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Damon Oehlman DamonOehlman

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appsforartists / Linux for the Lenovo Legion
Last active November 23, 2024 07:02
Linux for the Lenovo Legion Go

I've been experimenting with running Linux (specifically NixOS) on the Legion Go. I intend to publish my configuration when it's in a good spot, but also thought it would be handy to have a shared space to document what we all learn in the mean time.

I'm admittedly new to both Linux and Nix, and appreciate any advice others can share too.

What's working

  • Touchscreen
  • Basic gamepad when both controllers are attached/detached
  • Rumble
  • Legion L+X to change perf modes
  • Sound + volume control
kawazoe / force-reload.js
Last active February 1, 2024 06:50
Auto refresh page on manifest.json change. iOS offline PWA hack to handle auto updates.
// ------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT -------------------------------------------
// This is a development file to be minified using and inlined in
// the index.html file. This file is not compiled or processed by webpack so it should be treated as
// low-level precompiled es5-compatible javascript. The code here is not meant to be clean, it's
// meant to be as light and fast as possible since it runs in the head tag.
// HACK: This file a hack to ensure that home-screen apps on mobile devices gets refreshed when they
// start. It works by forcing a load of the service-worker.js file and use the precache-manifest
// file name as an application version, just like a desktop browser like chrome would do. When
// when it detects a change in the application version, it reloads the page and bypass the browser's

Assume concat is some function sticking two strings together, and uppercase is... well:

Haskell (argument application):

> let a |> f = f a

> "def"
    |> (\x -> concat "abc" x)
 |> uppercase -- (\x -> uppercase x) if you want to be explicit.
creationix / shed.scad
Last active September 16, 2024 14:28
Shed design. Open in OpenScad to view 3d model.
windows = false; // show windows
stuff = false; // Show bikes, table, mower
l = 32; // Length of building in feet (16, 20, 24, 28, 32, ...)
h = 8*12-4.5+.5;
rl=6*12+1.375+.1; // cut to 73.5" long with 22.5 degree angles
tl = 68.7; // Used to tweak headers on top walls
// 2x6 concrete forms for foundation
// 10" wide grid
dansilivestru / .bithoundrc
Last active March 25, 2019 12:23
default .bithoundrc file for ignoring project files (modify as needed and commit to the root of your project)
"ignore": [
morganherlocker /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
voxel osm vector tile algo

This is a rough spec for an implementation of a realtime virtual world using OpenStreetMap data and voxel.js. The basic idea is to encode feature data pulled from Mapbox vector tiles as overzoomed tiles, which can be represented as voxels. This allows for easy scalability, since it utilizes existing algorithms and architecture.

The initial implementation is going on here.


  • 1 voxel = 1 tile at zoom 17 = 1.1943 sq meters
  • the world is a 33,554,432 x 33,554,432 voxel grid
  • assume that a server is serving up vector tile pbfs at z15 (, local, etc.)
  • vector tiles are loaded at zoom 15 and geometry is encoded as 4096x4096 pixel coordinates, which is equivalent to tiles at zoom 24
tmpvar / offset-minkowski-surface-nets.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
offsetting adventures (run these with beefy!)
var Polygon = require('polygon');
var fc = require('fc');
var Vec2 = require('vec2');
var ndarray = require('ndarray');
var sn = require('surface-nets');
var cwise = require('cwise');
var fill = require('ndarray-fill');
var poly = new Polygon([
ajfisher /
Last active April 21, 2022 23:57
WiFi your nodebot

Taking your nodebot wifi

Controlling your nodebot using a USB cable is great and all, and obviously you could shell out and grab a sparkcore or some other dedicated controller but what if you've got a standard arduino and you want to take an existing nodebot wireless?

Bluetooth is an option and there's this excellent JohnnyFive wiki entry that will help you there. Bluetooth can be a bit flaky though and it's range is pretty lousy. You can also look at things like XBees and what not using point to point serial, but these are expensive and very fiddly to get working.

Really, what we want is a method of transferring data over a nice, simple, standard method, requiring little configuration, low cost and we can utilise a whole stack of the code we've already produced.

Enter the WiFi232 module. These little beauties are [available from AliExpress for $12 each](

ajfisher / firmatatest.js
Last active December 22, 2019 08:15
Serial comms over hardware UART for Johnny-Five between Arduino and a Raspberry Pi
var firmata = require('firmata');
var repl = require('repl');
var board = new firmata.Board('/dev/ttyAMA0',function(err){
//arduino is ready to communicate
if (err) {
console.log("err:" + err);
console.log("Firmata Firing LEDs");
valueof / user.behaviors.clj
Last active January 4, 2016 18:49
LightTable Configuration
{:+ {
;; The app tag is kind of like global scope. You assign behaviors that affect
;; all of Light Table here
:app [( "light")]
;; The editor tag is applied to all editors
:editor [:lt.objs.editor/no-wrap
( "solarized-light")