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Last active June 8, 2021 16:46
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An AHK script with GUI for landian editors
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#Include Gdip_All.ahk
; Start gdi+
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
MsgBox, 48, Gdip error!, Gdip failed to start.
; Lantools v3.0
Gui, 1:New, , Lantools
Gui, Font, , Tahoma
Gui, Margin, 10, 20
; imgs part
Gui, Add, Text, Section xm ym w80 +Center , Article ID
Gui, Add, Edit, ys wp vArticleID,
Gui, Add, Text, ys +Center, Qty
Gui, Add, Slider, ys w140 Range1-5 +Tooltip vQty, 1
Gui, Add, Button, Default ys w80 r1 vImageGen, GO
Gui, Add, Text, Section xs w80 r6 +Center, Main.png`n751px*$px
Gui, Add, Edit, ys w350 r6 -Wrap vLandianImage,
Gui, Add, Text, Section xs w80 r2 +Center, Thumbnail`n290*177px
Gui, Add, Edit, ys w350 r1 vLandianThumbImage,
Gui, Add, Text, Section xs w80 r2 +Center, Slide`n600*364px
Gui, Add, Edit, ys w350 r1 vLandianSliderImage,
; toolbox part
Gui, Add, GroupBox, Section xs w450 r5 +Center, ToolBox
Gui, Add, Edit, xp+10 yp+30 w340 r10 vLandianToolBox,
Gui, Add, Button, xp+350 yp w80 r1, <a>
Gui, Add, Button, yp+30 wp r1, <pre>
Gui, Add, Button, yp+30 wp r1, <strong>
Gui, Add, DropDownList, yp+30 wp gLandianTitleAndList vLandianTitleAndList, Red Title|Green Title|Blue Title|Yellow Title|Red List|Green List|Blue List|Yellow List
Gui, Add, Button, yp+30 wp r1, Clear
; hotstring part
Gui, Add, Text, Section xs r1, Hotstrings:
Gui, Add, Text, ys r1, `;edt [正在编辑]
Gui, Add, Text, ys r1, `;adt [待审]
Gui, Add, Text, ys r1, `;cb 「」
Gui, Add, Text, ys r1, F9 Thumbnail
Gui, Add, Text, ys r1, F10 MainImage
; bottom part
Gui, Add, Text, xs r1 cGreen, zozovo ❤ MIT License
Gui, Show
; Generate Images tags and links
GuiControlGet, ArticleID
GuiControlGet, Qty
ArticleID := Trim(ArticleID)
LandianImage := ""
If (ArticleID != "") {
If (Qty = 1) {
src := "" . A_YYYY . "/" . A_MM . "/" . ArticleID . ".png"
LandianImage := "<a href=""" . src . """><img src=""" . src . """ alt=""article title"" class=""alignnone size-full"" /></a>"
} else {
Loop, %Qty% {
src := "" . A_YYYY . "/" . A_MM . "/" . ArticleID . "-" . A_Index . ".png"
LandianImage .= "<a href=""" . src . """><img src=""" . src . """ alt=""article title"" class=""alignnone size-full"" /></a>`n"
LandianThumbImage := "" . A_YYYY . "/" . A_MM . "/" . ArticleID . "T.png"
LandianSliderImage := "" . A_YYYY . "/" . A_MM . "/" . ArticleID . "H.png"
GuiControl,, LandianImage, %LandianImage%
GuiControl,, LandianThumbImage, %LandianThumbImage%
GuiControl,, LandianSliderImage, %LandianSliderImage%
; warp with <a>, open in new tab
GuiControlGet, LandianToolBox
Clipboard := LandianToolBox := "<a href=""" . Clipboard . """ target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener"">" . Clipboard . "</a>"
GuiControl,, LandianToolBox, %LandianToolBox%
; warp with <pre>
GuiControlGet, LandianToolBox
Clipboard := LandianToolBox := "<pre>`n" . Clipboard . "`n</pre>"
GuiControl,, LandianToolBox, %LandianToolBox%
; warp with red color and <b>
GuiControlGet, LandianToolBox
Clipboard := LandianToolBox := "<strong><span style=""color: #019eff;"">" . Clipboard . "</span></strong>"
GuiControl,, LandianToolBox, %LandianToolBox%
; warp with custom code as titles or lists
GuiControlGet, LandianToolBox
GuiControlGet, LandianTitleAndList
LandianList := ""
LandianListArray := StrSplit(Clipboard, "`r`n", " `t`r`n", -1)
For k, v in LandianListArray
If (v != "") {
LandianList .= "<li>" . v . "</li>`n"
LandianList := "<ul>`n" . LandianList . "</ul>"
If (LandianTitleAndList = "Blue Title") {
LandianToolBox := "[infobox]<strong>" . Clipboard . "</strong>[/infobox]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Green Title") {
LandianToolBox := "[successbox]<strong>" . Clipboard . "</strong>[/successbox]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Yellow Title") {
LandianToolBox := "[warningbox]<strong>" . Clipboard . "</strong>[/warningbox]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Red Title") {
LandianToolBox := "[errorbox]<strong>" . Clipboard . "</strong>[/errorbox]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Blue List") {
LandianToolBox := "[ssbluelist]" . LandianList . "[/ssbluelist]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Green List") {
LandianToolBox := "[ssgreenlist]" . LandianList . "[/ssgreenlist]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Yellow List") {
LandianToolBox := "[ssyellowlist]" . LandianList . "[/ssyellowlist]"
} Else If (LandianTitleAndList = "Red List") {
LandianToolBox := "[ssredlist]" . LandianList . "[/ssredlist]"
Clipboard := LandianToolBox
GuiControl,, LandianToolBox, %LandianToolBox%
; clear all textbox
GuiControl,, ArticleID,
GuiControl,, Qty,
GuiControl,, LandianImage,
GuiControl,, LandianThumbImage,
GuiControl,, LandianSliderImage,
GuiControl,, LandianToolBox,
; generate thumbnail from clipboard
FileCreateDir, Landian
GuiControlGet, ArticleID
GuiControlGet, Qty
If (!ArticleID) {
MsgBox "DO NOT forget to input an article ID."
pBitmapClipboard := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard()
If (pBitmapClipboard < 0) {
MsgBox "Something wrong with the Clipboard. code" %pBitmapClipboard% "May be no picture on the clipboard?"
ClipWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmapClipboard)
ClipHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmapClipboard)
ClipRatio := ClipWidth/ClipHeight
TargetWidth := 290
TargetHeight := 177
pBitmapTargetImage := Gdip_CreateBitmap(TargetWidth, TargetHeight)
pGraphicsTargetImage := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmapTargetImage)
; We do not need SmoothingMode as we did in previous examples for drawing an image
; Instead we must set InterpolationMode. This specifies how a file will be resized (the quality of the resize)
; Interpolation mode has been set to HighQualityBicubic = 7
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(pGraphicsTargetImage, 7)
; DrawImage will draw the bitmap we took from the file into the graphics of the bitmap we created
; We are wanting to draw the entire image, but at half its size
; Coordinates are therefore taken from (0,0) of the source bitmap and also into the destination bitmap
; The source height and width are specified, and also the destination width and height (half the original)
; Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphics, pBitmap, dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, sw, sh, Matrix)
; d is for destination and s is for source. We will not talk about the matrix yet (this is for changing colours when drawing)
If (Round(TargetWidth*(1/ClipRatio)) < TargetHeight) {
Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphicsTargetImage, pBitmapClipboard, 0, (TargetHeight-ClipHeight)//2, TargetWidth, ClipHeight, 0, 0, ClipWidth, ClipHeight)
} Else {
Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphicsTargetImage, pBitmapClipboard, 0, 0, TargetWidth, Round(TargetWidth*(1/ClipRatio)), 0, 0, ClipWidth, ClipHeight)
; save to file
LandianImagesPath := A_ScriptDir . "\Landian\"
sOutput := LandianImagesPath . ArticleID . "T.png"
Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmapTargetImage, sOutput, Quality:=90)
; Create a layered window
Gui, 2:New, , %sOutput%
Gui, Add, Picture, , %sOutput%
Gui, Show, NA
; The bitmaps can be deleted
; The graphics can be deleted
FileCreateDir, Landian
; Check the ArticleID
GuiControlGet, ArticleID
GuiControlGet, Qty
If (!ArticleID) {
MsgBox "DO NOT forget to input an article ID."
LandianWatermarkFile := "LandianWatermark.png"
If !FileExist(LandianWatermarkFile) {
MsgBox "Cannot find 'LandianWatermark.png' in the same directory."
pBitmapLandianWatermarkFile := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(LandianWatermarkFile)
WatermarkWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmapLandianWatermarkFile)
WatermarkHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmapLandianWatermarkFile)
pBitmapClipboard := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromClipboard()
If (pBitmapClipboard < 0) {
MsgBox "Something wrong with the Clipboard. code" %pBitmapClipboard%
ClipWidth := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmapClipboard)
ClipHeight := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmapClipboard)
ClipRatio := ClipWidth/ClipHeight
TargetWidth := 751
TargetHeight := Round(TargetWidth*(1/ClipRatio))
pBitmapTargetImage := Gdip_CreateBitmap(TargetWidth, TargetHeight)
pGraphicsTargetImage := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmapTargetImage)
; We do not need SmoothingMode as we did in previous examples for drawing an image
; Instead we must set InterpolationMode. This specifies how a file will be resized (the quality of the resize)
; Interpolation mode has been set to HighQualityBicubic = 7
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(pGraphicsTargetImage, 7)
; DrawImage will draw the bitmap we took from the file into the graphics of the bitmap we created
; We are wanting to draw the entire image, but at half its size
; Coordinates are therefore taken from (0,0) of the source bitmap and also into the destination bitmap
; The source height and width are specified, and also the destination width and height (half the original)
; Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphics, pBitmap, dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, sw, sh, Matrix)
; d is for destination and s is for source. We will not talk about the matrix yet (this is for changing colours when drawing)
If (ClipWidth > TargetWidth) {
Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphicsTargetImage, pBitmapClipboard, 0, 0, TargetWidth, TargetHeight, 0, 0, ClipWidth, ClipHeight)
} Else {
Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphicsTargetImage, pBitmapClipboard, 0, 0, ClipWidth, TargetHeight, 0, 0, ClipWidth, ClipHeight)
Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphicsTargetImage, pBitmapLandianWatermarkFile, TargetWidth-WatermarkWidth-5, TargetHeight-WatermarkHeight-5, WatermarkWidth, WatermarkHeight, 0, 0, WatermarkWidth, WatermarkHeight)
; save to file
LandianImagesPath := A_ScriptDir . "\Landian\"
; To generate a filename according to the ArticleID and Qty
If (Qty = 1) {
sOutput := LandianImagesPath . ArticleID . ".png"
} Else {
sOutput := LandianImagesPath . ArticleID . "-1.png"
If FileExist(sOutput) {
Loop, Files, %LandianImagesPath%\%ArticleID%-?.png
sOutput := LandianImagesPath . ArticleID . "-" . A_Index+1 . ".png"
; Save the modified bitmap to .png file
Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmapTargetImage, sOutput, Quality:=90)
; Create a new window to show the snap
Gui, 3:New
Gui, Add, Picture, , %sOutput%
Gui, Show, NA
; The graphics may now be deleted
; The graphics may now be deleted
; On closing the app
; Shutdown Gdip
; Editing for the title
; Auditing for the title
; Corner Bracket (U+300C) (U+300D)
Copy link

zozovo commented Jun 8, 2021


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