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Last active July 2, 2021 00:34
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  • Save zQueal/816e2e459964ddefaf1a2a205931e8c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"" This was made by Reddit user u/SamLovesNotion. Also with the help of - for learning the syntax. Sorry for English & grammar, this post was made in hurry.
" Images -
" I have used Nerd icon fonts. Icons won't work without them.
" This statusline looks exactly like Vim Airline (even more customizable & powerful) & loads faster than Vim airline. Only take few ms to load.
" STARTUP TIME - With Vim Airline - ~250ms. With this statusline - ~100ms. Without any statusline - ~98ms.
" Add all of this at the end of your vimrc OR Create separate file like 'statusline.vim' & 'colorsgroup.vim' & source those files in your main vimrc.
" e.g. source "~/.config/vim/statusline.vim"
" Color highlighting groups
" Add this AFTER `colorscheme` option in your vimrc. Otherwise your colorscheme will clear this highlightings. OR use ColorScheme autocommand. VERY IMPORTANT.
" Color pallet
" Green - #2BBB4F (BG) - #080808 (FG)
" Blue - #4799EB
" Violet - #986FEC
" Yellow - #D7A542
" Orange - #EB754D
" Grey1 - #202020
" Grey - #303030
" Define color variables
let g:StslineColorGreen = "#2BBB4F"
let g:StslineColorBlue = "#4799EB"
let g:StslineColorViolet = "#986FEC"
let g:StslineColorYellow = "#D7A542"
let g:StslineColorOrange = "#EB754D"
let g:StslineColorLight = "#C0C0C0"
let g:StslineColorDark = "#080808"
let g:StslineColorDark1 = "#181818"
let g:StslineColorDark2 = "#202020"
let g:StslineColorDark3 = "#303030"
" Define colors
let g:StslineBackColor = g:StslineColorDark2
let g:StslineOnBackColor = g:StslineColorLight
"let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorGreen
let g:StslineOnPriColor = g:StslineColorDark
let g:StslineSecColor = g:StslineColorDark3
let g:StslineOnSecColor = g:StslineColorLight
" Create highlight groups
execute 'highlight StslineSecColorFG guifg=' . g:StslineSecColor ' guibg=' . g:StslineBackColor
execute 'highlight StslineSecColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineColorLight ' guibg=' . g:StslineSecColor
execute 'highlight StslineBackColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineColorLight ' guibg=' . g:StslineBackColor
execute 'highlight StslineBackColorFGSecColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineBackColor ' guibg=' . g:StslineSecColor
execute 'highlight StslineSecColorFGBackColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineSecColor ' guibg=' . g:StslineBackColor
execute 'highlight StslineModColorFG guifg=' . g:StslineColorYellow ' guibg=' . g:StslineBackColor
" Statusline
" Enable statusline
set laststatus=2
" Disable showmode - i.e. Don't show mode like --INSERT-- in current statusline.
set noshowmode
" Enable GUI colors for terminals (Some terminals may not support this, so you'll have to *manually* set color pallet for tui colors. Lie tuibg=255, tuifg=120, etc.).
set termguicolors
" Understand statusline elements
" %{StslineMode()} = Output of a function
" %#StslinePriColorBG# = Highlight group
" %F, %c, etc. are variables which contain value like - current file path, current colums, etc.
" %{&readonly?\"\ \":\"\"} = If file is readonly ? Then "Lock icon" Else : "Nothing"
" %{get(b:,'coc_git_status',b:GitBranch)} = If b:coc_git_status efists, then it's value, else value of b:GitBranch
" &filetype, things starting with & are also like variables with info.
" \ - Is for escaping a space. \" is for escaping a double quote.
" %{&fenc!='utf-8'?\"\ \":''} = If file encoding is NOT!= 'utf-8' ? THEN output a "Space" else : no character
" Define active statusline
function! ActivateStatusline()
call GetFileType()
setlocal statusline=%#StslinePriColorBG#\ %{StslineMode()}%#StslineSecColorBG#%{get(b:,'coc_git_status',b:GitBranch)}%{get(b:,'coc_git_blame','')}%#StslineBackColorFGPriColorBG#%#StslinePriColorFG#\ %{&readonly?\"\ \":\"\"}%F\ %#StslineModColorFG#%{&modified?\"\ \":\"\"}%=%#StslinePriColorFG#\ %{b:FiletypeIcon}%{&filetype}\ %#StslineSecColorFG#%#StslineSecColorBG#%{&fenc!='utf-8'?\"\ \":''}%{&fenc!='utf-8'?&fenc:''}%{&fenc!='utf-8'?\"\ \":''}%#StslinePriColorFGSecColorBG#%#StslinePriColorBG#\ %p\%%\ %#StslinePriColorBGBold#%l%#StslinePriColorBG#/%L\ :%c\
" Define Inactive statusline
function! DeactivateStatusline()
if !exists("b:GitBranch") || b:GitBranch == ''
setlocal statusline=%#StslineSecColorBG#\ INACTIVE\ %#StslineSecColorBG#%{get(b:,'coc_git_statusline',b:GitBranch)}%{get(b:,'coc_git_blame','')}%#StslineBackColorFGSecColorBG#%#StslineBackColorBG#\ %{&readonly?\"\ \":\"\"}%F\ %#StslineModColorFG#%{&modified?\"\ \":\"\"}%=%#StslineBackColorBG#\ %{b:FiletypeIcon}%{&filetype}\ %#StslineSecColorFGBackColorBG#%#StslineSecColorBG#\ %p\%%\ %l/%L\ :%c\
setlocal statusline=%#StslineSecColorBG#%{get(b:,'coc_git_statusline',b:GitBranch)}%{get(b:,'coc_git_blame','')}%#StslineBackColorFGSecColorBG#%#StslineBackColorBG#\ %{&readonly?\"\ \":\"\"}%F\ %#StslineModColorFG#%{&modified?\"\ \":\"\"}%=%#StslineBackColorBG#\ %{b:FiletypeIcon}%{&filetype}\ %#StslineSecColorFGBackColorBG#%#StslineSecColorBG#\ %p\%%\ %l/%L\ :%c\
" Get Statusline mode & also set primary color for that mode
function! StslineMode()
let l:CurrentMode=mode()
if l:CurrentMode==#"n"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorGreen
let b:CurrentMode = "NORMAL "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"i"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorViolet
let b:CurrentMode = "INSERT "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"c"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorYellow
let b:CurrentMode = "COMMAND "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"v"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorBlue
let b:CurrentMode = "VISUAL "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"V"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorBlue
let b:CurrentMode = "V-LINE "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"\<C-v>"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorBlue
let b:CurrentMode = "V-BLOCK "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"R"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorViolet
let b:CurrentMode = "REPLACE "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"s"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorBlue
let b:CurrentMode = "SELECT "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"t"
let g:StslinePriColor =g:StslineColorYellow
let b:CurrentMode = "TERM "
elseif l:CurrentMode==#"!"
let g:StslinePriColor = g:StslineColorYellow
let b:CurrentMode = "SHELL "
call UpdateStslineColors()
return b:CurrentMode
" Update colors. Recreate highlight groups with new Primary color value.
function! UpdateStslineColors()
execute 'highlight StslinePriColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineOnPriColor ' guibg=' . g:StslinePriColor
execute 'highlight StslinePriColorBGBold guifg=' . g:StslineOnPriColor ' guibg=' . g:StslinePriColor ' gui=bold'
execute 'highlight StslinePriColorFG guifg=' . g:StslinePriColor ' guibg=' . g:StslineBackColor
execute 'highlight StslinePriColorFGSecColorBG guifg=' . g:StslinePriColor ' guibg=' . g:StslineSecColor
execute 'highlight StslineSecColorFGPriColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineSecColor ' guibg=' . g:StslinePriColor
if !exists("b:GitBranch") || b:GitBranch == ''
execute 'highlight StslineBackColorFGPriColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineBackColor ' guibg=' . g:StslinePriColor
" Get git branch name
function! GetGitBranch()
let b:GitBranch=""
let l:dir=expand('%:p:h')
let l:gitrevparse = system("git -C ".l:dir." rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD")
if !v:shell_error
let b:GitBranch="  ".substitute(l:gitrevparse, '\n', '', 'g')." "
execute 'highlight StslineBackColorFGPriColorBG guifg=' . g:StslineBackColor ' guibg=' . g:StslineSecColor
" Get filetype & custom icon. Put your most used file types first for optimized performance.
function! GetFileType()
if &filetype == 'typescript'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'html'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'scss'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'css'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'javascript'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'javascriptreact'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'markdown'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'sh' || &filetype == 'zsh'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'vim'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == ''
let b:FiletypeIcon = ''
elseif &filetype == 'rust'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'ruby'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'cpp'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'c'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'go'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'lua'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
elseif &filetype == 'haskel'
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
let b:FiletypeIcon = ' '
" Get git branch name after entering a buffer
augroup GetGitBranch
autocmd BufEnter * call GetGitBranch()
augroup END
" Set active / inactive statusline after entering, leaving buffer
augroup SetStslineline
autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter * call ActivateStatusline()
autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave * call DeactivateStatusline()
augroup END
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