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Created November 21, 2014 18:19
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Sketch 3.2 GM
⁃ New Google Material Design template and artboard sizes.
⁃ Adds support for Sketch-Mirror and @3x scaling.
⁃ Align and Distribute tools now work for Vector points too.
⁃ You can now measure the distance from a shape to a grid or guide line using the Alt key as well.
⁃ Alt + click on the Inspector's align buttons to align the entire selection with their parent artboard.
⁃ Added a new preference to choose the resolution to which bitmaps are flattened when doing Layer › Flatten Selection to Bitmap.
⁃ When rotating objects, the pivot point can now be moved.
⁃ Shift+Return now inserts a line break instead of a paragraph break in text editing mode.
⁃ Significant speed improvements, especially when working with complex documents, Make Grid for large grids and undo & redo actions.
⁃ Improves PDF importing.
⁃ When changing text line height, the first line no longer clips off the top.
⁃ Renamed the Paste option in contextual menus to "Paste Here", to make the functionality clearer.
⁃ Improved compatibility with Yosemite.
⁃ Multiple corner radii for rectangles can now be provided from the inspector field using to/left/bottom/right syntax.
⁃ When duplicating layers or groups with slices in them, Sketch will now make sure their names are uniqued.
⁃ You can now perform math operations in the color (RGB/HSB) text fields.
⁃ Improves 'Copy CSS Attributes' for cleaner and more modernised output.
⁃ Inserting slices now always places them directly in the correct group, and they take the name of their parent group automatically.
⁃ Pixel grid can now also be shown and hidden in vector preview.
⁃ When vector points are hidden, the currently selected point handles are still being shown.
⁃ Smart guides in vector tool now also work as expected when the vector points are hidden.
⁃ When changing a subrange of a text with a shared style, the entire string now changes to reflect it.
⁃ Double-click on the zoom icon in the toolbar now zooms back to 100%.
⁃ Alt-clicking on the Move Forward/Backward toolbar buttons moves to front or back instead, and now also updates their labels to indicate this.
⁃ Auto-expanding of groups in the layer list is now optional. Also, Sketch now persists the expanded/collapsed states of groups in the layer list between restarts.
⁃ Artboard preset group now remember their collapsed state.
⁃ Scale fields now disable properly when exporting in vector formats.
⁃ The Release Notes can now be shown from the Help menu as requested.
⁃ You can now hide all Grids and Layouts in one click from the View menu.
⁃ Fixes a layer renaming bug in the layer list with multiple selections.
⁃ Fixes a bug where 'Make Grid' could make objects jump.
⁃ Fixes a number of refresh issues in vector editing mode.
⁃ Fixes a bug where changing blurred objects radius could seem to make it jump around weirdly.
⁃ Fixes a rare bug where documents with embedded pdf images could crash.
⁃ Fixes a bug where the Insert-Artboard inspector wouldn't work as expected when a layer was already selected.
⁃ Fixes a bug where one couldn't grab the handles of rotated shapes in groups.
⁃ Fixes a bug where background blur on rotated objects would misbehave.
⁃ Fixes a bug where deleting large numbers of layers would become really slow.
⁃ Fixes a bug where editing points in zoom-blurred layer wouldn't refresh the canvas properly.
⁃ Fixes a crasher that could occur when closing complex documents.
⁃ Fixes a bug where a text layer with a stroke and shadow might not display the right fill color.
⁃ Fixes a bug where font ascenders could get cropped under a text layer.
⁃ Fixes a bug where big shadows on text layer could get clipped.
⁃ Fixes a bug where nudging a shape inside a smaller artboard would move it out.
⁃ Fixes a bug where pasting text wouldn't strip the text style properly.
⁃ Fixes a bug where the system sharing sheet wouldn't export SVG files.
⁃ Fixes a bug where text layers wouldn't scale down properly.
⁃ Fixes an undo bug when pasting and reordering layers.
⁃ Fixes a bug where you could select layers inside locked groups.
⁃ Fixes a bug where the toolbar zoom icons wouldn't respond correctly.
⁃ Fixes an issue in using the screen color picker on multi-screen setups.
⁃ Fixes a refresh issue in using subpaths with thick strokes.
⁃ Fixes a refresh issue when moving artboards around with guides.
⁃ Fixes a Magic Wand bug on Retina screen.
⁃ Fixes a bug where slice names wouldn't get de-duplicated after copying.
⁃ Fixes a bug where pasted text background might stay around during edit and couldn't be removed.
⁃ Fixes a bug where layers dragged to new pages wouldn't get selected.
⁃ Fixes a bug where axis-constraining using shift when dragging layers wouldn't work.
⁃ Fixes a bug where selecting layers in the list could make the list jump around unexpectedly.
⁃ Fixes a bug where the color inspector would highlight the wrong color as being the current fill/border.
⁃ Fixes a bug where the Export button in the toolbar would add an incorrect slice to the document.
⁃ Fixes a bug where hiding a naming during renaming it would make its name invisible.
⁃ Fixes a bug where shadows wouldn't display correctly when being inside rotated or flipped groups.
⁃ Fixes a bug where text could unexpectedly be set to fixed width.
⁃ Fixes a bug where rotated shapes in groups would scale incorrectly.
⁃ Fixes a bug where measurement numbers for flipped layers would be flipped too.
⁃ Fixes a bug where text excluded from Symbol sync could act in an unpredictable way.
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