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Anthony Da Mota AkdM

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EnriqueSoria /
Last active July 18, 2024 13:25 — forked from rochacbruno/
Validate Dataclass Python
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union, List
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Validations:
sleirsgoevy / ps4.html
Created October 27, 2021 16:06
PS4 WebKit exploit on 9.00
var PAGE_SIZE = 16384;
var SPRAY_FONTS = 0x1000;
var GUESS_FONT = 0x200430000;
var NPAGES = 20;
var HAMMER_FONT_NAME = "font8"; //must take bucket 3 of 8 (counting from zero)
Informatic /
Last active November 28, 2024 19:19
openlgtv webOS hacking notes

This is just a dump of some interesting undocumented features of webOS (3.8 specifically, on early 2018 4k LG TV) and other development-related tips.

Homebrew app ideas

Ircama /
Last active December 17, 2024 20:09
Replacing Netflix and Amazon keys of the webOS LG TV LG Magic Remote with other apps

Replacing Netflix and Amazon keys of the webOS LG TV LG Magic Remote with other apps

This procedure allows substituting one or both Netflix and Amazon keys of the Magic Remote Control Unit with other apps or TV control menus of the webOS LG TV.

Netflix and Amazon keys can be found just over the Red-Green-Yellow-Blue color buttons of such remote.

Assumption for this procedure is that you accept to uninstall the apps related to the keys to be substituted. Example: if you want to replace the Netflix key, you need to uninstall Netflix (possibly, you are not using Netflix if you do not need such key).

To uninstall Netflix or Amazon Prime, press the Home key of the Magic Remote, select the "LG Content Store" app, press "APP" at the top of the screen, press "My Apps", press the "Rem

superjose / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active February 19, 2024 10:22
This is an example of a .gitlab-ci.yml that is required for Continuous Integration on GitLab projects.
# Reference:
# GitLab uses docker in the background, so we need to specify the
# image versions. This is useful because we're freely to use
# multiple node versions to work with it. They come from the docker
# repo.
# Uses NodeJS V 9.4.0
image: node:9.4.0
# And to cache them as well.
AkdM / gist:ccb5a7f27a3624e3d451f013d9bf37eb
Created March 13, 2018 16:11
Git config user config only
git config --global user.useConfigOnly true
Pulimet / AdbCommands
Last active December 24, 2024 11:21
Adb useful commands list
Hi All!
I've recently launched a tool that wraps many of the commands here with a user interface. This desktop application is currently available for macOS. There's a roadmap outlining planned features for the near future.
Feel free to request any features you'd like to see, and I'll prioritize them accordingly.
One of the most important aspects of this application is that every command executed behind the scenes is displayed in a special log section. This allows you to see exactly what’s happening and learn from it.
Here's the link to the repository:
App Description:
ADBugger is a desktop tool designed for debugging and QA of Android devices and emulators. It simplifies testing, debugging, and performance analysis by offering device management, automated testing, log analysis, and remote control capabilities. This ensures smooth app performance across various setups.
# WARNING: This probably won't work with current versions of the
# mmalobj layer; it was made while the layer was still being
# developed.
import io
import curses
import datetime as dt
from picamera import array, mmal, mmalobj as mo, PiCameraMMALError
from threading import Thread, Lock
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
waveform80 /
Created June 16, 2017 16:42
Faster astro-cam demo
from picamera import PiCamera
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from PIL import Image
from signal import pause
class DisplayOutput():
def __init__(self):
self.hat = SenseHat()
def write(self, buf):
justjanne / Price
Last active October 26, 2024 16:36 — forked from kylemanna/price.txt
Server Price Breakdown: DigitalOcean, Amazon AWS LightSail, Vultr, Linode, OVH, Hetzner, Scaleway/

Server Price Breakdown: DigitalOcean, Amazon AWS LightSail, Vultr, Linode, OVH, Hetzner, Scaleway/



Provider Type RAM Cores Storage Transfer Network Price