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Last active April 9, 2019 18:44
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LESS mixin to support vh and vw units on all iOS Safari versions. Based on an idea by Patrick Burtchaell's: and the SCSS version by Benjamin Morel's:
* Fix for vw, vh, vmin, vmax on iOS 7.
* This fix works by replacing viewport units with px values on known screen sizes.
* iPhone 6 and 6 Plus cannot run iOS 7, so are not targeted by this fix.
* Target devices running iOS 8+ will incidentally execute the media query,
* but this will still produce the expected result; so this is not a problem.
* As an example, replace:
* height: 50vh;
* font-size: 5vmin;
* with:
* .viewport-unit(height, 50vh);
* .viewport-unit(font-size, 5vmin);
@device-ipad: 768px 1024px; // iPad (all versions)
@device-iphone4: 320px 480px; // iPhone 4
@device-iphone5: 320px 568px; // iPhone 5, 5C, 5S
@devices: @device-ipad @device-iphone4 @device-iphone5;
.viewport-unit(@property, @value) {
@{property}: @value;
.viewport-unit-devices(@property, @value, @devices);
.viewport-unit-devices(@property, @value, @devices, @i: 1) when (@i <= length(@devices)) {
@device: extract(@devices, @i);
@device-width: extract(@device, 1);
@device-height: extract(@device, 2);
@unit: get-unit(@value);
@percent: (@value / unit(1, @unit));
@percent-width: (@device-width * @percent / 100);
@percent-height: (@device-height * @percent / 100);
@media only screen
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1)
and (device-width: @device-width)
and (device-height: @device-height)
.viewport-unit-device-medias(@property, @value, @unit, @percent-width, @percent-height);
.viewport-unit-devices(@property, @value, @devices, (@i + 1));
.viewport-unit-device-medias(@property, @value, vw, @percent-width, @percent-height) {
@media (orientation: portrait) {
@{property}: @percent-width;
@media (orientation: landscape) {
@{property}: @percent-height;
.viewport-unit-device-medias(@property, @value, vh, @percent-width, @percent-height) {
@media (orientation: portrait) {
@{property}: @percent-height;
@media (orientation: landscape) {
@{property}: @percent-width;
.viewport-unit-device-medias(@property, @value, vmin, @percent-width, @percent-height) {
@{property}: @percent-width;
.viewport-unit-device-medias(@property, @value, vmax, @percent-width, @percent-height) {
@{property}: @percent-height;
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