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Created February 10, 2018 22:09
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@require: stdjabook
@require: list
let-block ctx +centering it =
line-break true true ctx (inline-fil ++ read-inline ctx it ++ inline-fil)
let zr-canvas-size = (125mm, 125mm)
let zr-line-width = 5pt
let zr-stroke = stroke zr-line-width
let zr-fill = fill
let zr-muffler-stroke = stroke zr-line-width
let zr-muffler-fill = fill
let zr-trans (x0, y0) (w, h) (x, y) =
(x0 +' w *' x, y0 +' h *' y)
let zr-make-prepath orgn csiz (spt, spls) =
let t = zr-trans orgn csiz in
(fun pth (p1, p2, p3) -> pth |> (bezier-to (t p1) (t p2) (t p3)))
(start-path (t spt)) spls
let zr-make-path orgn csiz (spt, spls) =
zr-make-prepath orgn csiz (spt, spls) |> terminate-path
let zr-make-cycle orgn csiz (spt, spls) =
zr-make-prepath orgn csiz (spt, spls) |> close-with-line
let zr-circle (cx, cy) (rx, ry) =
let a r = (0.55228475pt *' r) /' 1pt in
((cx +.rx, cy), [
((cx +.rx, cy +.a ry), (cx +.a rx, cy +.ry), (cx, cy +.ry));
((cx -.a rx, cy +.ry), (cx -.rx, cy +.a ry), (cx -.rx, cy));
((cx -.rx, cy -.a ry), (cx -.a rx, cy -.ry), (cx, cy -.ry));
((cx +.a rx, cy -.ry), (cx +.rx, cy -.a ry), (cx +.rx, cy));
let zr-flatten = List.fold-left List.append []
let-inline ctx \essential =
let csiz = zr-canvas-size in
let (wd, ht) = csiz in
inline-graphics wd ht 0pt (fun orgn -> zr-flatten [
zr-stroke (zr-make-cycle orgn csiz ((0.50, 0.72), [
((0.64, 0.72), (0.76, 0.65), (0.76, 0.55));
((0.76, 0.51), (0.72, 0.47), (0.67, 0.44));
((0.79, 0.41), (0.84, 0.32), (0.84, 0.25));
((0.84, 0.13), (0.75, 0.08), (0.68, 0.08));
((0.50, 0.08), (0.40, 0.08), (0.32, 0.08));
((0.25, 0.08), (0.16, 0.13), (0.16, 0.25));
((0.16, 0.32), (0.21, 0.41), (0.33, 0.44));
((0.28, 0.47), (0.24, 0.51), (0.24, 0.55));
((0.24, 0.65), (0.36, 0.72), (0.50, 0.72));
zr-stroke (zr-make-path orgn csiz ((0.40, 0.48), [
((0.45, 0.45), (0.55, 0.45), (0.60, 0.48));
zr-fill (zr-make-cycle orgn csiz ((0.58, 0.90), [
((0.637, 0.873), (0.713, 0.837), (0.77, 0.81));
((0.761, 0.75), (0.749, 0.67), (0.74, 0.61));
((0.66, 0.60), (0.50, 0.66), (0.46, 0.72));
((0.496, 0.774), (0.544, 0.846), (0.58, 0.90));
]; (fun p -> zr-fill (zr-make-cycle orgn csiz
(zr-circle p (0.02, 0.03))))
[(0.40, 0.56); (0.60, 0.56)];
zr-flatten ( (fun pth -> [zr-fill pth; zr-stroke pth]) [
zr-make-cycle orgn csiz ((0.20, 0.31), [
((0.19, 0.33), (0.14, 0.41), (0.13, 0.42));
((0.12, 0.43), (0.10, 0.43), (0.07, 0.44));
((0.04, 0.46), (0.06, 0.46), (0.08, 0.46));
((0.09, 0.46), (0.11, 0.44), (0.12, 0.44));
((0.14, 0.46), (0.14, 0.47), (0.15, 0.49));
((0.16, 0.51), (0.16, 0.49), (0.16, 0.48));
((0.16, 0.46), (0.14, 0.44), (0.15, 0.43));
((0.16, 0.42), (0.21, 0.35), (0.22, 0.33));
((0.23, 0.31), (0.21, 0.30), (0.20, 0.31));
zr-make-cycle orgn csiz ((0.80, 0.31), [
((0.81, 0.33), (0.86, 0.41), (0.87, 0.42));
((0.88, 0.43), (0.90, 0.43), (0.93, 0.44));
((0.96, 0.46), (0.94, 0.46), (0.92, 0.46));
((0.91, 0.46), (0.89, 0.44), (0.88, 0.44));
((0.86, 0.46), (0.86, 0.47), (0.85, 0.49));
((0.84, 0.51), (0.84, 0.49), (0.84, 0.48));
((0.84, 0.46), (0.86, 0.44), (0.85, 0.43));
((0.84, 0.42), (0.79, 0.35), (0.78, 0.33));
((0.77, 0.31), (0.79, 0.30), (0.80, 0.31));
zr-make-cycle orgn csiz (zr-circle (0.50, 0.16) (0.03, 0.03));
zr-make-cycle orgn csiz (zr-circle (0.50, 0.26) (0.03, 0.03));
zr-flatten ( (fun pth -> [
zr-muffler-fill pth; zr-muffler-stroke pth;
]) [
zr-make-cycle orgn csiz ((0.27,0.48), [
((0.42, 0.38), (0.58, 0.38), (0.73, 0.48));
((0.75, 0.46), (0.76, 0.44), (0.77, 0.41));
((0.77, 0.39), (0.75, 0.37), (0.73, 0.36));
((0.74, 0.33), (0.74, 0.31), (0.76, 0.26));
((0.75, 0.25), (0.72, 0.24), (0.66, 0.23));
((0.66, 0.27), (0.65, 0.30), (0.63, 0.34));
((0.42, 0.30), (0.32, 0.35), (0.24, 0.41));
((0.25, 0.45), (0.26, 0.47), (0.27, 0.48));
]); (fun p -> zr-stroke (zr-make-cycle orgn csiz
(zr-circle p (0.04, 0.04)))) [
(0.07, 0.28); (0.08, 0.68); (0.13, 0.55);
(0.23, 0.76); (0.42, 0.89); (0.74, 0.89);
(0.88, 0.73); (0.92, 0.53); (0.94, 0.23);
let-inline ctx \bigskip len =
inline-graphics 1pt len 0pt (fun orgn -> [])
document (|
title = {\SATySFi;: The Good Parts};
author = {某ZR};
show-title = true;
show-toc = false;
|) '<
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