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Created May 10, 2017 12:32
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problemzebra commented May 31, 2017

Hi Adam,

what are your experiences with the Java EE Batch API (JSR 352), especially JBeret (the JSR 352 implementation in JBoss EAP/Wildfly) concerning

  • Monitoring
  • Clustering
  • Scheduling (EJB timer or ScheduledExecutorService?)?
  • Resilience (what happens if a job connects to a e.g. mail server but for some reason the job runs forever because a timeout is not working?)

A typical job in our application is: (a) reading a file from imap/folder/ftp/database/… (b) doing some processing like validation, transformation, … (c) writing a file to smtp/folder/ftp/database….

Are there any established alternatives to JSR 352? When would you recommend to build a own job framework?

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sebargarcia commented Jun 2, 2017

Hi Adam,
Is there a way tu use eclipselink @Multitenant in CMT (container managed transactions)?
I use JPA (eclipselink implementation) in Payara and in my webapp I need tu use multitenant. What I see is that there are nothing standard in JPA but eclipseLink have @Multitenant. My problem is that for what i see you can only use @Multitenant in BMT (bean managed transaction) thats mean I can not inject the entityManager (
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "myPU") private EntityManager em;
and set the tenant dynamically.
what are your strategy tu develop multitenant app?

oh and for @mehdithe Antnios´s blog had a good entry about JWT and jax-rs:


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dempile commented Jun 4, 2017

Hi Adam,
I want to create a project with multiple java ee modules packaged in war files connected with each other with rest webservices, these wars are deployed in the same payara appserver and sharing a single database.
Is this kind of architecture suitable to build a project with large amount of data, and is having a unique database can cause performance problems ?

In you opitnion what can be the architecture to build a JEE application with different business modules sharing data between them

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Hi Adam, did you have any experience programming an scheduled MDB ?? Could you sho us an example?


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