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Created April 6, 2013 04:22
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gcc -o client2 client2.c -levent; run:./client2 -h -p 8000 -o,,,,,,,,,
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <evhttp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define BUFSIZE 4096
#define SLEEP_MS 10
char buf[BUFSIZE];
int bytes_recvd = 0;
int chunks_recvd = 0;
int closed = 0;
int connected = 0;
static char ip_array[300] = ",,,,,,,,,";
static char server_ip[16] = "";
static int server_port = 8000;
static int max_conns = 62000;
// called per chunk received
void chunkcb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
int s = evbuffer_remove( req->input_buffer, &buf, BUFSIZE );
bytes_recvd += s;
if (connected >= max_conns && chunks_recvd % 10000 == 0)
printf(">Chunks: %d\tBytes: %d\tClosed: %d\n", chunks_recvd, bytes_recvd, closed);
// gets called when request completes
void reqcb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ch;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "o:h:p:m:")) != -1) {
switch (ch) {
case 'h':
printf("host is %s\n", optarg);
strncpy(server_ip, optarg, 15);
case 'p':
printf("port is %s\n", optarg);
server_port = atoi(optarg);
/*strncpy(server_ip, optarg, 15);*/
case 'm':
printf("max_conns is %s\n", optarg);
max_conns = atoi(optarg);
/*strncpy(server_ip, optarg, 15);*/
case 'o':
printf("ori_ips is %s\n", optarg);
strncpy(ip_array, optarg, 300 - 1);
struct evhttp *evhttp_connection;
struct evhttp_request *evhttp_request;
char path[32];
int i;
char delims[] = ",";
char *ori_ip = NULL;
ori_ip = strtok( ip_array, delims );
while (ori_ip != NULL) {
for (i = 1; i <= max_conns; i++) {
evhttp_connection = evhttp_connection_new(server_ip, server_port);
evhttp_connection_set_local_address(evhttp_connection, ori_ip);
evhttp_set_timeout(evhttp_connection, 864000); // 10 day timeout
evhttp_request = evhttp_request_new(reqcb, NULL);
evhttp_request->chunk_cb = chunkcb;
sprintf(&path, "/test/%d", ++connected);
if (i % 1000 == 0)
printf("Req: %s\t->\t%s\n", ori_ip, &path);
evhttp_make_request( evhttp_connection, evhttp_request, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, path );
evhttp_connection_set_timeout(evhttp_request->evcon, 864000);
event_loop( EVLOOP_NONBLOCK );
if ( connected % 1000 == 0 )
printf("\nChunks: %d\tBytes: %d\tClosed: %d\n", chunks_recvd, bytes_recvd, closed);
usleep(SLEEP_MS * 10);
ori_ip = strtok( NULL, delims );
return 0;
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