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let it be

Bay Raktar zraffer

let it be
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{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
module Hurkens where
O = Set
Bottom : O
Bottom = (A : O) → A
zraffer / CAT.scala
Created November 6, 2016 15:18
sample of abuse of Java/Scala type system for simulate given formal system
package cat
object CAT {
// system traits
sealed trait Type[Self <: Type[Self]]
sealed trait Of[Self <: Of[Self, T], T <: Type[T]]
// types
case class Ob()
zraffer / CCC.scala
Created November 4, 2016 12:26
Scala Types are objects of Cartesian Closed Category
// Scala Types are objects of Cartesian Closed Category
// (w/o equalities, probably not a category, sorry)
object CCC {
// category structure
def id[T0]: T0=>T0 = x0=>x0
def mul[T1, T2, T3](f23: T2=>T3, f12: T1=>T2): (T1=>T3) = x1 => f23(f12(x1))
// terminal object; adjunction;
type _1_ = Unit
zraffer / FreeMonad.scala
Created August 22, 2016 11:17 — forked from jdegoes/FreeMonad.scala
A pedagogical free(er) monad in 23 lines of Scala
sealed trait Free[F[_], A] { self =>
final def map[B](ab: A => B): Free[F, B] = Free.flatMap(self, ab andThen (Free.point[F, B](_)))
final def flatMap[B](afb: A => Free[F, B]): Free[F, B] = Free.flatMap(self, afb)
final def interpret[G[_]: Monad](fg: F ~> G): G[A] = self match {
case Free.Point(a0) => a0().point[G]
case Free.Effect(fa) => fg(fa)
case fm : Free.FlatMap[F, A] =>
val ga0 = fm.fa.interpret[G](fg)
ga0.flatMap(a0 => fm.afb(a0).interpret[G](fg))
zraffer / log
Last active June 23, 2016 11:38
<<"( λ (P.el: ( ∀ (_: ( ∀ (A.Carrier.El: *1)\n → ( ∀ (A.Carrier.To: ( ∀ (a: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (b: A.Carrier.El)\n → *0)))\n → ( ∀ (A.Carrier.Trans: ( ∀ (e1: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (e2: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (e3: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (_: ((A.Carrier.To e1) e2))\n → ( ∀ (_: ((A.Carrier.To e2) e3))\n → ((A.Carrier.To e1) e3)))))))\n → ( ∀ (A.Mk.el: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (A.Mk.ok: ((A.Carrier.To A.Mk.el) A.Mk.el))\n → A.Carrier.El))))))\n → *0))\n→ ( λ (P.ok: ( ∀ (a1.el: ( ∀ (A.Carrier.El: *1)\n → ( ∀ (A.Carrier.To: ( ∀ (a: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (b: A.Carrier.El)\n → *0)))\n → ( ∀ (A.Carrier.Trans: ( ∀ (e1: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (e2: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (e3: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (_: ((A.Carrier.To e1) e2))\n → ( ∀ (_: ((A.Carrier.To e2) e3))\n → ((A.Carrier.To e1) e3)))))))\n → ( ∀ (A.Mk.el: A.Carrier.El)\n → ( ∀ (A.Mk.ok: ((A.Carrier.To A.Mk.el) A.Mk.el))\n → A.Carrier.El))))))\n → ( ∀ (a1.ok: ( ∀ (A1.
zraffer / foo.lean
Created March 17, 2016 15:38
lean issue
namespace foo
definition bool := ∀ a : Prop, a → a → a
definition tt : bool := λ (a : Prop) (c d : a), c
definition ff : bool := λ (a : Prop) (c d : a), d
definition ind_on_T := ∀ P : bool → Prop, ∀ a : bool, P tt → P ff → P a
definition ind_on : ind_on_T := λ (P : bool → Prop) (a : bool) (t : P tt) (f : P ff), a (P a) t f
check ind_on
zraffer / Prop
Created March 17, 2016 10:35
errorneous attempt for boolean eliminator
-- #Prop
zraffer / Para2.idr
Created March 7, 2016 18:16 — forked from pbl64k/Para2.idr
Parigot/Church-Scott encoding of naturals in CoC (by way of Idris)
Fix : (Type -> Type) -> Type
Fix f = {x : Type} -> (f x -> x) -> x
fold : Functor f => {x : Type} -> (f x -> x) -> Fix f -> x
fold k t = t k
embed : Functor f => f (Fix f) -> Fix f
embed s k = k (map (fold k) s)
project : Functor f => Fix f -> f (Fix f)
zraffer / Para.idr
Created March 4, 2016 12:07 — forked from pbl64k/Para.idr
%default total
data Mu : (Type -> Type) -> Type where
In : f (Mu f) -> Mu f
out : Mu f -> f (Mu f)
out (In x) = x
data LstF : Type -> Type -> Type where
LF : ({c : Type} -> (Maybe (a, Unit -> c, b) -> c) -> c) -> LstF a b
zraffer / para.hs
Created March 3, 2016 13:57 — forked from pbl64k/para.hs
Possibly pointless? encoding of lists as their own paramorphisms.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
import Data.Maybe
data List a = L (forall b. (Maybe (a, (b, List a)) -> b) -> b)
nil :: List a
nil = L (\f -> f Nothing)