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Brian Jesse BrainBacon

  • San Diego, CA
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BrianCArnold /
Created January 4, 2023 22:19
ZFS Health Check & Discord Notification Bash Script


This is a script I made to check the health of the ZFS pools on my Ubuntu server and send a notification with a summary to a Discord server channel (see image of example notification below) I have made for my servers. I borrowed and modified some parts for the actual ZFS health check from this Gist. The script checks ZFS pools overall condition, capacity, errors and time since last scrub. If an issue is detected with a pool a role on the Discord channel is pinged.

This script is only tested on Ubuntu Server 20.04.


Copy the two bash files to a Linux server with ZFS pools and modify as required based on distro/version. Fill inn the Discord variables in the file.

WebReflection /
Last active October 20, 2021 14:54
Solving the "ESM in NodeJS" Odyssey.

Solving the "ESM in NodeJS" Odyssey.

After months of discussions in a dedicated group, it's clear to me NodeJS is still stuck in finding a way to deliver native ESM to its users.

The "usual few" won't hear anything different from .mjs, but .mjs has been demonstrated to be not a solution neither.

Following few cases not covered by .mjs:

  • evaluation of any string, via CLI, or on demand, where there is no extension
  • tools that convert their syntax into JS, since it always worked to date (thanks to transpilers, bundlers, and loaders)
yyx990803 / webpack.config.js
Last active March 8, 2024 17:43
vue-loader 15.0 usage
// This requires the WIP branch at
const path = require('path')
const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader')
module.exports = {
mode: 'development',
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, './main.js'),
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
kubectl get services # List all services
kubectl get pods # List all pods
kubectl get nodes -w # Watch nodes continuously
kubectl version # Get version information
kubectl cluster-info # Get cluster information
kubectl config view # Get the configuration
kubectl describe node <node> # Output information about a node
kubectl get pods # List the current pods
kubectl describe pod <name> # Describe pod <name>
kubectl get rc # List the replication controllers
ceejbot /
Last active June 20, 2024 10:45
npm's proposal for supporting ES modules in node

ESM modules in node: npm edition

The proposal you’re about to read is not just a proposal. We have a working implementation of almost everything we discussed here. We encourage you to checkout and build our branch: our fork, with the relevant branch selected. Building and using the implementation will give you a better understanding of what using it as a developer is like.

Our implementation ended up differing from the proposal on some minor points. As our last action item before making a PR, we’re writing documentation on what we did. While I loathe pointing to tests in lieu of documentation, they will be helpful until we complete writing docs: the unit tests.

This repo also contains a bundled version of npm that has a new command, asset. You can read the documentation for and goals of that comma

codysherman / cloud9-styles.css
Last active July 5, 2020 09:19
Cloud9 Custom Styles
/* colors:
* #ABB2BF default syntax (foreground)
* #828997 medium syntax
* #5C6370 darkest syntax
* #56B6C2 cyan
* #61AFEF blue
* #C678DD purple
* #98C379 green
* #E06C75 light red
* #BE5046 red
rohitrawat / sources.list
Created June 12, 2017 18:17
Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial default /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS _Xenial Xerus_ - Release amd64 (20170215.2)]/ xenial main restricted
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb xenial main restricted
# deb-src xenial main restricted
## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb xenial-updates main restricted
max-mapper /
Last active November 2, 2023 10:13
generate ES512 and RS256 elliptic curve keypairs for JWT JWK (JSON Web Token JSON Web Key) using openssl
# RS256
# private key
openssl genrsa -out rs256-4096-private.rsa 4096
# public key
openssl rsa -in rs256-4096-private.rsa -pubout > rs256-4096-public.pem
# ES512
# private key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -noout -out ecdsa-p521-private.pem
# public key
mlynch /
Last active February 3, 2023 00:21
Cordova Plugin Developer Guide

Cordova Plugin Development Guide (iOS and Android)

Version: 0.0.1 updated 7/1/2016

Cordova Plugins are the magic that enable our mobile web app content to access the full power of Native SDKs underneath, but through clean JavaScript APIs that work the same across all platforms we target.

Building Cordova plugins is scary for many Cordova and Ionic developers, but it doesn't have to be. This simple guide walks through the what, when, why, and how of Cordova plugin development for iOS and Android.


valerybugakov / jsformatter.vim
Last active July 29, 2017 00:56
Vim-airline-tabline formatter
" Drop this file into ~/.vim_bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatters
" And add to your .vimrc:
" :let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'jsformatter'
function! airline#extensions#tabline#formatters#jsformatter#format(bufnr, buffers)
let buf = bufname(a:bufnr)
let filename = fnamemodify(buf, ':t')
if filename == 'index.js' || filename == 'index.jsx'
return fnamemodify(buf, ':p:h:t') . '/i'