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Last active May 8, 2017 13:48
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roeltje25 commented May 3, 2017

Dear Adam,

Greetings from holland. I am grateful for your monthly airhacks shows, I have learned a lot already. One thing you always reiterate is that we only need one dependency, i.e. javaee-api. This yields among other things superfast build times of docker images as you have shown multiple times. However, it is sometimes needed to add additional dependencies regardless. I think e.g. about jcache, where I need to incorporate hazelcast or another implementation. Or think about phonenumber parsing, where I would opt to incorporate the google phonenumber parsing library.

The question then is the following. Would it be possible to setup a docker image in such a way that the (almost never changing) dependencies are already incorporated in a docker layer, such that building and deploying becomes fast even when we have some dependencies? And how to do that in a portable way accross java ee containers?

with kind regards,


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walu-lila commented May 3, 2017

HI Adam,

I was wondering if CDI Events support generic class, i.e. suppose we have
public interface Event extends Serializable {}
public class DomainEvent<T extends Event> {}

and we have two events;
where OrderCreated and OrderDelivered implement Event

How can we implement separate listeners for this events in a JAVA EE environment?
Using spring framework we would have class DomainEvent implement ResolvableTypeProvider


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viktorcitaku commented May 4, 2017

Hello Adam, what is your opinion regarding the recent fuss about Project Jigsaw after IBM and Red Hat seem to be against it, in it's current state?

(Source of my question:

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hi adam .
I'm just starting with java EE and i would like some advice on how to approach it effectively . (all my friends are doing some cool shiny stuff like node.js) i like java so just a little advice on the path to take in learning java EE would be very much appreciate it .
i love your work on github and on youtube all thought i don't understand it completely .

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AdamBien commented May 8, 2017

Application Servers, Connection Pools and Clustering (a question from the field)

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Hi Adam, for what we need use JavaEE with Payara, Glassfish and so on, if we have Jersey - JAX-RS implementation? :)

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AdamBien commented May 8, 2017

@AdamBien Hi Adam ! What do you think of JPMS ?

— Alexandre Fruchaud (@alexthep) May 8, 2017

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Hi Adam,

I am using a @Asynchronous method, whichs returns a java.util.concurrent.Future inside a stateless bean to start some long running task (several minutes) via JAX-RS. After that I can poll the status and see if the execution isDone().
Which approach would you use to also update the current progress (%) that it can be polled via JAX-RS?

Best regards,

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