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Created June 26, 2012 10:19
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Save zyphlar/2994842 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cheap and Dirty Asterisk Logfile Analysis
/* Cheap and Dirty Asterisk Logfile Analysis
* by Will Bradley,
* Released to the public domain, 6-26-2012
* To install, modify the $dbname and other variables,
* create the MySQL database, user, and permissions,
* and double-check the asterisk logfile paths/formats below.
* This is a very cheap script, use at your own risk!
* The script analyzes logfiles with regex to get stats
* on % of calls answered versus "lost" versus sent to voicemail.
* I wrote it because the CDR on my FreePBX install doesn't show
* a difference between "Answered" and "Voicemail."
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
form, input { display: inline; }
<form action="#" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="dump" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Dump & Reload" /></form>
<form action="#" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="c" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Load Calls" /></form>
<form action="#" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="a" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Load Answered" /></form>
<form action="#" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="m" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Load Missed" /></form>
<form action="#" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="v" value="1"><input type="submit" value="Load Voicemail" /></form>
$start = 8;
if(isset($_POST['start']) && 0 <= $_POST['start'] && $_POST['start'] < 24) {
$start = $_POST['start'];
$end = 19;
if(isset($_POST['end']) && 0 <= $_POST['end'] && $_POST['end'] < 24) {
$end = $_POST['end'];
$debug = false;
$dbuser = ""; // your username
$dbpass = ""; // your password
$dbname = ""; // your database
$dbhost = ""; // your db host
$mysqli = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
/* check connection */
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);
if($_POST['dump'] == "1") {
if(!$mysqli->real_query("DROP TABLE calls")){
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
$mysqli->real_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS calls ( id VARCHAR(10), extension VARCHAR(10), date DATETIME, answered INT, voicemail INT, recording INT, code VARCHAR(3) )");
if($_POST['c'] == "1") {
$rings = array_merge(
greplogs_calls('grep ringing /var/log/asterisk/full.3',"/-- SIP/","3"),
greplogs_calls('grep ringing /var/log/asterisk/full.2',"/-- SIP/","2"),
greplogs_calls('grep ringing /var/log/asterisk/full.1',"/-- SIP/","1"),
greplogs_calls('grep ringing /var/log/asterisk/full',"/-- SIP/","0")
foreach($rings as $ring) {
if(!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO calls ( id, extension, date) VALUES ('$ring[0]','$ring[1]','$ring[2]')")){
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
$qb = query("SELECT id FROM calls group by id having count(*) >= 2",$mysqli);
foreach($qb as $qqq) {
query("DELETE FROM calls WHERE id = $qqq[0]",$mysqli);
if($_POST['v'] == "1") {
$records = array_merge(
greplogs('grep "Recording the" /var/log/asterisk/full.3',"//","3"),
greplogs('grep "Recording the" /var/log/asterisk/full.2',"//","2"),
greplogs('grep "Recording the" /var/log/asterisk/full.1',"//","1"),
greplogs('grep "Recording the" /var/log/asterisk/full',"//","0")
$list = "";
foreach($records as $record) {
$list .= "id='$record' OR ";
$query = "UPDATE calls SET recording='1' WHERE ".$list."id=''";
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
if($_POST['m'] == "1") {
$voicemails = array_merge(
greplogs('grep Nobody /var/log/asterisk/full.3',"//","3"),
greplogs('grep Nobody /var/log/asterisk/full.2',"//","2"),
greplogs('grep Nobody /var/log/asterisk/full.1',"//","1"),
greplogs('grep Nobody /var/log/asterisk/full',"//","0")
$list = "";
foreach($voicemails as $voicemail) {
$list .= "id='$voicemail' OR ";
$query = "UPDATE calls SET voicemail='1' WHERE ".$list."id=''";
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
if($_POST['a'] == "1") {
$answers = array_merge(
greplogs('grep answered /var/log/asterisk/full.3',"/-- SIP/","3"),
greplogs('grep answered /var/log/asterisk/full.2',"/-- SIP/","2"),
greplogs('grep answered /var/log/asterisk/full.1',"/-- SIP/","1"),
greplogs('grep answered /var/log/asterisk/full',"/-- SIP/","0")
$list = "";
foreach($answers as $answer) {
$list .= "id='$answer' OR ";
$query = "UPDATE calls SET answered='1' WHERE ".$list."id=''";
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
if($_POST['s'] == "1") {
$stats = array();
foreach($rings as $call){
$result = "";
$answered = "0";
$voicemail = "0";
$recording = "0";
if(in_array($call[0], $answers)){
$answered = "1";
$result .= "a";
if(in_array($call[0], $voicemails)){
$voicemail = "1";
$result .= "m";
if(in_array($call[0], $records)){
$recording = "1";
$result .= "v";
if(!$mysqli->query("UPDATE calls SET answered='$answered', voicemail='$voicemail', recording='$recording', code='$result' WHERE id='$call[0]'")){
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
$stats[] = array($call[0], $result);
$qa = query("SELECT date_format(date,'%b %e') FROM calls WHERE (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end) ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1",$mysqli);
$qb = query("SELECT date_format(date,'%b %e') FROM calls WHERE (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end) ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1",$mysqli);
echo "<h2>Inbound Call Statistics Between ".($start+1).":00-$end:00, ".$qa[0][0]." - ".$qb[0][0]."</h2>";
$qa = query("SELECT count(id) FROM calls WHERE (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo "(".$qa[0][0].")";
$totalcalls = $qa[0][0];
echo " calls | ";
$qb = query("SELECT count(id) FROM calls WHERE answered = '1' AND (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo "(".$qb[0][0].")";
echo " answered | ";
$qb = query("SELECT count(id) FROM calls WHERE (voicemail = '1' OR recording = '1') AND (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo "(".$qb[0][0].")";
echo " missed ";
$qb = query("SELECT count(id) FROM calls WHERE voicemail = '1' AND recording IS NULL AND (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo "[".$qb[0][0];
echo " lost, ";
$qb = query("SELECT count(id) FROM calls WHERE recording = '1' AND (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo $qb[0][0];
echo " voicemails] | ";
$qb = query("SELECT count(id) FROM calls WHERE answered IS NULL AND voicemail IS NULL AND recording IS NULL AND (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo "(".$qb[0][0].")";
$totalhangups = $qb[0][0];
echo " hangups ";
$qa = query("SELECT round(count(answered)/count(date)*100), round((count(voicemail)-count(recording))/count(date)*100), round(count(recording)/count(date)*100) FROM calls WHERE (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
echo "<p>Overall ".$qa[0][0]."% Answer Rate, ".$qa[0][1]."% Loss Rate, ".$qa[0][2]."% Voicemail Rate, ".round($totalhangups/$totalcalls*100)."% Hangup Rate.</p>";
echo "<h3>Percent by Property</h3>";
$qb = query("SELECT extension, count(answered), count(date), round(count(answered)/count(date)*100), round((count(voicemail)-count(recording))/count(date)*100) FROM calls WHERE (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end) GROUP BY extension",$mysqli);
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><th>Property</th><th>Answered / # of Calls</th><th>Answer Rate</th><th>Loss Rate</th></tr>";
foreach($qb as $q) {
echo "<tr><td>".prop($q[0])."</td><td>$q[1] / $q[2]</td><td>$q[3]%</td><td>$q[4]%</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><th>Property</th><th>% of Total Calls</th><th>Loss Rate</th></tr>";
foreach($qb as $q) {
echo "<tr><td>".prop($q[0])."</td><td>".round($q[2]/$totalcalls*100)."%</td><td>$q[4]%</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<h3>Per Day</h3>";
$qb = query("SELECT round((COUNT(voicemail)-count(recording))/COUNT(DISTINCT(DAYOFYEAR(date)))), round(COUNT(answered)/COUNT(DISTINCT(DAYOFYEAR(date)))), round(COUNT(date)/COUNT(DISTINCT(DAYOFYEAR(date)))) FROM calls WHERE (HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end)",$mysqli);
foreach($qb as $q) {
echo "<p>Avg $q[2] calls per day: $q[1] answered, $q[0] lost</p>";
$qqq = query("SELECT * FROM calls WHERE HOUR(date) > $start AND HOUR(date) < $end",$mysqli);
echo "<br/><table>";
echo "<tr><th>Call #</th><th>Extension</th><th>Date</th><th>Ans</th><th>Mis</th><th>VM</th></tr>";
foreach($qqq as $stat){
echo "<tr><td>$stat[0]</td><td>".prop($stat[1])."</td><td>$stat[2]</td><td>".num($stat[3],"A")."</td><td>".num($stat[4],"M")."</td><td>".num($stat[5],"V")."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
foreach($stats as $stat){
echo $stat[0].": ".$stat[1]."<br/>";
function prop($prop) {
// this was originally for renaming extensions to property (office) names
return "x".$prop
function num($num, $output) {
if($num == "1") {
return $output;
function query($querystring,$mysqli) {
$output = array();
if ($mysqli->real_query($querystring)) {
do {
/* store first result set */
if ($result = $mysqli->use_result()) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
$output[] = $row;
} while ($mysqli->next_result());
else {
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
$j = mysqli_warning_count($db);
if ($j > 0) {
$e = mysqli_get_warnings($db);
for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {
return $output;
function greplogs($grepString, $filterString, $prefix) {
$debug = false;
$recoutput = array();
exec($grepString, $recoutput);
$recoutput = preg_grep($filterString,$recoutput);
$recordings = array();
if($debug)echo "<h1>Results: ".sizeof($recoutput)."</h1>";
echo "<dl>";
foreach($recoutput as $item) {
echo "<dt>";
if($debug) {echo $item;}
echo "</dt>";
echo "<dd>";
if($debug) { var_dump($matches[1]);}
$recordings[] = $prefix.$matches[1];
echo "</dd>";
echo "</dl>";
return $recordings;
function greplogs_calls($grepString, $filterString, $prefix) {
$debug = false;
$recoutput = array();
exec($grepString, $recoutput);
$recoutput = preg_grep($filterString,$recoutput);
$recordings = array();
if($debug)echo "<h1>Results: ".sizeof($recoutput)."</h1>";
echo "<dl>";
foreach($recoutput as $item) {
echo "<dt>";
if($debug) {echo $item;}
echo "</dt>";
echo "<dd>";
preg_match("/^\[(.*)\] VER/",$item,$date);
$parsed_date = date("c",strtotime($date[1]));
if($debug) { var_dump($matches[1]);}
$recordings[] = array($prefix.$matches[1],$ext[1],$parsed_date);
echo "</dd>";
echo "</dl>";
return $recordings;
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it is not working..table created but nothing happened

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