (see []), which allow unikernels to run on KVM hypervisors and on FreeBSD via bhyve, are now available in the mainline `mirage` package. These targets use a newly refactored freestanding OCaml runtime (see []).
* The `V1` and `V1_LWT` modules, which contained module type definitions agreed upon by implementations used in `mirage`, have been renamed to `Mirage_types` and `Mirage_types_lwt`. The module type definitions themselves are no longer contained in this repository, but have been moved to their own independently-versioned repositories and are merely referenced from `Mirage_types` and `Mirage_types_lwt`.
* Across the universe of module type definitions, errors in computation are now signalled by a `result` type and a set of polymorphic variants representing common errors that might occur. Individual implementations may extend
yomimono /
Created June 25, 2015 14:30
snippet of
337 (* Compose the overall thread from the various tx/rx threads
338 and the main listener function *)
339 let tx_thread = (Tx.thread t pcb ~send_ack ~rx_ack) in
340 let rx_thread = (Rx.thread pcb ~rx_data) in
341 let wnd_thread = (Wnd.thread ~utx ~urx ~wnd ~state ~tx_wnd_update) in
342 let threads = [ tx_thread; rx_thread; wnd_thread ] in
343 let catch_and_cancel = function
344 | Lwt.Canceled -> ()
345 | ex ->
346 (* cancel the other threads *)
yomimono /
Created February 23, 2015 17:46
stackv4.create_connection fails with statically configured interface
open Lwt
open V1_LWT
module Main (C: V1_LWT.CONSOLE) (CLIENT_STACK: V1_LWT.STACKV4) = struct
let local_webserver=""
let port = 5162
let start c client_stack =
let construct_request () =
let buf = Io_page.(to_cstruct (get 1)) in
yomimono /
Created August 19, 2014 03:34 for static site blog
open Lwt
open Printf
open V1_LWT
open Re_str
module Main (C:CONSOLE) (FS:KV_RO) (S:Cohttp_lwt.Server) = struct
let start c fs http =
let read_fs name =
yomimono /
Created August 19, 2014 03:32 for static site blog
open Mirage
(* If the Unix `MODE` is set, the choice of configuration changes:
MODE=crunch (or nothing): use static filesystem via crunch
MODE=fat: use FAT and block device (run ./
let mode =
try match String.lowercase (Unix.getenv "FS") with
| "fat" -> `Fat
| _ -> `Crunch
yomimono / never_graduate.ino
Created June 26, 2014 04:18
Blink shirt LEDs with a sequence and timing that suggests a terminal cursor.
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 6
#define PIXELS 7
#define RANDOM_SOURCE 10
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
void setup() {