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Created December 29, 2015 00:48
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Save zombience/7ed1972022b2f8a55b8e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simple python post-commit hook for slack subversion integration
#! /usr/bin/python
# add a new integration and generate a new token before using with new repo
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
#Set slack info
TOKEN = '' #api token for slack integration
DOMAIN = '' #add your team's slack URL here
#svnlook location
def main(argv):
import os.path
stream = sys.stderr or sys.stdout
status = 0
result = 'posted commit to slack'
payload = get_commit_info(argv[1], argv[2])
notify_slack(DOMAIN, TOKEN, payload)
status += 1
result = sys.exc_info()[0]
def get_commit_info( repo, revision ):
log = svn_look('log', repo, '-r', revision)
author = svn_look('author', repo, '-r', revision)
repo_name = repo.split('/')
payload = {'revision' : 'repo: ' + repo_name[-1] + '\nrevision: ' + revision,
'log' : 'commit message: \n' + log,
'author': '\nauthor: ' + author}
return payload
def svn_look( *args ):
p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join([LOOK] + list(args)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
out, err = p.communicate()
return out
def notify_slack(domain, token, payload ):
#create request url
url = 'https://' + domain + '/services/hooks/subversion?token=' + token
#urlencode and post
urllib2.urlopen( url, urllib.urlencode( { 'payload' : json.dumps( payload ) } ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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this script is a simple notification for slack integration


depending on your SVN configuration, you'll likely have to rename this file from '' to 'post-commit' with no suffix
copy this file to directory:
and svn should take care of the rest

this script uses urllib rather than the request module in order to avoid admin issues around adding python modules to servers.
adding a hook script requires less permissions than installing python modules

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