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Created December 11, 2023 19:19
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Docker Compose in KDL
// This is a KDL translation of,
// with some examples of proposed KDL 2.0 grammar sprinkled in with comments.
version "3"
services {
db {
restart "always"
image "postgres:14-alpine"
shm_size "256mb"
networks {
- "internal_network"
healthcheck {
test "CMD" "pg_isready" "-U" "postgres"
volumes {
- "./postgres14:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
environment {
redis {
restart "always"
image "redis:7-alpine"
// If you don't have a lot of items in your "arrays", you can just use a
// flat node argument (and move to children later). The semantics for this
// are determined by the application, not the parser, though.
networks "internal_network"
healthcheck {
test "CMD" "redis-cli" "ping"
volumes "./redis:/data"
// /- comments can be used to comment out entire nodes without having to
// comment each line, or use multi-line comments.
/-es {
restart "always"
image ""
// Again, you can represent this in two ways, so I'll show both.
environment \
ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Des.enforce.bootstrap.checks=true" \
xpack.license.self_generated.type="basic" \ \
xpack.watcher.enabled=false \
xpack.graph.enabled=false \ \
bootstrap.memory_lock=true \"es-mastodon" \
discovery.type="single-node" \
// Using child nodes instead
/-environment {
ES_JAVA_OPTS "-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Des.enforce.bootstrap.checks=true"
xpack.license.self_generated.type "basic" false
networks "external_network" "internal_network"
healthcheck {
test "CMD-SHELL" "curl --silent --fail localhost:9200/_cluster/health || exit 1"
// With the new `#` proposal for KDL 2.0, this would look like this:
test "CMD-SHELL" #curl --silent --fail localhost:9200/_cluster/health || exit 1
volumes "./elasticsearch:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
ulimits {
memlock soft=-1 hard=-1
nofile soft=65536 hard=65536
ports ""
web {
build "."
image ""
restart "always"
env_file ".env.production"
// KDL 1.0
command r#"bash -c "rm -f /mastodon/tmp/pids/; bundle exec rails s -p 3000""#
// KDL 2.0
command #bash -c "rm -f /mastodon/tmp/pids/; bundle exec rails s -p 3000"
networks "external_network" "internal_network"
healthcheck {
// KDL 2.0
test "CMD-SHELL" #wget -q --spider --proxy=off localhost:3000/health || exit 1
ports ""
// /- comments work for individual values, too
depends_on "db" /-"es" "redis"
volumes "./public/system:/mastodon/public/system"
streaming {
build "."
image ""
restart "always"
env_file ".env.production"
command "node ./streaming"
networks "external_network" "internal_network"
healthcheck {
// KDL 2.0
test: "CMD-SHELL" #wget -q --spider --proxy=off localhost:4000/api/v1/streaming/health || exit 1
ports ""
depends_on "db" "redis"
sidekiq {
build "."
image ""
restart "always"
env_file ".env.production"
command "bundle exec sidekiq"
depends_on "db" "redis"
networks "external_network" "internal_network"
volumes "./public/system:/mastodon/public/system"
healthcheck {
// KDL 2.0
test "CMD-SHELL" #ps aux | grep "[s]idekiq\ 6" || false
// Uncomment to enable federation with tor instances along with adding the following ENV variables
// http_hidden_proxy=http://privoxy:8118
/-tor {
image "sirboops/tor"
networks "internal_network" "external_network"
/-privoxy {
image "sirboops/privoxy"
volumes "./priv-config:/opt/config"
networks "internal_network" "external_network"
networks {
internal_network internal=true
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