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Burnout Paradise Remastered - Guide for ProtonDB

Burnout Paradise Remastered - Guide for ProtonDB

Feel free to add your own experiences in the comments!

Origin is being Origin, but that doesn't stop us! We'll need to do a few things to get Burnout Paradise working. This mostly boils down to Running the game using GE-Proton, disabling Origin ingame overlay, setting the -skipvideos argument, and using a savegame which skips the intro video.

0. Assumptions

  • This guide was written on EndeavourOS, but later tested to also work on Linux Mint.

  • The game is owned on and installed through Steam, It was not tested with a non-steam installation of Origin, but I assume it would work with some minor tweaks, such as changing the APP ID when selecting the compatdata environment.

  • Steams choice of Origin launcher was used.

  • We assume a clean work environment. If you made any modifications to the game directory or have any old Burnout Paradise compatdata directories, then please remove them. Please do make sure not to delete the wrong directories.

1. Downloading GE-Proton and BP Remastered

  1. Download the newest GE-Proton, possibly by using ProtonUp-QT. Don't forget to restart Steam.

  2. In steam: Download Burnout Paradise Remastered, right-click and go to "Properties->COMPATABILITY" and choose to force GE-Proton.

  3. In steam: Start the game once, it will most likely get stuck in a black screen, wait some seconds and then force close it.

2. Fixing overlay

  1. In Steam: Go to "Games->Add a non-steam game...", choose all files instead of only .desktop, and navigate to /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Origin/Origin.exe. Using $USER should work, but if in doubt then write in your own username.

  2. In Steam: Right-click the new Origin "game" and go to "Properties->SHORTCUT->LAUNCH OPTIONS" where you must paste STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080" %command%.

  3. In Steam: Right-click the new Origin "game" and go to "Properties->COMPATABILITY" and force Proton Experimental.

  4. In Steam: Launch the new Origin "game", and login to your EA account.

  5. In Origin: Go to "Origin->Application Settings->ORIGIN IN-GAME" and disable "Enable Origin In-Game".

  6. In Origin: You can now close Origin by going to "Origin->Exit".

3. Setting -skipvideos launch argument

There are two ways to add -skipvideos, either inside or outside of Origin. Either one might work.

Inside Origin:

  1. In Steam: Launch the new Origin "game", and login to your EA account.

  2. In Origin: Go to "My Game Library->Burnout Paradise Remastered" and click on the "cogwheel->Game Properties->ADVANCED LAUNCH OPTIONS" and add -skipvideos to the command line arguments. Don't forget to click "save".

  3. In Origin: You can now close Origin by going to "Origin->Exit".

Outside of Origin:

Thank you for the discovery, Jademalo.

  1. Open the file /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Origin/local_xxxxxx.xml, where xxxxxx is a semi-random string of numbers.

  2. Add the following string on line 14, righ above HotKeyString:

  <Setting key="GameCommandLineArguments" type="10" value="#//Origin.OFR.50.0002541_-skipvideos"/>
  1. Save and exit the file.

4. Skipping intro video

This will only have to be done once, as Steam will sync your savegames with future installations.

  1. Download the savegame. I'll try to add it to the gist, but alternatively download from >noderunner_'s GDrive (shamelessly stolen from >noderunner_).

  2. Paste the savegame into /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/Criterion Games/Burnout Paradise Remastered/Save/.

5. Running the Burnout Paradise Remastered

We should be good to go now, so try firing it up the game in Steam. Hopefully it'll just work.

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dyoung418 commented Aug 15, 2022

Slightly easier way of getting -skipvideos where it needs to be;

Go into compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Origin/, and there should be a file local_xxxxxx.xml, with a string of numbers that I believe corresponds to your user ID.

Edit this file, and add

  <Setting key="GameCommandLineArguments" type="10" value="#//Origin.OFR.50.0002541_-skipvideos"/>

to line 14, directly above HotKeyString. This is where Origin saves it's launch args, so you can just edit it in manually there. This saves having to mess around launching origin with a different shortcut to set the arg.

When I follow the guide at the top of this post, the game properties that come up in Origin.exe do not have a tab for "Advanced Launch Options". I don't know why.
I have tried editing local_xxxxx.xml with the line given by @Jademalo above since I can't get to the Advance Launch Options, but adding this line doesn't work either.
Any ideas on why I can't see the advanced launch options where I can add -skipvideos?

I still haven't been able to see the "advanced launch options" in Origin, but the workaround of editing the local_xxxxx.xml file does now work for me after I pasted the savegame info (I was missing that step previously)

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gbdrbob commented Aug 15, 2022

When I follow the guide at the top of this post, the game properties that come up in Origin.exe do not have a tab for "Advanced Launch Options". I don't know why.

Did you add the STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH variable correctly (setp 2)? If you didn't Origin will run in a different prefix and won't be able to see the game is installed, the advanced launch options tab only appears on games Origin can see are installed.

If you've added burnout paradise as non-steam game (e.g because you only own it on origin, not on steam) the appid (folder name in compatdata) will be different.

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I did the XML edit above and placed the save game file, it gets to the Burnout Paradise loading screen and then just exits.

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I did everything as instructed, and it still does not work in Linux mint, I'm going to get some rest and try again in the morning, however the fact that I couldn't get this working in one evening I'm a busy day should not be happening, a game in which you purchase should be able to be utilized in all systems correct? The only limit should be physical hardware limitation of the inability to play the game. I'm sorry if that sounds rude but I'm too tired too care about me being rational at this point. My only request is, even though I followed all the advice there and got into the advance origin settings and even added that special flag to burn out paradise, is there any other methods I could use to get it functioning? Like an older version of proton GE or something of that sort? Because burnout Paradise was my childhood on Xbox 360 and I would like to play it on PC using a Wii U Pro controller in Linux. XD.

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Decclo commented Aug 28, 2022


Well, the version we're running here is made for Windows specifically. While Wine, Valve, and many others are building and improving Linux/Windows compatibility layers and the community has managed to get Burnout Paradise Remsatered to run on Linux, it was never really meant to.

If you think that's stupid, then feel free to go lay a complaint/suggestion at EA's place, we others already have (or at least some of us).

I had some time, so I tried booting up a fresh install of Mint and ran through the instructions that I provided, which worked fine. It did also give me some time to reflect on my instructions and hopefully improve them.

I also tried using @Jademalo 's -skipvideos alternative fix, but couldn't get it to work, though I see that others have found it to work better than the original fix. I'll add it for easier visibility.

I sadly don't know how to fix your issue. I got it working on Mint with GE-Proton7-30, with the only other tasks being to update the system and install the Nvidia dedicated driver. You could potentially delete your Burnout Paradise compatdata directory (The one located at /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080, do not delete the entire compatdata directory!) and try to do the Origin fix again. Using an old 'contaminated' proton environment can potentially screw this up, so having a clean environment is always nice.

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Okay, I'll try it in a little bit, I have to watch kids so i can't perpetually be on the computer, I'll end up trying that solution in a couple of hours maybe.

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I did the XML edit above and placed the save game file, it gets to the Burnout Paradise loading screen and then just exits.

same here

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I also tried using @Jademalo 's -skipvideos alternative fix, but couldn't get it to work, though I see that others have found it to work better than the original fix. I'll add it for easier visibility.

For reference on where my fix comes from, I set the command arg and then checked to see what had changed in the prefix. That line being added to that file was the change. I tested deleting and re-adding it manually, and it seemed to work fine.

My fix should work for everyone who has it installed via steam directly, since Origin.OFR.50.000254 is the ID for the steam version of BPR.

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so, I have done everything and still it crashes. it gets to the initial loading screen and then about 30 seconds or so into loading it crashes. I am on LM21.

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Boyeen commented Sep 12, 2022

Fantastic... I've been trying to get this to work for days. Worked perfectly for me, first time. Great work, thanks.

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Did anyone get multiplayer working?

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so, I have done everything and still it crashes. it gets to the initial loading screen and then about 30 seconds or so into loading it crashes. I am on LM21.

@FoxbitDreamtail did you managed to fix it? I'm having the same problem on the Steam Deck.

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so, I have done everything and still it crashes. it gets to the initial loading screen and then about 30 seconds or so into loading it crashes. I am on LM21.

@FoxbitDreamtail did you managed to fix it? I'm having the same problem on the Steam Deck.

No, I didn't figure out a way to fix it, mostly because my PC decided to reject my Nvidia driver, and completely crash the xinput system on boot. So now I'm trying to fix that, the steam deck has all AMD hardware, my hardware is not a representation of a steam deck. I'm not the only one who wishes that this game would just function on Linux right?

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KeepBotting commented Oct 2, 2022

I was crashing on/after the initial loading screen as well. I relaunched the game after doing every step so I'm fairly certain disabling Origin In-Game is what allowed me to get past that particular symptom. I'm on Steam Deck.

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I'm curious, does arch have something in which we Debian users don't have?

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so, I have done everything and still it crashes. it gets to the initial loading screen and then about 30 seconds or so into loading it crashes. I am on LM21.

@FoxbitDreamtail did you managed to fix it? I'm having the same problem on the Steam Deck.

Fortunately the problem was fixed, but unfortunately, I don't know what I did that solved it. The only thing I can think of was a full system reboot. Right after I finished following the steps from the tutorial, the game force closed in first the loading screen. Some days after I opened the game again to show a friend the problem and it just worked.

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Fortunately the problem was fixed, but unfortunately, I don't know what I did that solved it. The only thing I can think of was a full system reboot. Right after I finished following the steps from the tutorial, the game force closed in first the loading screen. Some days after I opened the game again to show a friend the problem and it just worked.

As for me, I reached a tiny bit of progress, the game now launches and doesn't crash but it hangs on a black screen after the initial loading.

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Synthesthesia commented Oct 30, 2022

I just get a blue rectangle when I try to launch, and no origin folder is in my program files (x86) folder. Any ideas what I can do? Thanks.

Fixed it myself by manually downloading origin, installing it and moving it to the correct folder. Hopefully that helps anyone else trying to do it.

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EA has a new launcher. This is the result... :(

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Unless steam comes up with some way of either bypassing the launcher or another means of getting the game working, it's hopeless.

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gbdrbob commented Nov 1, 2022

The new EA Launcher can work. I only own Burnout Paradise Remastered via EA (i.e it's not in my Steam Library) and have it working.

I needed to install some dependencies into the proton prefix to get up and running. Take a look at this guide and try using protontricks to install the dependencies it reccomends.

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Seemingly this comes up if Steam isnt linked to EA account on the web (Thats what the windiow is trying to ask)

Linking it on the EA account online should get you past this

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Decclo commented Nov 1, 2022

That's good to know. I'll update the instructions as soon as I get time to try it out.

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tembrewn commented Nov 7, 2022

Any idea on if this type of fix works now that Origin has been replaced? I've tried replicating this with the EADesktop.exe files that Steam now installs instead of Origin , as non-steam games added into Steam with both GE-Proton and the new experimental Proton build which supposedly fixed the issues with the new EA app, it does open an EA window but it just says there's an unresolvable error and prompts you to restart the app, which also does nothing.

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in the new app there is no way to setup launcher arguments, and the xml file is no longer created so I can't find anyway to fix this...

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gbdrbob commented Nov 21, 2022

in the new app there is no way to setup launcher arguments,

That is not correct, at least for installs via the non-steam EA App version of the game. As per my first post upthread

set -skipvideos as an "Advanced Launch option" in the game properties window (My Collection->Ellipsis menu on the Burnout Paradise tile->"View Properties")

If you have the steam version you may be able to get it to work by launching just the EA app within the game's proton prefix, as per step 2 in the guide above, except the exe you'll want to launch as a non-steam game will probably be: /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe

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I tried that but I can't find were to set the options, the three buttons ellipsis doesn't have view properties




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gbdrbob commented Nov 21, 2022

Well, shit. It seems the properties menu is locked out when the licence for the game comes from steam. This is what I see, with access to the game via EA Play:



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gbdrbob commented Nov 21, 2022

OK, Using Process Monitor on Windows I was able to find where the EA App saves the launch options. It's in:

AppData\Local\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\user_**long unique id**.ini

for the steam version on a deck look in:

/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop

try adding this line to the ini file and it might enable skipping the launch videos:


Though it may not work if the steam version has a different ID internally within the EA app, if the ID is different you may be able to find what it is within the EADesktop.log file in AppData/Local/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/Logs

EDIT: Just found this reddit post which states that the Steam version game ID is Origin.OFR.50.0002541, however even with the correct ID, the EA App ignores launch settings in the ini file for steam games :-(

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gbdrbob commented Nov 21, 2022

One final idea. Apparently launch options was not originally a feature in the EA App. This post on the EA forums details how people worked round that issue on Windows. You'll need access to a windows PC for the iexpress.exe needed to convert a batch file to an exe, but in theory it should work, unless the passing of command line options is completely broken under Proton.

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Odd, I just confirmed on windows -skipvideos as a steam launch argument works...

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Weird, still not working here as a Steam launch argument. About to try the ini edit

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parkerlreed commented Nov 21, 2022

I do NOT have an EA Launcher in Local but do have a Origin under Roaming...


Maybe this is from them switching back? (I never loaded the game when the EA Launcher was pushed)

EDIT: Okay I'm out of ideas... Mine's still using Origin and crashes shortly into the loading screen of the game.

I have NO user*ini file

(deck@steamdeck ~)$ find /home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1238080/pfx/drive_c/ -name "user*ini"
(deck@steamdeck ~)$ 

EDIT2: Forgot Origin's was an XML file. Will retry the edits.


EDIT3: Already had the file edited so I'm crashing with the -skipvideos (assuming that's working)

  <Setting key="GameCommandLineArguments" type="10" value="#//Origin.OFR.50.0002541_-skipvideos"/>

EDIT4: Wiped the compatdata and NOW it's using EA App. Go figure. Will update if anything changes.

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Fresh compatdata, new launcher. Doesn't crash but stays on black with white cursor with and without -skipvideos in the Steam launch args.

Confirmed -skipvideos as a launch arg is not making it to the exe as far as I can tell

deck       31679  0.1  0.0  27160  4680 ?        Ss   13:48   0:00 /usr/lib/pressure-vessel/from-host/bin/pressure-vessel-adverb --generate-locales --fd 23 /run/pressure-vessel/ldso /usr/lib/pressure-vessel/overrides/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/pressure-vessel/overrides/lib/i386-linux-gnu --set-ld-library-path /usr/lib/pressure-vessel/overrides/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/aliases:/usr/lib/pressure-vessel/overrides/lib/i386-linux-gnu/aliases --exit-with-parent --subreaper --shell=none --terminal=none --ld-preload=/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/ --ld-preload=/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/ -- /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier/pressure-vessel/bin/steam-runtime-launcher-interface-0 container-runtime /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/proton waitforexitandrun link2ea://launchgame/1238080?platform=steam&theme=bprm -skipvideos
deck       31703  0.3  0.1  44260 19076 ?        S    13:48   0:00 python3 /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/proton waitforexitandrun link2ea://launchgame/1238080?platform=steam&theme=bprm -skipvideos
deck       31709 17.3  0.1  47084 20540 ?        Rs   13:48   0:06 /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/bin/wineserver
deck       33104  0.0  0.0   6564  2488 pts/1    S+   13:49   0:00 grep --color=auto -i proton
(deck@steamdeck ~)$ ps aux | grep -i burn
deck       32861  3.7  1.1 2911888 169760 ?      Sl   13:48   0:02 C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\EA Desktop\EASteamProxy.exe Z:\home\deck\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\BurnoutPR\BurnoutPR.exe?
deck       32951  116 13.8 3381568 2096376 ?     Rl   13:48   1:06 Z:\home\deck\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\BurnoutPR\BurnoutPR.exe

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parkerlreed commented Nov 21, 2022

The ID IS different but still doesn't work with the newer ID



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yeah I'm on the same boat, at this point I may try to install mfplat to see if it fixes video playback instead

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gbdrbob commented Nov 23, 2022

Odd, I just confirmed on windows -skipvideos as a steam launch argument works...

Are you sure about that? On my Windows 10 system if I add the non-steam version to Steam, setting -skipvideos as a launch option in the Steam shortcut properties doesn't work; i.e I can only get -skipvideos to work by setting it as a launch option within the EA App.

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andres-asm commented Nov 23, 2022

yup 100% on the steam versions
that's the thing, you get a "manage on steam" thing instead of the properties, and it works


This is enough on the steam version while running under windows

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yeah this sucks a lot. I tried installing origin separately but since the game is from steam, when I click download on origin steam opens and installs the Ea Launcher. Looks like there's really nothing we can do about it, unless there is a way to inject the argument when the process starts :(.

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I just get a blue rectangle when I try to launch, and no origin folder is in my program files (x86) folder. Any ideas what I can do? Thanks. 44785B9E-6279-4362-BBCE-A510E509DCD6

Fixed it myself by manually downloading origin, installing it and moving it to the correct folder. Hopefully that helps anyone else trying to do it.

I can confirm that this works for me as well

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it works to install the game.
does it work to play?

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EDIT: Just found this reddit post which states that the Steam version game ID is Origin.OFR.50.0002541, however even with the correct ID, the EA App ignores launch settings in the ini file for steam games :-(

Oh hey...that was me...

One final idea. Apparently launch options was not originally a feature in the EA App. This post on the EA forums details how people worked round that issue on Windows. You'll need access to a windows PC for the iexpress.exe needed to convert a batch file to an exe, but in theory it should work, unless the passing of command line options is completely broken under Proton.

The process detailed at the link worked for me (finally!!), just did it on my Windows box and scp'd over to the deck, renaming BurnoutPR.exe first of course. I used the following inside the batch file:

start E:\steamapps\common\BurnoutPR\BurnoutPR.orig.exe -skipvideos

Dunno how different the path is between installing the game on internal storage vs the SD card (I used the latter), and probably entirely different for Proton on Linux users. But it does appear that passing command line options is specifically broken for the EA app on Proton, and not in general. WTG EA...

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Get exe files.
install note

  1. re name file on your Steam deck : BurnoutPR.exe -> BurnoutPR.orig.exe
  2. copy BurnoutPR.exe same folder.
  3. Finish!! fun play!

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This post on the EA forums

Ok guys so... I did it. It works on the steamdeck right now. I followed the suggested guide for the forum link but with a twist. I don't know if the exe from kyudongkim works since I try not to download random exes, but I will tell you how I did it for my steam deck. You'll have to use windows and do mostly the same steps, but with a few different details.

  1. You can make the .bat file in windows wherever you want but inside of it put:
    start Z:\home\deck\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\BurnoutPR\BurnoutPR.orig.exe -skipvideos
    That seems to be the location to access the game exe on the steam deck from within the proton virtual folders. You can check it yourself with protontricks and browse folders, but you also have to type .local in the explorer path since it's hidden by default and I didn't find a way to show hidden folders.
  2. Follow the forum post and make your own exe file. You should have now a exe file called "BurnoutPR.exe"
  3. Copy that exe in your burnout folder from the steam deck and make sure the original exe is named BurnoutPR.orig.exe otherwise it won't work
  4. Enjoy the game!

Not sure if it matters but I use GE proton for the game and Proton experimental for the EA App. I also disabled the overlay in the EA app. And I also used the save game provided in this post. Hope that helps!

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lolgzs commented Jan 22, 2023

Thanks, works on the deck ! As I don't have windows I've managed to build an BurnoutPR.exe from the .bat file using wine and a bat to exe converter (several exist on github). Here's the BurnoutPR.exe that I use :

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