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Created August 9, 2011 01:56
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WordPress to Markdown ruby script. Parses existing WP categories into discreet list of categories. Also identifies link-style postings and sets a YAML attribute to identify those entries. Finally forces all content to be UTF-8.
require 'fileutils'
require 'date'
require 'yaml'
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML
doc =[0])
FileUtils.mkdir_p "_posts"
doc.elements.each("rss/channel/item[wp:status = 'publish' and wp:post_type = 'post']") do |e|
post = e.elements
slug = post['wp:post_name'].text
date = DateTime.parse(post['wp:post_date'].text)
name = "%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.markdown" % [date.year, date.month,, slug]
date_string = date.year.to_s + "-" + date.month.to_s + '-' +
# clean up years of category randomness in one fell swoop.
case post['category'].text
when "diversions",
"social issues"
category_string = post['category'].text
link_string = false
when "links"
category_string = post['category'].text
link_string = true
category_string = "life"
link_string = false
content_text = post['content:encoded'].text
content = content_text.encode("UTF-8")
# convert <code></code> blocks to {% codeblock %}{% encodebloc %}
#content = content.gsub(/<code>(.*?)<\/code>/, '`\1`')
content = content.gsub(/<code>/, '{% codeblock %}')
content = content.gsub(/<\/code>/, '{% endcodeblock %}')
# convert <pre></pre> blocks to {% codeblock %}{% encodebloc %}
#content = content.gsub(/<pre lang="([^"]*)">(.*?)<\/pre>/m, '`\1`')
content = content.gsub(/<pre>/, '{% codeblock %}')
content = content.gsub(/<pre lang="([^"]*)">/, '{% codeblock %}')
content = content.gsub(/<\/pre>/m, '{% endcodeblock %}')
(1..3).each do |i|
content = content.gsub(/<h#{i}>([^<]*)<\/h#{i}>/, ('#'*i) + ' \1')
puts "Converting: #{name}"
data = {
'layout' => 'post',
'title' => post['title'].text,
'date' => date_string,
'comments' => true,
'categories' => category_string,
'link' => link_string
}.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? || v == ''}.to_yaml"_posts/#{name}", "w") do |f|
f.puts data
f.puts "---"
f.puts content
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