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Zoey Mertes zekesonxx

  • Seattle, WA
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zekesonxx /
Last active December 27, 2024 07:16
Zoey's Homelab Culture Guide

Zoey's Homelab Culture Guide

  1. Don't just say hello
  2. Don't ask to ask
  3. Don't use UNRAID
  4. Ask for help with what you want to actually do, not a piece of the puzzle you think will get you there.
  5. #offtopic is 80% shitposting. #general and #general_deux are 20% shitposting. Learn to distinguish the shitposting from actual advice.
  6. We are not a replacement for googling / looking things up. We're happy to point you in the right direction, but if you want something that can be easily found online, you're getting linked to LMGTFY/LMDDGTFY.
    Bad question example: "What's the difference between Docker and VMs?"
  7. Everyone has their own opinions about what's good and what's bad. Human subcultures are nested fractally. There's no bottom. You've found a fractal nest of bored sysadmins arguing about
zekesonxx / whois.conf
Last active April 27, 2022 07:49
/etc/whois.conf configuration line for AMPR IPs
# AMPR whois regex, post sale
# AMPR space:, (the first three fourths of
# Third and forth octet matching regex credit to
# Regex explanation:
# /-> First octet, always 44
# | /-> One and two digit second octets (0-99)
# | | /-> Three digit second octets, from 100-189
# | | | /-> Second octet 190 and 191
zekesonxx /
Last active December 14, 2020 08:42
Cloudflare IP inspection tool
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Cloudflare IP inspection tool
# GPLv3
function help() {
$0 [-46h] <hostname>
Inspects CloudFlare datacenter IPs
Handles and whitelabel nameservers (like
zekesonxx / gist:6618b9f6a596f067a66264b27232c0ef
Created February 22, 2018 17:51
why does this person exist
Never tell your password to anyone.
Wednesday Feb 21
05:28 PM - Mike is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
05:28 PM - Zeke Sonxx: Hi, how can I help you?
Thursday Feb 22
10:42 AM - Mike is now Online.
10:42 AM - Mike: Hey :3
10:42 AM - Mike: Are you here?.. i hope then u can help me with one little problem!
10:42 AM - Mike: Could you enter my promocode WINTER
10:42 AM - Mike: On the site ?
zekesonxx / destiny.patch
Created February 21, 2018 00:51
rpcs3 patch to get Destiny to the main menu
diff --git a/rpcs3/Emu/Cell/Modules/sysPrxForUser.cpp b/rpcs3/Emu/Cell/Modules/sysPrxForUser.cpp
index 17f4c5b33..6f8aeb72f 100644
--- a/rpcs3/Emu/Cell/Modules/sysPrxForUser.cpp
+++ b/rpcs3/Emu/Cell/Modules/sysPrxForUser.cpp
@@ -151,7 +151,8 @@ s32 sys_lv2coredump_D725F320()
s32 sys_crash_dump_get_user_log_area()
- fmt::raw_error(__func__);
+ //fmt::raw_error(__func__);
Thursday Feb 15
07:37 AM - Razor is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
07:37 AM - Zeke Sonxx: Hi, how can I help you?
11:25 AM - Razor is now Online.
11:26 AM - Razor: hello there
11:26 AM - Razor: ive found you from a common steam group
11:26 AM - Razor: and i wanted to ask
01:28 PM - Razor is now Offline.
01:55 PM - Zeke Sonxx: Ask what
02:05 PM - Razor is now Online.
zekesonxx /
Last active January 18, 2018 04:54
wow this is broken...

Correct Answer (ffprobe):

  title           : foreverrr
  artist          : mc chris
  track           : 9/12
  album           : mc chris foreverrr
  disc            : 2/2
  genre           : Hip-Hop
zekesonxx / settings_dialog.cpp.patch
Created December 27, 2017 22:30
1080 Ti Performance Hack: makes RPCS3 run way better on low-end computers
diff --git a/rpcs3/rpcs3qt/settings_dialog.cpp b/rpcs3/rpcs3qt/settings_dialog.cpp
index 6e43ee81e..a50e9ac82 100644
--- a/rpcs3/rpcs3qt/settings_dialog.cpp
+++ b/rpcs3/rpcs3qt/settings_dialog.cpp
@@ -536,7 +536,8 @@ settings_dialog::settings_dialog(std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> guiSettings, std:
for (const auto& adapter : renderer.adapters)
- ui->graphicsAdapterBox->addItem(adapter);
+ //ui->graphicsAdapterBox->addItem(adapter);
zekesonxx /
Last active May 3, 2017 03:09
Badly Mathed Mathematical Estimate of SAOA12's release date

SAO Abridged Episode 12 Estimate

Mathematically estimated episode 12 release date: August 14th, 2017.

Most optimistic possible guess: June 29th, 2017.

I'm not a mathematician or a statistician, but neither are you.

The Data