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yoneken / test_port_rt.c
Created October 3, 2013 15:52
RT test applicatioin for BeagleBone Black.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MY_PRIORITY (49) /* we use 49 as the PRREMPT_RT use 50
as the priority of kernel tasklets
yoneken / test_adc.c
Created October 3, 2013 15:57
ADC test for BeagleBone Black.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
FILE *Handle = NULL;
char *Slots = "/sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots";
char *AIn1 = "/sys/devices/ocp.2/helper.14/AIN1";
char buf[10] = {0};
struct timespec start, end;
int i;
yoneken / file1.txt
Created November 18, 2014 09:59
【C言語】Intel EdisonでPWM出力 ref:
CC = gcc
MRAALIBS = -lmraa
.PHONY: all clean pwm
all: pwm
rm -f ./*.o
rm -f pwm
yoneken / linux-yocto_3.10.bbappend
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Yocto linux recipe for Intel Edison
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
LINUX_VERSION = "3.10.17"
SRCREV_machine = "c03195ed6e3066494e3fb4be69154a57066e845b"
SRCREV_meta = "6ad20f049abd52b515a8e0a4664861cfd331f684"
SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
SRC_URI += "file://upstream_to_edison.patch"
SRC_URI += "file://patch-3.10.17-rt12_edison.patch"
SRC_URI += "file://intel_mid_rpmsg.c.patch"
alva@ubilinux:~/ros_catkin_ws$ rosservice call open 20
result: 0
alva@ubilinux:~/ros_catkin_ws$ rosservice call set_dir 20 out
result: 0
alva@ubilinux:~/ros_catkin_ws$ rosservice call write 20 1
result: 0
alva@ubilinux:~/ros_catkin_ws$ rosservice call write 20 0
result: 0
alva@ubilinux:~/ros_catkin_ws$ rosservice call write 20 1
result: 0
yoneken / .rosinstall
Last active January 14, 2016 16:48
My .rosinstall for Mac OSX 10.9.5
- tar:
local-name: actionlib
version: actionlib-release-release-indigo-actionlib-1.11.2-0
- tar:
local-name: angles
version: geometry_angles_utils-release-release-indigo-angles-1.9.9-0
- git:
local-name: bfl
yoneken / build.log
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Compilation error, when I type "catkin_make_isolated --pkg ros_gpio".
==> Processing catkin package: 'ros_gpio'
==> Creating build directory: 'build_isolated/ros_gpio'
==> Building with env: '/home/alva/ros/catkin/devel_isolated/posedetection_msgs/'
==> cmake /home/alva/ros/catkin/src/ros_gpio -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/alva/ros/catkin/devel_isolated/ros_gpio -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/alva/ros/catkin/install_isolated in '/home/alva/ros/catkin/build_isolated/ros_gpio'
Unhandled exception of type 'OSError':
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/alva/ros/catkin/install_isolated/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/catkin/", line 875, in build_workspace_isolated
number=index + 1, of=len(ordered_packages)
File "/home/alva/ros/catkin/install_isolated/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/catkin/", line 627, in build_package
yoneken / pyqwt.rb
Created January 8, 2015 00:20
require 'formula'
class Pyqwt < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '797f37c63dec660272f6a8ccfd16a017df0ad640'
depends_on :python
depends_on 'qt'
depends_on 'qwt'
yoneken / mimic_parallel_link.urdf
Created January 14, 2015 18:31
This file is a urdf which mimics a parallel linkage.
yoneken /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15 — forked from rohinip/
#### ####
# This code is ported from Raspberry Pi to Intel Edison.
# LEDs are activated in active-low signal!
from Pubnub import Pubnub
import mraa ## Import libmraa library