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Created November 22, 2021 19:53
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Testing script path spending in taproot with python-bitcointx
import bitcointx as btc
from bitcointx.wallet import CCoinKey
from bitcointx.core import COutPoint, CTxIn, CTxOut, CMutableTransaction, CTxInWitness
from bitcointx.core.script import (CScript, OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_NUMEQUAL,
TaprootScriptTree, CScriptWitness)
from bitcointx.wallet import P2TRCoinAddress
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
# phase 1: create an address for a script of OP_CHECKSIGADD pub1, pub2/OP_CHECKSIGADD pub3, pub4/pub5
# generate 5 different privkeys:
keys = [CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(bytes([i]*32)) for i in range(1, 6)]
scr1 = CScript([keys[0].xonly_pub, OP_CHECKSIG, keys[1].xonly_pub, OP_CHECKSIGADD, 2, OP_NUMEQUAL], name="multisig1")
scr2 = CScript([keys[2].xonly_pub, OP_CHECKSIG, keys[3].xonly_pub, OP_CHECKSIGADD, 2, OP_NUMEQUAL], name="multisig2")
scr3 = CScript([keys[4].xonly_pub, OP_CHECKSIG], name="single key")
# TaprootScriptTree automatically creates the tree for us, given a list of CScript objects:
tree = TaprootScriptTree([scr1, scr2, scr3])
# set a dummy internal pubkey; note in future we might want to use the provably unspendable form as in BIP341 recommendation:
addr = P2TRCoinAddress.from_script_tree(tree)
# (this was run before completing the rest of the script to fund:)
print("The address to fund is: {}".format(addr))
# this transaction funds the above with 0.01 coins:
hextx1 = "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"
tx1id = unhexlify("18e1602c29fc063a24973179d244b1e09443fb396553e99038617084898c0c5c")
outpoint = COutPoint(tx1id[::-1], 0)
vin = [CTxIn(prevout=outpoint, nSequence=0xffffffff)]
sPK = addr.to_scriptPubKey()
vout = [CTxOut(998000, sPK)]
tx2 = CMutableTransaction(vin, vout, nVersion=2)
# phase 2: given a transaction (tx1) in hex which funds an output for addr addr1, we construct a transaction spending that (tx2).
# we use the second of the three scripts:
s, cb = tree.get_script_with_control_block('multisig2')
sh = s.sighash_schnorr(tx2, 0, (CTxOut(1000000, sPK),))
sig_for_key_2 = keys[2].sign_schnorr_no_tweak(sh)
print("Verificationresult: ", keys[2].xonly_pub.verify_schnorr(sh, sig_for_key_2))
sig_for_key_3 = keys[3].sign_schnorr_no_tweak(sh)
tx2.wit.vtxinwit[0] = CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([sig_for_key_3, sig_for_key_2, s, cb]))
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dgpv commented Apr 16, 2022

You're correct, the problem was that the hash that was calculated by that line sh = s.sighash_schnorr(...) (1) was different from the hash that was calculated by the node based (among other things) on the amount on the actual prevout (2), and thus the signature that was created for (1) was invalid for the (2)

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