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yelban /
Created August 12, 2021 11:56 — forked from dreness/
Low Latency HLS test: how low can you go?
pushpendre / pid_control_servers.ipynb
Created July 4, 2021 19:49
PID Controller for controlling the number of servers in a data-center. This notebook accompanies the video
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xrq-phys / MLComputeGEMM.swift
Created December 25, 2020 18:14
Very simple example of an ML Compute matrix multiplication. Naming convention somehow violated.
import Foundation
import MLCompute
import PlaygroundSupport
let iPage = PlaygroundPage.current
iPage.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
* Apple says MLCMatMulLayer does a ``batch matrix multiplication''
* but didn't make clear its meaning.
analogpotato / gist:c47794e9a6a7f12a51b71bf3bee6b3cf
Created July 10, 2020 23:12
Using UIViewRepresentable to declare a UIKit Menu from a button
//In your view, declare a UIViewRepresentable as a UIButton type as seen below.
//This is important as you cannot do it as a UIBarButtonItem (at least as I've found in Xcode 12 beta 2).
struct MenuButtonView: UIViewRepresentable {
typealias UIViewType = UIButton
let saveAction = UIAction(title: "") { action in }
let saveMenu = UIMenu(title: "", children: [
Amzd / Navigation.swift
Last active July 6, 2023 03:34
Fix the back swipe gesture not working correctly in SwiftUI.
/// Fixed swipe gesture NavigationLink
struct NavigationLink<Destination: View, Label:View>: View {
var destination: Destination
var label: () -> Label
public init(destination: Destination, @ViewBuilder label: @escaping () -> Label) {
self.destination = destination
self.label = label
rcarmo / bt-agent.service
Last active December 12, 2023 13:14
Set up PAN networking on Raspbian Stretch (use sudo to create these files and run all commands)
# in /etc/systemd/system
Description=Bluetooth Agent
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bt-agent -c NoInputNoOutput
ixdy /
Last active April 12, 2024 20:19
Setting up ssh public key authentication on macOS using a YubiKey 4

Setting up ssh public key authentication on macOS using a YubiKey 4

I largely followed Florin's blog post, but have a few notes to add regarding issues I encountered:

Basic setup notes

  1. I used a YubiKey 4, while the blog describes using a YubiKey NEO. I'm sure a YubiKey 5 would also work. I'm also running macOS 10.13.6.
  2. I installed GPGTools as recommended. However, as I'll note later, it seems that gpg-agent only automatically starts when gpg is used; for ssh, you'll need to ensure it's running.
  3. Before generating your keys, decide what key size you want to use. If you run the list command inside gpg --edit-card, look for the Key attributes line to see what is currently selected. On my YubiKey 4, it defaulted to 2048 bits for all keys:
Key attributes ...: rsa2048 rsa2048 rsa2048
fragment float4 capturedImageFragmentShader(ImageColorInOut in [[stage_in]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureY [[ texture(kTextureIndexY) ]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureCbCr [[ texture(kTextureIndexCbCr) ]]) {
constexpr sampler colorSampler(mip_filter::linear,
const float4x4 ycbcrToRGBTransform = float4x4(
float4(+1.0000f, +1.0000f, +1.0000f, +0.0000f),
mustafaturan /
Last active September 26, 2024 17:36
Linux Network Tweak for 2 million web socket connections

Sample config for 2 million web socket connection

    sysctl -w fs.file-max=12000500
    sysctl -w fs.nr_open=20000500
    # Set the maximum number of open file descriptors
    ulimit -n 20000000

    # Set the memory size for TCP with minimum, default and maximum thresholds 
 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_mem='10000000 10000000 10000000'
bithavoc / postgres-notify-trigger.sql
Last active August 15, 2024 15:15
I used this trigger to notify table changes via NOTIFY (migrating off RethinkDB)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$
channel_name varchar DEFAULT (TG_TABLE_NAME || '_changes');
PERFORM pg_notify(channel_name, '{"id": "' || || '"}');
PERFORM pg_notify(channel_name, '{"id": "' || || '"}');