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Iwasaki Yudai yudai

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# Quick hack to be able to reboot a Vagrant Windows VM during provisioning.
# This files goes in the same folder as your vagrant file.
# Then you (in your Vagrantfile):
# require_plugin './windows_reboot_plugin'
# Your provisioners run in order, so...
# config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "stuff that need a reboot"
# config.vm.provision :reboot
jacopen / keibot.txt
Last active December 19, 2015 21:08
kei bot
09:37 kei: bu使うぶー
10:04 kei: 恋人ウマい
11:32 kei: 仕様ならしようがない
11:50 kei: わかりました、はぁはぁ
11:26 kei: (「ぼくのことをプレミアムサポートして下さい!」
11:52 kei: ニャーン
12:17 kei: 私はカレーになりたい
12:37 kei: 快適なベッドライフ
12:52 kei: 仏滅戦隊、jinja!!
13:36 kei: まじだぶる
rkoster /
Last active December 18, 2015 01:39
Script for migrating blobs from one blob store to an other. This script expects a config/private.tmp.yml file which will be renamed to config/private.yml when blobs are downloaded. The contents for the new config/final.yml are hardcoded into the script. You should fill in your own target blobstore credentials
# reset stuff
sudo rm -r .blobs
rm -r blobs
rm -r blobs_import
git checkout -- config/blobs.yml
git checkout -- config/final.yml
rm config/private.yml
andypiper / _vmc
Last active December 14, 2015 01:49
zsh plugin for vmc (pre-ng version) based on the brew zsh plugin, delete the stuff towards the end. install to .oh-my-zsh/custom/vmc and enable in .zshrc
#compdef vmc
# vmc autocompletion for oh-my-zsh
# requires: the vmc gem (gem install vmc)
# author: Andy Piper (
_list_apps() {
for APP in `vmc apps | grep -oE '^\| [[:alnum:]-]+ . ' | grep -oE '[[:alnum:]-]+'`; do
compadd "$@" $APP