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Rusting it up

Kat Marchán zkat

Rusting it up
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zkat / config.kdl
Last active January 23, 2025 01:08
Example Niri config using KDL v2
input {
touchpad {
mouse {
// natural-scroll
// accel-speed 0.2
// accel-profile "flat"
zkat / Dockerfile.kdl
Last active December 11, 2023 19:48
Dockerfile in KDL
// This file is a translation of to KDL
// This needs to be bookworm-slim because the Ruby image is built on bookworm-slim
ARG NODE_IMAGE="node:20.8-bookworm-slim"
// hadolint ignore=DL3006
FROM "${RUBY_IMAGE}" as="ruby"
// build-base
zkat / docker-compose.kdl
Created December 11, 2023 19:19
Docker Compose in KDL
// This is a KDL translation of,
// with some examples of proposed KDL 2.0 grammar sprinkled in with comments.
version "3"
services {
db {
restart "always"
image "postgres:14-alpine"
shm_size "256mb"
networks {
- "internal_network"
zkat / index.js
Last active April 10, 2023 15:41
testing single-file packages
"name": "test-pkg",
"version": "1.2.3",
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "*",
zkat /
Last active September 24, 2022 23:42
WeightedMeasure impl example
use crate::Score;
pub trait Measure: std::fmt::Debug + Sync + Send {
fn calculate(&self, scores: Vec<(&Score, f32)>) -> f32;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct WeightedMeasure;
impl Measure for WeightedMeasure {
zkat / embark_profiles.txt
Created April 13, 2020 04:14 — forked from passcod/embark_profiles.txt
Dwarf Fortress configs
zkat / ABNF
Last active March 21, 2018 17:49
pattern matching sketch
// match ABNF
Match := 'match' '(' RHSExpr ')' '{' MatchClause* '}'
MatchClause := MatchClauseLHS '=>' FatArroyRHS MaybeASI
MatchClauseLHS := [MatcherExpr] (LiteralMatcher | ArrayMatcher | ObjectMatcher | JSVar)
MatcherExpr := LHSExpr
LiteralMatcher := LitRegExp | LitString | LitNumber
ArrayMatcher := '[' MatchClauseLHS [',', MatchClauseLHS]* ']' // and... whatever it takes to shove ...splat in there
ObjectMatcher := '{' (JSVar [':' MatchClauseLHS]) [',' (JSVar [':', MatchClauseLHS])]* '}' // see above note about ...splat
zkat / index.js
Last active December 16, 2017 02:29
find the cached version that's closest to a given spec
'use strict'
const BB = require('bluebird')
const cacache = require('cacache')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const pickManifest = require('npm-pick-manifest')
const ssri = require('ssri')
module.exports = cachedVersions
zkat /
Created June 29, 2017 22:41
real-world vue app

This is a useful package.json from an actual user, as opposed to an artificial/fabricated app. It should be fairly representative of the sort of things users do.

zkat / index.js
Created June 29, 2017 00:06 — forked from junosuarez/index.js
async cli app boilerplate
#!/usr/bin/env node
if (process.mainModule === module) setImmediate(() => main(process.argv).catch(e => console.log(e.stack) && process.exit(1)))
async function main(argv) {