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Last active March 10, 2020 03:34
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  • Save zfwf/9c56b32dfe6f6f739114e6f9dbf4a9ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zfwf/9c56b32dfe6f6f739114e6f9dbf4a9ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Terminal commands to learn


  • tmux new -s <name> create new session with
  • tmux attach -t <name> attach to session with
  • tmux kill-session -t <name> kill session with

In tmux hit prefix c-a or c-b then:

? to see a list of commands
:new<CR>  new session
s  list sessions
$  name session
d  detach
Windows (tabs)
c  create window
w  list windows
n  next window (`c-l` for oh-my-tmux)
p  previous window (`c-h` for oh-my-tmux)
f  find window
,  name window
&  kill window
Panes (splits)
%  vertical split
"  horizontal split

o  swap panes
q  show pane numbers
x  kill pane (or c-d)
+  break pane into window (e.g. to select text by mouse to copy)
-  restore pane from window
⍽  space - toggle between layouts
m-<arrow key>  resize pane
<prefix> q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane)
<prefix> { (Move the current pane left)
<prefix> } (Move the current pane right)
<prefix> z toggle pane zoom


  • explorer:

  • g actions:

  • insert mode:

    • <c-p>, <c-n> enable completion
    • <c-x> extended completion mode (shows other options)
      • + <c-l> complete a line (you have to start typing a bit of the line then vim completes for you)
      • + <c-n> | <c-p> context aware completion (use multiple <c-n> + <c-p> to complete sentence)
      • + <c-f> complete file name
  • normal mode:

    • wWeEbBfFtT%/?{} (easymotion)
    • *|# search forward|backward
    • =i{ indent block within {}, also >i{ / <i{ to increase / decrease indent within {}
    • mk, make marker k, `k, move to k. <cmd>`k applies <cmd> between marker and current location.
    • text object
      • iw inner word
      • it inner tag (content of html tag)
      • i" inside " quotes
      • ip inside paragraph
      • as a sentence
    • fold
      • za toggle code fold
      • zr fold reduce (foldlevel--), zR open all folds (set foldlevel to the highest level)
      • zm fold more (foldlevel++), zM close all folds
      • zc close fold under cursor, zC close fold under cursor recursively
      • zo close fold under cursor, zO open fold under cursor recursively
      • zv view cursor line, if jump to a line in a closed fold this opens just enough fold to see the line
      • zx update fold, re-apply foldlevel, undo manual folds
    • :b n|p move to next|prev buffer
    • splits
      • :[v]sp [vertical] split
      • <c-w> general split command
        • + q close split
        • + [j|k|h|l] move to [down|up|left|right] split
        • + <number>[+|-] [increase|decrease] split size by
    • tag/nav
      • <c-]>, <c-t> - jump to def, jump back. <c-i>, <c-o> move forward and backward through jump list (look in to locations, then back out)
      • g] to view a list of def for a tag
      • gd|gD local|global declaration.
      • g*|g# search for the word fwd|bwd under the cursor (like , but g on 'rain' will find words like 'rainbow').
      • <c-w>} preview tag in preview window, :pclose closes preview window
      • <c-w>f goto file under cursor in new window
  • Ex mode

    • :+ny yank n line after current line, :-ny same before current line
    • :.,+ny yank current and n line after current line, :-n,.y same in the other direction
  • quickfix

    • cop[en], :ccl[ose], open, close
    • :cn and :cp allows moving to next, prev item even when quickfix is closed


  • diff
    • ]c and [c next or prev change
  • merging
    • :diffg RE " get from REMOTE
    • :diffg BA " get from BASE
    • :diffg LO " get from LOCAL
    • ConflictMotions plugin can help navigate around conflict markers

vscode vim

gd - jump to definition. gq - on a visual selection reflow and wordwrap blocks of text, preserving commenting style. Great for formatting documentation comments. gb - adds another cursor on the next word it finds which is the same as the word under the cursor. af - visual mode command which selects increasingly large blocks of text. For example, if you had "blah (foo [bar 'ba|z'])" then it would select 'baz' first. If you pressed af again, it'd then select [bar 'baz'], and if you did it a third time it would select "(foo [bar 'baz'])". gh - equivalent to hovering your mouse over wherever the cursor is. Handy for seeing types and error messages without reaching for the mouse!


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