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How to disable cloud-init in Ubuntu

How to disable cloud-init in Ubuntu

Prevent start

  • Create an empty file to prevent the service from starting

      sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled


  • Disable all services (uncheck everything except "None"):

      sudo dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init
  • Uninstall the package and delete the folders

      sudo dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init
      sudo apt-get purge cloud-init
      sudo rm -rf /etc/cloud/ && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/
  • Restart the computer

      sudo reboot


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j-n7 commented Jun 7, 2023

Works like a charm, thank you very much ♥

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crkinard commented Jun 15, 2023

While I concur that installation is irrelevant after the service is disabled by the dpkg-reconfigure edits, was left alone on my recent 22.04 install after apt purge cloud-init.

@zoilomora, muchas gracias.

While it does leave and some other rather necessary things alone if you EVER run 'sudo apt autoremove' for any reason in the future you will cripple the install. Hope you have physical access or IPMI to fix it at that point.

Because of this I would never run anything more than 'sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled'.

Really stupid move on Ubuntu's part to tie things in like this for a service not everyone is going to use. I hate opt-out with the fury of 9001 dying suns.

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While it does leave and some other rather necessary things alone if you EVER run 'sudo apt autoremove' for any reason in the future you will cripple the install. Hope you have physical access or IPMI to fix it at that point.

Because of this I would never run anything more than 'sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled'.

Strongly agree on this one. Creating the file does the job, and causes no further unforeseen issues.

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qupfer commented Sep 1, 2023

I have an 22.04.3 minimal-server vm.
I purged cloud-init, and did an autoremove afterwards.
Nothing bad happen. All works fine as before. netplan is still marked as automatic installed and active/working.
Only a few python3-packages are removed, as they are (correctly) not needed by an package anymore.

So, for my conclusion.
sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled is enough if you just don't need it, but doesn't care about some unused stuff left on disk.

apt-get purge cloud-init if you want to remove it.

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juliyvchirkov commented Nov 8, 2023

@qupfer I can confirm it's totally safe to remove cloud-init

Seems I've missed the warnings (if I've seen any) and droped mine on May 23, 2022 on next step after I've googled this gist and my cloud-init has been successfully disabled

Ubuntu 22.04.3, dedicated server at Frankfurt, DE from Hetzner

281287310-ed9cf7d7-64a3-46ce-af1c-64010eae946b (1)

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This worked perfectly thank you!

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Balzabu commented Dec 29, 2023

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to inform you that I've created a bash script designed to automate the process of disabling cloud-init on Ubuntu servers. It's a quick and simple solution you can even call through a oneliner.

GitHub Repo: disable-cloud-init

Give it a try and let me know your thoughts! Your feedback is highly appreciated.

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After purged cloud-init (on 22.04), the netplan package is also removed.
I followed this section 3.3. Temporary Static IP via ip
to temporary get an IP address, then reinstall netplan using: sudo apt install

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miazj commented May 31, 2024

After purged cloud-init (on 22.04), the netplan package is also removed. I followed this section 3.3. Temporary Static IP via ip to temporary get an IP address, then reinstall netplan using: sudo apt install

Almost had a heart attack...

Thankfully, can confirm that these instructions worked without removing the netplan package for me (Server 22.04).

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Balzabu commented Jun 21, 2024

Hello guys, since the issue with "" seems to be affecting more and more people recently I've decided to study a solution that would avoid having to mess with temporary IPs and other stuff.
I've found a quick and dirty workaround everyone can use in case the package is installed.

Basically, before proceeding to purge the "cloud-init" package with APT, we can mark the package "" as on hold in order to be sure it will not be removed; this will ensure that the "" dependency is not touched by APT at all.

The following one-liner can be used before the sudo apt-get purge cloud-init command to check if "" is installed and put it on hold automatically: dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' 2>/dev/null | grep -q "install ok installed" && { sudo apt-mark hold && echo " put on hold"; } || echo " is not available";

More informations about apt-mark can be found in the official debian manpage:

I've also updated my Bash Script (disable-cloud-init) to include this solution.

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juliyvchirkov commented Jun 28, 2024

Ubuntu 24.04 server (minimal configuration) comes with the following at file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml

# To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}

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Hello guys, since the issue with "" seems to be affecting more and more people recently I've decided to study a solution that would avoid having to mess with temporary IPs and other stuff. I've found a quick and dirty workaround everyone can use in case the package is installed.

Basically, before proceeding to purge the "cloud-init" package with APT, we can mark the package "" as on hold in order to be sure it will not be removed; this will ensure that the "" dependency is not touched by APT at all.

The following one-liner can be used before the sudo apt-get purge cloud-init command to check if "" is installed and put it on hold automatically: dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' 2>/dev/null | grep -q "install ok installed" && { sudo apt-mark hold && echo " put on hold"; } || echo " is not available";

More informations about apt-mark can be found in the official debian manpage:

I've also updated my Bash Script (disable-cloud-init) to include this solution.

thanks... on my sever was removed and now I have no netplan config.. wish I knew this before :-(

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