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Created June 21, 2018 16:45
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draft annoucement for mirageos 3.1.0
Hello all,
We are happy to announce the release of version 3.1.0 of MirageOS. Full release notes are available at Thanks to hannes for handling this release, and to mato for documentation updates!
3.1.0 is compatible with the recently-released version 0.3.0 of the solo5 execution environment. solo5 (and, in 3.1.0, therefore MirageOS) now includes experimental support for several new environments:
* the Muen Separation Kernel[1] (with `mirage configure -t muen`)
* FreeBSD vmm (with `mirage configure -t ukvm`)
* OpenBSD vmm (with `mirage configure -t ukvm`)
* ARM64 hosts[2] (with `mirage configure -t ukvm`)
This support is experimental, so please report any problems to solo5[3] to help the project continue to improve!
There are also debugging improvements in version 0.3.0 of solo5 (both live via GDB server and post-mortem via core dumps), as well as testing and documentation improvements. The full changenotes for solo5 v0.3.0 are at .
Thanks to mato, kensan, and hannesm for their work in building solo5 v0.3.0 support in MirageOS 3.1.0, and to the solo5 community for their continuing hard work on that project.
In non-solo5 news, MirageOS version 3.1.0 includes several tooling improvements:
* revert a bug introduced in 3.0.8's implementation of `block_of_file`; introduce `block_of_xenstore_id` (please see for work yet to do)
* make configuration files in more situations where they're useful, and fewer where they're not (thanks to new contributor bramford!)
* better compatibility with opam2
MirageOS version 3.1.0 is available in opam. If you already have the `mirage` package installed, you can upgrade with `opam update && opam upgrade mirage`, and then fully rebuild your unikernels (`mirage clean` and then proceed as normal).
If you think this sounds like a great time to get started with MirageOS, you're right! Check out for resources on building your first unikernels.
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