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Created March 14, 2017 15:04
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Synology DSM Task Scheduler non-root user environment bug

OS version

DSM 6.1-15047 Update 1

Problem explanation

There's bug/defect in task scheduler in that a user-defined script scheduled to run as a non-root user is executed in an environment where $USER is root, $HOME is /root, and the starting directory is /root, which shouldn't be readable by non-root users. This leads to permission errors when executing standard utilities like find(1).

Expected behavior: $USER is set to the user the script is scheduled to run as; $HOME and the starting directory are set to the home directory of $USER.

By the way, I know how to work around the issue. I'm reporting this to hopefully have this behavior fixed, rather than asking for a workaround.

Problem reproduction steps

Create the following script:

echo -n "pwd: "
echo "USER: $USER"
echo "HOME: $HOME"
find /volume1

(The support form doesn't really support <pre> blocks; in case formatting is messed up, here's the script hosted on GitHub:

Now, create a user-defined script in Task Scheduler, with user set to a non-root user, and put the path to the script above in the "Run command" section of "Task Settings". Enable email notification so that we can see the output.


Standard output/error:
pwd: /root
USER: root
HOME: /root
find: cannot get current directory: Permission denied
echo -n "pwd: "
echo "USER: $USER"
echo "HOME: $HOME"
find /volume1
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Thank you!

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AresROC commented Jun 29, 2018

This bug is still in DSM 6.2...

work around is to put a "cd ~username" in front of the script.
so if your user is "admin", put

cd ~admin

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Sounds like a bug to me... It is reasonable to expect that when you configure a task to be run as user xxx, it starts at the user xxx home folder and that $HOME is set up accordingly.
Did someone ever turn this into a Synology ticket?

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jdalbey commented May 19, 2020

Seems the root problem is now fixed in DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 4.
However, it appears the working directory doesn't match $HOME, which seems peculiar.

pwd: /volume1/homes/tommy
HOME: /var/services/homes/tommy

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chikko80 commented Aug 27, 2021

Do i miss something? I execute the script with a non admin/root user

   echo -n "pwd: "
   echo "USER: $USER"
   echo "HOME: $HOME"
   echo "whoami" $(whoami)
   echo "id" $(id)
pwd: /volume1/homes/rsyncUser
HOME: /var/services/homes/rsyncUser
whoami root
id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),100(users)

why its executed as root wtf?

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