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Created April 24, 2017 02:29
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Calcula o troco de um determinado valor
function modulo($num1, $num2 ){
$result = (($num1 / $num2) - floor($num1 / $num2)) * $num2;
return (float)number_format($result, 3, '.', '');
function calc_troco($pago, $conta){
$nota = array('100', '50', '10', '5', '1');
$centavos = array('50', '10', '5','1');
$troco = $pago - $conta;
$vlr = $troco;
for($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++){
$ct = floor($vlr / $nota[$i]); // calculando a qtde de notas
if ($ct) {
$result = $ct. " nota(s) de R$". $nota[$i]." Reais<br>";
$vlr = modulo($vlr, $nota[$i]); // sobra
echo $result;
$vlr = $vlr * 100;
foreach($centavos as $cent){
$ct = floor($vlr / $cent);
$result = "$ct moeda(s) de {$cent} centavos<br>";
$vlr = modulo($vlr, $cent);
echo $result;
calc_troco(20, 5.20);
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