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Forked from zk/haiku.cljs
Last active January 1, 2016 06:59
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(ns almost.haiku
(:require [inky.sketch :as sketch]
[dommy.core :as dom]
[clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.core.async :as async
:refer [<! >! put! chan timeout]])
(:require-macros [dommy.macros :refer [sel1 node]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
;; Config
(def config
{:body-bg (str ""
:typing-speed-base 30
:typing-speed-var 70
:time-between-haikus 3000
:haikus-text ["this is three
this is significantly more than seven
I'm not very good at this"]})
;; Logic
(defn sylables-in-word
"Heuristic-based sylable counter, questionable accuracy."
(when word
(let [overrides {"searches" 2}
word (-> word
(str/replace #"[^a-z]" ""))]
(get overrides word) (get overrides word)
(< (count word) 4) 1
:else (->> (-> word
(str/replace #"(?:[^laeiouy]es|ed|[^laeiouy]e)$" "")
(str/replace #"^y" ""))
(re-seq #"[aeiouy]{1,2}")
(defn count-sylables [words]
(->> (str/split words #"\s+")
(map sylables-in-word)
(reduce +)))
(defn type-text [$line text]
(let [done-chan (chan)
$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(loop [chars text]
(when-not (or (empty? chars)
(not @!autotype))
(dom/set-value! $input
(str (dom/value $input) (first chars)))
(dom/fire! $input :input)
(<! (timeout (+ (config :typing-speed-base)
(rand (config :typing-speed-var)))))
(recur (rest chars))))
(put! done-chan true))
;; Templates
(defn $line [target-syl]
(let [$input (node [:input {:type "text"}])
$syl (node [:span.sylables "0 syl"])
$el (node [:div.input-row $syl $input])
update (fn [_]
(let [num-syl (-> $input dom/value count-sylables)]
(dom/set-text! $syl
(str num-syl " syl"))
(if (= num-syl target-syl)
(dom/add-class! $syl :valid)
(dom/remove-class! $syl :valid))))]
(dom/listen! $el :input update)
;; State
(def !haikus (atom (cycle (config :haikus-text))))
(def !autotype (atom true))
(def $lines (map $line [5 7 5]))
;; Sketch
["html, body, .sketch" {:width "100%"
:height "100%"
:padding "0"
:margin "0"
:font-family "cursive"}
".sketch" {:background-image (str "url('" (config :body-bg) "')")
:background-size "cover"
:display "table"}
".input-row span, .input-row input" {:display "inline-block"
:font-size "30px"
:line-height "1em"}
".input-row span" {:width "80px"
:margin-right "20px"
:text-align "right"}
"input" {:padding "20px 10px"
:background-color "transparent"
:margin "10px 0"
:border "none"
:outline "none"
:width "480px"
:font-family "cursive"
:text-align "center"}
"input:hover" {:background-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"}
".content-wrap" {:vertical-align "middle"
:display "table-cell"}
".words" {:width "600px"
:margin "0 auto"}
".sylables.valid" {:color "green"}])
(doseq [$line $lines]
(let [$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(dom/listen! $input :focus
(fn []
(when @!autotype
(reset! !autotype false)
(doseq [$line $lines]
(let [$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(dom/set-value! $input "")
(dom/fire! $input :input))))))))
;; Auto-Type Loop
(defn clear-line [$line]
(let [$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(dom/set-value! $input "")
(dom/fire! $input :input)))
(defn clear-lines [$lines]
(doseq [$line $lines] (clear-line $line)))
(while @!autotype
(let [haiku (first @!haikus)
lines (map str/trim (-> haiku
(str/split #"\n+")))]
(swap! !haikus rest)
(clear-lines $lines)
(doseq [[$line line] (map #(vector %1 %2) $lines lines)]
(clear-line $line)
(<! (type-text $line line))
(<! (timeout 500))))
(<! (timeout (config :time-between-haikus)))))
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