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Last active March 16, 2024 18:57
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Daily note taking scripts

These are the scripts referenced in my youtube video: ITS ABOUT TIME - How I integrate time into my Obsidian notes - GTD

  • is the Templater script to create a new meeting note
  • is a Templater script to create a Tasks section in your Obsidian note file
  • transclusion.css is an Obsidian CSS snippet to remove border box and scrollbar from around transclusions

<%* /*

const view = app.workspace.activeLeaf.view;
const editor = view.editor;
const curLineNum = editor.getCursor().line;
const curLineText = editor.getLine(curLineNum);
const title = tp.file.title;
const today = title.match(/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} .+/) //are we on the DNP?
  ? null //if on the DNP, today is set to null
  : moment("YYYY-MM-DD dddd"); //set today
let newLineText = curLineText.replace(
  (match,p1,p2,p3) => `${today?"###":"##"} ${p3??p2}\n![[${(p1??"")+p2}#${(today?today+" ":"") + title}]]`
editor.setLine(curLineNum, newLineText);
let fname = newLineText.match(/!\[\[(.*?)#.*?]]/)[1];
let file = app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(fname,view.file.path);

if(!file) {
  if(!fname.endsWith(".md")) fname=fname+".md";
  file = await app.vault.create(fname,"# Notes\n");

const data = await;
const parts = data.split(/# Notes(?:\n|\r\n|\r)/);
newLineText = `## ${today?"[["+today+"]], ":""}[[${title}]]`;
if(parts.length === 2) {
  await app.vault.modify(file,parts[0]+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n"+parts[1]);
} else {
  await app.vault.modify(file,data+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n");

await app.workspace.openLinkText(fname, view.file.path);
let i=0;
const lineCount = editor.lineCount();
while(editor.getLine(i)!==newLineText && i<lineCount) i++;
# Tasks
//<% Math.round(Math.random()*10**15) %>
const name = dv.current();
dv.taskList(dv.pages().file.tasks.where(t => !t.completed && t.text.includes(name)));
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zsviczian commented May 24, 2022

Based on the error it would seem you copied the line numbers as well, not just the code?
Open the code in GitHub in raw mode.

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moorebi commented May 24, 2022

this error does not help much. I'd rather see a screenshot of your template with the code

Here is the actual template file I am using..


const view = app.workspace.activeLeaf.view;
const editor = view.editor;
const curLineNum = editor.getCursor().line;
const curLineText = editor.getLine(curLineNum);
const title = tp.file.title;
const today = title.match(/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} .+/) //are we on the DNP?
  ? null //if on the DNP, today is set to null
  : moment("YYYY-MM-DD dddd"); //set today
let newLineText = curLineText.replace(
  (match,p1,p2,p3) => `${today?"###":"##"} ${p3??p2}\n![[${(p1??"")+p2}#${(today?today+" ":"") + title}]]`
editor.setLine(curLineNum, newLineText);
let fname = newLineText.match(/!\[\[(.*?)#.*?]]/)[1];
let file = app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(fname,view.file.path);

if(!file) {
  if(!fname.endsWith(".md")) fname=fname+".md";
  file = await app.vault.create(fname,"# Notes\n");

const data = await;
const parts = data.split(/# Notes(?:\n|\r\n|\r)/);
newLineText = `## ${today?"[["+today+"]], ":""}[[${title}]]`;
if(parts.length === 2) {
  await app.vault.modify(file,parts[0]+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n"+parts[1]);
} else {
  await app.vault.modify(file,data+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n");

await app.workspace.openLinkText(fname, view.file.path);
let i=0;
const lineCount = editor.lineCount();
while(editor.getLine(i)!==newLineText && i<lineCount) i++;

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zsviczian commented May 24, 2022

🤔 This looks ok...
We'll need to do some debugging...

Please add debugger; as the first line. This will break the execution of the script and you'll be able to step through the code line by line using F10. Let me know at which point the error is raised.


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moorebi commented May 24, 2022

🤔 This looks ok... We'll need to do some debugging...

Please add debugger; as the first line. This will break the execution of the script and you'll be able to step through the code line by line using F10. Let me know at which point the error is raised.


@zsviczian ... Here is the output from the log (I hope this is what you are looking for)...



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ryanmccool commented Jun 3, 2022

Thank you for these files, @zsviczian ! On the off chance that anyone else has a use case similar to mine, here is some adapted code.

It very closely follows your code but I simplified it to only insert a meeting note title of the date into the project / person md file. I also run a keyboard maestro script that pulls my calendar entries for the day and inserts them into my daily note. There is some specific formatting that I work around there, thus you will find me hopping a couple lines and adding a new line to make it suit my need.

Thanks again!


const view = app.workspace.activeLeaf.view;
const editor = view.editor;
const curLineNum = editor.getCursor().line;
const curLineText = editor.getLine(curLineNum);
const title = tp.file.title;
const today = title.match(/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} .+/) //are we on the DNP?
  ? null //if on the DNP, today is set to null
  : moment("YYYY-MM-DD"); //set today
let newLineText = curLineText.replace(
  (match,p1,p2,p3) => `\n![[${p2}#${(today?today+"":"")}]]`

let fname = newLineText.match(/!\[\[(.*?)#.*?]]/)[1];
editor.setLine(curLineNum+2,"\n![[" + fname + "#" + today + "]]");
let file = app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(fname,view.file.path);

if(!file) {
  if(!fname.endsWith(".md")) fname=fname+".md";
  file = await app.vault.create(fname,"# Notes\n");

const data = await;
const parts = data.split(/# Notes(?:\n|\r\n|\r)/);
newLineText = `### ${today?"[["+today+"]]":""}`;
if(parts.length === 2) {
  await app.vault.modify(file,parts[0]+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n"+parts[1]);
} else {
  await app.vault.modify(file,data+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n");

await app.workspace.openLinkText(fname, view.file.path);
let i=0;
const lineCount = editor.lineCount();
while(editor.getLine(i)!==newLineText && i<lineCount) i++;

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I know it has been a year since you recorded this video. Does your workflow still work the same, or maybe you have made further improvements? I have loaded the 3 scripts but I am still having trouble getting obsidian to jump from daily notes to the project or person. Could you please screenshot the plugins that this depends on and what their settings are. It would be extremely helpful. I am new to Obsidian and Templater but have 20+ years of project management experience. What you have designed here is fantastic. thank you.
In the mean time, I am manually creating the links, sections and tasks.

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